Vitamins and Minerals
Chapter 40 Vitamins and Minerals 1 Specify the signs and symptoms of the various vitamin deficiencies and toxicities VITAMIN DEFICIENCY TOXICITY A Night blindness, scaly rash, xerophthalmia (dry eyes), Bitot…
General Surgery
Chapter 13 General Surgery 1 Define the acute abdomen. What physical examination signs suggest its presence? Acute abdomen generally refers to an inflamed peritoneum (peritonitis), which is often because of…
Preventive Medicine
Chapter 31 Preventive Medicine 1 Cover all but the left-hand column, and give the appropriate screening recommendations. Although other guidelines for cancer screening are in clinical use, the recommendations from…
Chapter 18 Hypertension 1 How often should you screen for hypertension? Although there is no absolutely correct answer, all people should be screened roughly every 2 years, starting at the…
Chapter 10 Endocrinology 1 What are the common symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism? Symptoms: Nervousness, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, heat intolerance, sweating, palpitations, tremors, weight loss with increased appetite, fatigue, weakness,…
Chapter 5 Cholesterol 1 When is cholesterol screening done? Although no protocol is universally accepted, measurement of total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol every 5 years once a person…
Chapter 30 Pharmacology 1 On the USMLE, bizarre, unique, and fatal side effects are tested as well as common side effects of common drugs. Cover the right-hand column and name…
Chapter 15 Geriatrics 1 What age group constitutes the most rapidly growing segment of the population? Persons older than 85 years of age. 2 True or false: An 80-year-old person…
Chapter 27 Ophthalmology 1 What is the hallmark of conjunctivitis? Hyperemia of the conjunctival vessels. 2 Distinguish among allergic, viral, and bacterial conjunctivitis in terms of signs and symptoms and…