Development Based on Content Analysis

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Development Based on Content Analysis

Content validity index (CVI) Not relevant Item need some revision Relevant but need minor revision Very relevant Not clear Item need some revision Clear but need minor revision Very clear…

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Research: Ethical Considerations

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Research: Ethical Considerations

Principle Content Honesty • A researcher must be honest in the proposing, planning, performing, and reporting of research • A researcher must honestly describe the research contribution and disclose any potential conflicts…

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Trustworthiness of Content Analysis

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Trustworthiness of Content Analysis

Fig. 5.1 A consistent research process supports dependability There are several ways through which a researcher can strengthen the dependability of their data analysis. These include independent coding-recoding, peer examination,…

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Self-Harm Teams and Crisis/Liaison Teams; What CAMH Nurses Bring to the Acute Moments in Young People’s Lives

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Self-Harm Teams and Crisis/Liaison Teams; What CAMH Nurses Bring to the Acute Moments in Young People’s Lives

Fig. 10.1 Notts Healthcare NHSFT Self-harm pathways (used with kind permission) Different CAMHS across the UK have different structures and teams, but often their services include CAMHS self-harm teams or CAMHS…

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12. Summary

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on 12. Summary

!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020Laurence Baldwin (ed.)Nursing Skills for Children and Young People’s Mental Health 12. Summary Laurence Baldwin1   (1) School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Coventry University, Coventry, Warwickshire, UK  …

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Children and Young People with Eating Problems and Disorders

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Children and Young People with Eating Problems and Disorders

!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020Laurence Baldwin (ed.)Nursing Skills for Children and Young People’s Mental Health 8. Helping Children and Young People with Eating Problems and Disorders Katrina Singhatey1   and Moira Goodman2   (1) Cognitive…

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