Nursing Assessment: Endocrine System

Chapter 48

Nursing Assessment

Endocrine System

Susan C. Landis

Reviewed by Saundra J. Hendricks, RN, MS, FNP, BC-ADM, Endocrine Nurses Society, Former President, The Methodist Hospital, Department of Medicine, Houston, Texas; Beth Lucasey, RN, MA, Endocrine Nurses Society Board Member, VP Marketing and Communication, TVAX Biomedical, Kansas City, Missouri; Barbara Lukert, MD, Endocrine Nurses Society Advisor, Endocrinologist, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas; and Teresa J. Seright, RN, PhD, CCRN, Assistant Professor of Nursing, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.

Structures and Functions of Endocrine System


Endocrine glands include the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, testes, and pineal gland (Fig. 48-1). Exocrine glands are not part of the endocrine system. They secrete their substances into ducts that then empty into a body cavity or onto a surface. For example, salivary glands produce saliva, which is secreted through salivary ducts into the mouth.


Hormones are chemical substances produced in the body that control and regulate the activity of certain target cells or organs. Many are produced in one part of the body and control and regulate the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body.

Endocrine glands produce and secrete hormones that travel to affect their specific target tissues. For example, the thyroid gland synthesizes the hormone thyroxine, which affects all body tissues. Some hormones are released directly into the circulation, whereas others may act locally on cells where they are released and never enter the bloodstream. This local effect is called paracrine action. The action of sex steroids on the ovary is an example of paracrine action.

Most hormones have common characteristics, including (1) secretion in small amounts at variable but predictable rates; (2) regulation by feedback systems; and (3) binding to specific target cell receptors. Table 48-1 summarizes the major hormones, glands or tissues from which they are synthesized, target organs or tissues, and functions.

TABLE 48-1


Hormones Target Tissue Functions
Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis)
Growth hormone (GH), or somatotropin All body cells Promotes protein anabolism (growth, tissue repair) and lipid mobilization and catabolism.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), or thyrotropin Thyroid gland Stimulates synthesis and release of thyroid hormones, growth and function of thyroid gland.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Adrenal cortex Fosters growth of adrenal cortex. Stimulates secretion of corticosteroids.
Gonadotropic hormones

Reproductive organs Stimulate sex hormone secretion, reproductive organ growth, reproductive processes.
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) Melanocytes in skin Increases melanin production in melanocytes to make skin darker.
Prolactin Ovary and mammary glands in women
Testes in men
Stimulates milk production in lactating women. Increases response of follicles to LH and FSH. Stimulates testicular function in men.
Posterior Pituitary (Neurohypophysis)
Oxytocin Uterus, mammary glands Stimulates milk secretion, uterine contractility.
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or vasopressin Renal tubules, vascular smooth muscle Promotes reabsorption of water, vasoconstriction.
Thyroxine (T4) All body tissues Precursor to T3.
Triiodothyronine (T3) All body tissues Regulates metabolic rate of all cells and processes of cell growth and tissue differentiation.
Calcitonin Bone tissue Regulates calcium and phosphorus blood levels. Decreases serum Ca2+ levels.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), or parathormone Bone, intestine, kidneys Regulates calcium and phosphorus blood levels. Promotes bone demineralization and increases intestinal absorption of Ca2+. Increases serum Ca2+ levels.
Adrenal Medulla
Epinephrine (adrenaline) Sympathetic effectors Increases in response to stress. Enhances and prolongs effects of sympathetic nervous system.
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) Sympathetic effectors Increases in response to stress. Enhances and prolongs effects of sympathetic nervous system.
Adrenal Cortex
Corticosteroids (e.g., cortisol, hydrocortisone) All body tissues Promote metabolism. Increased in response to stress. Antiinflammatory.
Androgens (e.g., DHEA, androsterone) and estradiol Reproductive organs Promote growth spurt in adolescence, secondary sex characteristics, and libido in both sexes.
Mineralocorticoids (e.g., aldosterone) Kidney Regulate sodium and potassium balance and thus water balance.
Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans)
Insulin (from β cells) General Promotes movement of glucose out of blood and into cells.
Amylin (from β cells) Liver, stomach Decreases gastric motility, glucagon secretion, and endogenous glucose release from liver. Increases satiety.
Glucagon (from α-cells) General Stimulates glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.
Somatostatin Pancreas Inhibits insulin and glucagon secretion.
Pancreatic polypeptide General Influences regulation of pancreatic exocrine function and metabolism of absorbed nutrients.
Women: Ovaries
Estrogen Reproductive system, breasts Stimulates development of secondary sex characteristics, preparation of uterus for fertilization and fetal development. Stimulates bone growth.
Progesterone Reproductive system Maintains lining of uterus necessary for successful pregnancy.
Men: Testes
Testosterone Reproductive system Stimulates development of secondary sex characteristics, spermatogenesis.


