Nutrition for Older Adults

Nov 8, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Nutrition for Older Adults

Nutrition for Older Adults Unfolding Case Clara Wellington Clara, 74 years old, lives alone in her own home. A home health aide visits 2 hours per week to help Clara…

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Healthy Eating for Healthy Babies

Nov 8, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Healthy Eating for Healthy Babies

Healthy Eating for Healthy Babies Unfolding Case Rachel Stevens Rachel is 27 years old and was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) at age 18 years. She and her husband…

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Consumer Issues

Nov 8, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Consumer Issues

Consumer Issues Unfolding Case Paul Youngblood Paul is a 58-year-old single man with mild developmental and cognitive impairments who has lived with his mother for his entire life. He has…

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Guidelines for Healthy Eating

Nov 8, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Guidelines for Healthy Eating

Guidelines for Healthy Eating Unfolding Case Aurea Espada Aurea is 30 years old and has battled ulcerative colitis for more than 10 years. Medication helps keep her in remission, but…

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