Malpositions of the Occiput and Malpresentations

Jul 11, 2016 by in MIDWIFERY Comments Off on Malpositions of the Occiput and Malpresentations

Chapter 21 Malpositions of the Occiput and Malpresentations Occipitoposterior positions Occipitoposterior positions are the most common type of malposition of the occiput and occur in approximately 10% of labours. A…

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Common Medical Disorders Associated with Pregnancy

Jul 11, 2016 by in MIDWIFERY Comments Off on Common Medical Disorders Associated with Pregnancy

Chapter 13 Common Medical Disorders Associated with Pregnancy Cardiac disease In most pregnancies, heart disease is diagnosed before pregnancy. There is, however, a small but significant group of women who…

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Problems of Pregnancy

Jul 11, 2016 by in MIDWIFERY Comments Off on Problems of Pregnancy

Chapter 12 Problems of Pregnancy Abdominal pain in pregnancy Abdominal pain is a common complaint in pregnancy. It is probably suffered by all women at some stage, and therefore presents…

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Antenatal Care

Jul 11, 2016 by in MIDWIFERY Comments Off on Antenatal Care

Chapter 9 Antenatal Care Aim of antenatal care The aim is to monitor the progress of pregnancy in order to support maternal health and normal fetal development. The midwife critically…

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Jaundice and Infection

Jul 11, 2016 by in MIDWIFERY Comments Off on Jaundice and Infection

Chapter 35 Jaundice and Infection Jaundice is the yellow discoloration of the skin and sclera that results from raised levels of bilirubin in the blood (hyperbilirubinaemia). Conjugation of bilirubin Bilirubin…

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Change and Adaptation in Pregnancy

Jul 11, 2016 by in MIDWIFERY Comments Off on Change and Adaptation in Pregnancy

Chapter 7 Change and Adaptation in Pregnancy Physiological changes in the reproductive system The body of the uterus After conception, the uterus develops to provide a nutritive and protective environment…

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Recognising the Ill Baby

Jul 11, 2016 by in MIDWIFERY Comments Off on Recognising the Ill Baby

Chapter 31 Recognising the Ill Baby Assessment of the infant Immediately after birth, all infants should be examined for any gross congenital abnormalities or evidence of birth trauma. They should…

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The Baby at Birth

Jul 11, 2016 by in MIDWIFERY Comments Off on The Baby at Birth

Chapter 27 The Baby at Birth A newborn baby’s survival is dependent on adaptations in cardiopulmonary circulation and other physiological adjustments to replace placental function and maintain homeostasis. Birth is…

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Congenital Abnormalities

Jul 11, 2016 by in MIDWIFERY Comments Off on Congenital Abnormalities

Chapter 34 Congenital Abnormalities Definition and causes By definition, a congenital abnormality is any defect in form, structure or function that is present at birth. Identifiable defects can be categorised…

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