DHEA, Dehydroepiandrosterone.

*In men, sometimes referred to as interstitial cell–stimulating hormone (ICSH).

In addition to important physiologic activities, hormones help regulate the nervous system. For example, catecholamines are hormones when they are secreted by the adrenal medulla, but act as neurotransmitters when secreted by nerve cells in the brain and peripheral nervous system. When epinephrine, a catecholamine, travels through the blood, it is a hormone and affects target tissues. When it travels across synaptic junctions, it acts as a neurotransmitter.1

In addition to the endocrine glands, other body organs may secrete hormones. For example, the kidneys secrete erythropoietin, the heart secretes atrial natriuretic peptide, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract secretes numerous peptide hormones (e.g., gastrin). These hormones are discussed in their respective assessment chapters.

Lipid-Soluble and Water-Soluble Hormones.

Hormones are classified by their chemical structure as either lipid soluble or water soluble. The differences in solubility become important in understanding how the hormone interacts with the target cell.

Lipid-soluble hormones are synthesized from cholesterol and are produced by the adrenal cortex, sex glands, and thyroid.2 Lipid-soluble hormones (steroids, thyroid) are relatively small molecules that cross the target cell membrane by simple diffusion. Steroid and thyroid hormone receptors are located inside the cell (Fig. 48-3). Lipid-soluble hormones are bound to plasma proteins for transport in the blood. Although lipid-soluble hormones are inactive when bound to plasma proteins, they can be released when appropriate and immediately exert their action at the target tissue.

Water-soluble hormones (insulin, growth hormone [GH], and prolactin) have receptors on or in the cell membrane.3 Water-soluble hormones circulate freely in the blood to their target tissues, where they act. Water-soluble hormones are not dependent on plasma proteins for transport (see Fig. 48-3).

Regulation of Hormonal Secretion.

The regulation of endocrine activity is controlled by specific mechanisms of varying levels of complexity. These mechanisms stimulate or inhibit hormone synthesis and secretion and include feedback, nervous system control, and physiologic rhythms.

Simple Feedback.

Negative feedback relies on the blood level of a hormone or other chemical compound regulated by the hormone (e.g., glucose). It is the most common type of endocrine feedback system and results in the gland increasing or decreasing the release of a hormone. Negative feedback is similar to the functioning of a thermostat in which cold air in a room activates the thermostat to release heat, and hot air signals the thermostat to prevent more warm air from entering the room.

The pattern of insulin secretion is a physiologic example of negative feedback between glucose and insulin. Elevated blood glucose levels stimulate the secretion of insulin from the pancreas (see eFig. 48-1 available on the website for this chapter). As blood glucose levels decrease, the stimulus for insulin secretion also decreases. The homeostatic mechanism is considered negative feedback because it reverses the change in blood glucose level. Another example of negative feedback is the relationship between calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH). Low blood levels of calcium stimulate the parathyroid gland to release PTH, which acts on bone, the intestine, and the kidneys to increase blood calcium levels. The increased blood calcium level then inhibits further PTH release (Fig. 48-4).

Positive feedback is also used to regulate hormone synthesis and release. The female ovarian hormone estradiol operates by this type of feedback. Increased levels of estradiol produced by the follicle during the menstrual cycle result in increased production and release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by the anterior pituitary. FSH causes further increases in estradiol until the death of the follicle. This results in a drop of FSH serum levels. Thus with this type of feedback, rising hormone levels cause another gland to release a hormone that then stimulates further release of the first hormone. A mechanism for shutting off release of the first hormone (e.g., follicle death) is required or it will continue to be released.


Although the pituitary gland has been referred to as the “master gland,” most of its functions rely on its interrelationship with the hypothalamus. Two important groups of hormones from the hypothalamus are releasing hormones and inhibiting hormones. The function of these hormones is to either stimulate the release or inhibit the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary (Table 48-2).

The hypothalamus also contains neurons, which receive input from the CNS, including the brainstem, limbic system, and cerebral cortex. Neurons from the hypothalamus create a circuit to facilitate coordination of the endocrine system and autonomic nervous system (ANS). In addition, the hypothalamus coordinates the expression of complex behavioral responses, such as anger, fear, and pleasure.


The pituitary gland (hypophysis) is located in the sella turcica under the hypothalamus at the base of the brain above the sphenoid bone (see Fig. 48-1). The pituitary is connected to the hypothalamus by the infundibular (hypophyseal) stalk. This stalk relays information between the hypothalamus and the pituitary. The pituitary consists of two major parts, the anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) and the posterior lobe (neurohypophysis). A smaller intermediate lobe produces melanocyte-stimulating hormone.

Anterior Pituitary.

