Child health promotion

Jun 7, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Child health promotion

64Child health promotion Figure 64.1 What is health promotion? Figure 64.2 Approaches to health promotion Figure 64.3 Promoting health to children What is child health promotion? ‘Health in childhood determines…

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Drug calculations

Jun 7, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Drug calculations

79Drug calculations Figure 79.1 Principles of drug calculations Numeracy It is vital that paediatric nurses have sound numeracy skills to assist them within a range of health care activities. One…

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Administering medication

Jun 7, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Administering medication

78Administering medication Figure 78.1 Medication procedure Contemporary issues The administration of medicines to children and young people is a complex procedure, not least because of the intricate weight related calculations,…

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Managing fluid balance

Jun 7, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Managing fluid balance

77Managing fluid balance Figure 77.1 Common causes of fluid imbalance Figure 77.2 What you need from your evaluation Distribution of body fluids Fluids are contained within a number of compartments…

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Childhood obesity

Jun 7, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Childhood obesity

119Childhood obesity Figure 119.1 Childhood obesity Position statement chilhood obesity (2012) Causes of childhood obesity Many children are overweight because they simply eat more calories than they need. Many foods…

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