Reproductive and sexual problems

Jun 7, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Reproductive and sexual problems

108Reproductive and sexual problems Figure 108.1 Issues of sexual identity Figure 108.2 Checking the testes Structural abnormalities At birth or in early childhood various anatomical abnormalities are evident within the…

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Brain injury and coma

Jun 7, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Brain injury and coma

92Brain injury and coma Fig 92.1 CT scan demonstrating Extradural Haematoma (EDH) The uncertainty that exists about potential prognosis following traumatic brain injury (TBI) is encapsulated in the Hippocratic aphorism:…

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Hyponatraemia and its prevention

Jun 7, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Hyponatraemia and its prevention

85Hyponatraemia and its prevention Figure 85.1 The effects of hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia on the cell Movement of body fluid and electrolytes Body fluids and associated electrolytes are in constant motion…

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