The anterior lobe accounts for 80% of the gland by weight and is regulated by the hypothalamus through releasing and inhibiting hormones. These hypothalamic hormones reach the anterior pituitary through a network of capillaries known as the hypothalamus-hypophyseal portal system. The releasing and inhibiting hormones in turn affect the secretion of six hormones from the anterior pituitary (Fig. 48-6).

Several hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary are referred to as tropic hormones. These are hormones that control the secretion of hormones by other glands. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormones. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete corticosteroids. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates secretion of estrogen and the development of ova in women and sperm in men. Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates ovulation in women and secretion of sex hormones in both men and women. In men LH is sometimes referred to as interstitial cell–stimulating hormone (ICSH).

Growth hormone (GH) affects the growth and development of all body tissues. It also has numerous biologic actions, including a role in protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. Prolactin stimulates breast development necessary for lactation after childbirth. Prolactin is also referred to as a lactogenic hormone.

Posterior Pituitary.

The posterior pituitary is composed of nerve tissue and is essentially an extension of the hypothalamus. Communication between the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary occurs through nerve tracts known as the median eminence. The hormones secreted by the posterior pituitary, antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin, are actually produced in the hypothalamus. These hormones travel down the nerve tracts from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary and are stored until their release is triggered by the appropriate stimuli (see Fig. 48-6).

The major physiologic role of ADH (also called arginine vasopressin) is regulation of fluid volume by stimulating reabsorption of water in the renal tubules. ADH is also a potent vasoconstrictor. ADH secretion is stimulated by plasma osmolality (a measure of solute concentration of circulating blood) and hypovolemia (Fig. 48-7). Plasma osmolality increases when there is a decrease in ECF or an increase in solute concentration. The increased plasma osmolality activates osmoreceptors, which are extremely sensitive, specialized neurons in the hypothalamus. These activated osmoreceptors stimulate ADH release. Volume receptors in large veins, heart atria, and carotid arteries that sense pressure changes also contribute to ADH control. When ADH is released, the renal tubules reabsorb water and the urine becomes more concentrated. When ADH release is inhibited, renal tubules do not reabsorb water, resulting in a more dilute urine excretion.

Oxytocin stimulates ejection of milk into mammary ducts during lactation and contraction of the uterus; it may also affect sperm motility. Oxytocin secretion is increased by stimulation of touch receptors in the nipples of lactating women and vaginal pressure receptors during childbirth.

Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is located in the anterior portion of the neck in front of the trachea. It consists of two encapsulated lateral lobes connected by a narrow isthmus (Fig. 48-8). The thyroid gland is a highly vascular organ, and its size is regulated by TSH from the anterior pituitary. The three hormones produced and secreted by the thyroid gland are thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin.

Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine.

Thyroxine (T4) accounts for 90% of thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland. However, triiodothyronine (T3) is much more potent and has greater metabolic effects. About 20% of circulating T3 is secreted directly by the thyroid gland, and the remainder is obtained by peripheral conversion of T4. Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of both T3 and T4. These two hormones affect metabolic rate, caloric requirements, oxygen consumption, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, growth and development, brain function, and other nervous system activities. More than 99% of thyroid hormones are bound to plasma proteins, especially thyroxine-binding globulin synthesized by the liver. Only the unbound “free” hormones are biologically active.

Thyroid hormone production and release is stimulated by TSH from the anterior pituitary gland. When circulating levels of thyroid hormone are low, the hypothalamus releases thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), which in turn causes the anterior pituitary to release TSH. High circulating thyroid hormone levels inhibit the secretion of both TRH from the hypothalamus and TSH from the anterior pituitary gland.

Parathyroid Glands

Two pairs of parathyroid glands are usually arranged behind each thyroid lobe (see Fig. 48-8). Although there are usually four glands, their number may range from two to six.

Parathyroid Hormone.

The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH), also called parathormone. Its major role is to regulate the blood level of calcium. PTH acts on bone, the kidneys, and indirectly on the GI tract. PTH stimulates the transfer of calcium from the bone into the blood and inhibits bone formation, resulting in increased serum calcium and phosphate. In the kidney, PTH increases calcium reabsorption and phosphate excretion. In addition, PTH stimulates the renal conversion of vitamin D to its most active form (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3). This active vitamin D promotes absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the GI tract, which ultimately increases bone mineralization. The secretion of PTH is directly regulated by a feedback system. When the serum calcium level is low, PTH secretion increases. When the serum calcium level rises, PTH secretion falls. In addition, high levels of active vitamin D inhibit PTH, and low levels of magnesium stimulate PTH secretion.

Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are small, paired, highly vascularized glands located on the upper portion of each kidney. Each gland consists of two parts, the medulla and the cortex (Fig. 48-9). Each part has distinct functions, and the glands act independently from one another.

Adrenal Cortex.

