64. Lymphoma

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 64. Lymphoma

Hodgkin’s disease, 201.9 Lymphoma, 202.8 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 202.8 STAGING I. Ann Arbor Staging Classification is the anatomic staging system that parallels non-Hodgkin’s and Hodgkin’s disease. A. Stage I: single lymph…

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62. Coagulopathies

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 62. Coagulopathies

Disseminated intravascular coagulation, 286.6 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, 287.4 Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, 287.3 IDIOPATHIC THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA (ITP) I. Definition A. Disorder in which antibody-sensitive platelets are destroyed by the spleen B. Autoimmune…

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63. Leukemias

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 63. Leukemias

Acute lymphocytic leukemia, 204.0 Acute myelogenous leukemia, 205.0 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 204.1 Chronic myelogenous leukemia, 205.1 ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA (ALL) I. Definition A. Malignancy that causes hematopoietic progenitor cells to…

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61. Sickle Cell Disease/Crisis

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 61. Sickle Cell Disease/Crisis

Sickle cell disease/crisis, 282.60 I. Definition A. Sickle cell anemia (SS) is an uncompensated hemolytic anemia with shortened RBC survival; increased RBC production (erythropoiesis) is insufficient to balance the increased…

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59. Back Pain Syndromes

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 59. Back Pain Syndromes

Herniated disk, 722.2 Low back pain, 724.2 LOW BACK PAIN I. Definition A. Low back pain (LBP) is any pain perceived by the patient as originating from the lumbosacral region…

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60. Anemias

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 60. Anemias

Anemia of chronic disease (ACD), 285.29 Folic acid deficiency, 281.2 Pernicious anemia, 281.0 Vitamin B12 deficiency, 281.1 Anemias, 285.9 Iron deficiency, 280.9 Thalassemia, 282.49 INITIAL ANEMIA WORKUP I. Definition of…

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58. Compartment Syndrome

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 58. Compartment Syndrome

Compartment syndrome, 958.8 I. Definition A. Condition in which increased tissue pressure within a limited space compromises the circulation and function of the contents within that space B. A compartment…

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57. Fractures

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 57. Fractures

I. Definition Break or disruption in the continuity of a bone II. Classification A. Closed: no break in skin over fracture B. Open: varying amounts of skin or soft tissue…

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56. Soft Tissue Injury

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 56. Soft Tissue Injury

I. Definition A. Any injury that occurs in nonosseous structures of the musculoskeletal system B. These soft tissues consist of 1. Muscles 2. Ligaments 3. Tendons 4. Bursa 5. Cartilage…

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55. Subluxations and Dislocations

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 55. Subluxations and Dislocations

SUBLUXATIONS I. Definition A. Partial loss of articulation of bone ends within the joint capsule caused by partial displacement or separation of the bone end from its position in the…

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