10. Coronary Artery Disease and Hyperlipidemia

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 10. Coronary Artery Disease and Hyperlipidemia

Coronary artery disease, 414.00 Hyperlipidemia, 272.4, I. Definition A. Partial or complete blockage of the coronary arteries, usually as the result of atherosclerosis; coronary vasospasm is also a cause II….

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8. Cardiovascular Assessment

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 8. Cardiovascular Assessment

Cardiovascular disorders, 302.2 I. Cardiac cycle review A. Atrio ventricular (AV) valves close. B. Aortic/pulmonic (semilunar) valves open. C. Aortic/pulmonic valves close. D. AV valves open. E. Rapid ventricular filling…

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7. Dementia

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 7. Dementia

Dementia, 290.8 I. Definition A. Broad (global) acquired impairment of intellectual function (cognition) that usually is progressive and that interferes with normal social and occupational activities B. Key features of…

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6. Seizure Disorders

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 6. Seizure Disorders

Seizure disorders, 780.39 I. Definition A. Transient disturbance of cerebral function caused by an abnormal paroxysmal neuronal discharge within the brain. Epilepsy is the term used to describe recurrence of…

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2. Structural Abnormalities

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 2. Structural Abnormalities

Aneurysm, 442.9 Hydrocephalus, 331.4 ANEURYSM I. Definition A. Abnormal dilatation of an arterial wall in which the intima bulges outward B. Usually caused by abnormal weakening C. Usually, a sudden…

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3. Peripheral Neuropathies

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 3. Peripheral Neuropathies

Guillain-Barré syndrome, 357.0 Myasthenia gravis, 358.00 GUILLAIN-BARRÉ SYNDROME I. Definition A. An acute, usually rapidly progressive form of inflammatory polyneuropathy of the peripheral nerves B. Characterized by muscular weakness, mild…

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1. Cerebrovascular Accidents: Brain Attack

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 1. Cerebrovascular Accidents: Brain Attack

Hemorrhagic stroke, 431 Ischemic stroke, 434.91 Stroke/brain attack, 434.91 Transient ischemic attack, 436 TIA—TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK I. Definition A. Classic definition: sudden or rapid onset of neurologic deficit caused by…

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5. Central Nervous System Disorders

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 5. Central Nervous System Disorders

Cerebral abscess, 324.0 Encephalitis, 323.9 Encephalopathy, 348.30 Meningitis, 322.9 MENINGITIS I. Definition A. Inflammation of the pia mater and arachnoid of the brain or spinal cord II. Etiology/predisposing factors A….

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