The adrenal cortex is the outer part of the adrenal gland. It secretes several steroid hormones, including glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens. Cholesterol is the precursor for steroid hormone synthesis. Glucocorticoids (e.g., cortisol) are named for their effects on glucose metabolism. Mineralocorticoids (e.g., aldosterone) are essential for the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance. The term corticosteroid refers to hormones synthesized by the adrenal cortex excluding androgens.


Cortisol, the most abundant and potent glucocorticoid, is necessary to maintain life and protect the body from stress. Cortisol is secreted in a diurnal pattern (see Fig. 48-5). The major control of cortisol is through a negative feedback mechanism that involves the secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from the hypothalamus. CRH stimulates the secretion of ACTH by the anterior pituitary.

One major function of cortisol is the regulation of blood glucose concentration through stimulation of hepatic glucose formation (gluconeogenesis). Cortisol decreases peripheral glucose use in the fasting state, inhibits protein synthesis, and stimulates the mobilization of glycerol and free fatty acids. Cortisol also helps maintain vascular integrity and fluid volume through its action on mineralocorticoid receptors. Cortisol levels are increased by stress, burns, infection, fever, acute anxiety, and hypoglycemia.

Glucocorticoids inhibit the inflammatory response and are considered antiinflammatory. Cortisol decreases the inflammatory response by stabilizing the membranes of cellular lysosomes and preventing increased capillary permeability. The lysosomal stabilization reduces the release of proteolytic enzymes and thereby their destructive effects on surrounding tissue. Cortisol can also inhibit production of prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes (see Chapter 12, Fig. 12-2) and alter the cell-mediated immune response.


The pancreas is a long, tapered, lobular, soft gland located behind the stomach and anterior to the first and second lumbar vertebrae. The pancreas has both exocrine and endocrine functions. The hormone-secreting portion of the pancreas is referred to as the islets of Langerhans. The islets account for less than 2% of the gland and consist of four types of hormone-secreting cells: α, β, delta, and F cells. α Cells produce and secrete the hormone glucagon. Insulin and amylin are produced and secreted by β cells. Somatostatin is produced and secreted by the delta cells. Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) is secreted by the F (or PP) cells.


Insulin is the principal regulator of metabolism and storage of ingested carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Insulin facilitates glucose transport across cell membranes in most tissues. However, the brain, nerves, lens of the eye, hepatocytes, erythrocytes, and cells in the intestinal mucosa and kidney tubules are not dependent on insulin for glucose uptake. An increased blood glucose level is the major stimulus for insulin synthesis and secretion. Other stimuli to insulin secretion are increased amino acid levels and vagal stimulation. Insulin secretion is usually inhibited by low blood glucose levels, glucagon, somatostatin, hypokalemia, and catecholamines.

A major effect of insulin on glucose metabolism occurs in the liver, where the hormone enhances glucose incorporation into glycogen and triglycerides by altering enzymatic activity and inhibiting gluconeogenesis. After a meal, insulin is responsible for the storage of nutrients (anabolism). Another major effect occurs in peripheral tissues, where insulin facilitates glucose transport into cells, transport of amino acids across muscle membranes and their synthesis into protein, and transport of triglycerides into adipose tissue.

Gerontologic Considerations

Effects of Aging on Endocrine System

Normal aging has many effects on the endocrine system (Table 48-3). These include (1) decreased hormone production and secretion, (2) altered hormone metabolism and biologic activity, (3) decreased responsiveness of target tissues to hormones, and (4) alterations in circadian rhythms.

TABLE 48-3

Endocrine System

Changes Clinical Significance
Atrophy of thyroid gland. TSH, T3, and T4 secretion are decreased. Increased nodules. Increased incidence of hypothyroidism with aging. However, most older adults maintain adequate thyroid function. Thyroid hormone replacement dose lower in older adults.
Increased secretion of PTH and increased basal level of PTH. Increased calcium resorption from bone. Hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria (may reflect defective renal mechanism).
Adrenal Cortex
Adrenal cortex becomes more fibrotic and slightly smaller. Decreased metabolism of cortisol. Decreased plasma levels of adrenal androgens and aldosterone. Decreased metabolic clearance rate for glucocorticoids.
Adrenal Medulla
Increased secretion and basal level of norepinephrine. No change in plasma epinephrine levels. Decreased responsiveness to β-adrenergic agonists and receptor blockers.
Decreased β-adrenergic receptor response to norepinephrine. May partly explain increased incidence of hypertension with aging.
Increase in fibrosis and fatty deposits in pancreas. Increased glucose intolerance and decreased sensitivity to insulin. May partly contribute to increased incidence of diabetes mellitus with advanced aging.
Women: Decline in estrogen secretion. Women experience symptoms associated with menopause and have increased risk for atherosclerosis and osteoporosis.
Men: Decline in testosterone secretion. Men may or may not experience symptoms.

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