79. Wound Management

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 79. Wound Management

TYPES OF WOUNDS—DEFINITIONS I. Acute A. Acute surgical: clean or contaminated after surgery B. Traumatic wound: clean or contaminated II. Chronic ulcers A. Arterial: ischemia associated with various types of…

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78. Poisoning and Drug Toxicities

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 78. Poisoning and Drug Toxicities

Acetaminophen toxicity, 965.4 Alcohol (ethanol) toxicity, 980.0 Antiarrhythmic drug overdose, 972.0 Anticoagulant overdose, 964.2 Antidepressant toxicity, 969.0 Antipsychotic toxicity, 969.3 Barbiturate overdose, 967.0 Benzodiazepine overdose, 969.4 Beta blocker overdose, 972.0…

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77. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 77. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances

Acid-base disorders, 276.4 Hypercalcemia, 275.42 Hyperkalemia, 276.7 Hypermagnesemia, 275.2 Hypernatremia, 276.0 Hyperphosphatemia, 275.3 Hypocalcemia, 275.41 Hypokalemia, 276.8 Hypomagnesemia, 275.2 Hyponatremia, 276.1 Hypophosphatemia, 275.3 Metabolic acidosis, 276.2 Metabolic alkalosis, 276.3 Respiratory…

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76. Nutritional Considerations

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 76. Nutritional Considerations

NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT I. Basic laboratory measurements A. Serum albumin 1. Less than 3.5 g/dl indicates protein malnutrition 2. Expect edema if less than 2.7 g/dl 3. Albumin is a principal…

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71. Headache

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 71. Headache

Headache, 784.0 I. Definition A. Subjective sensation of pain involving the scalp, cranium, or cerebrum, with or without associated symptoms B. Head pain may be explained as resulting from distortion,…

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70. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 70. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders

Allergic rhinitis, 477.9 Bell’s palsy, 351.0 Central and branch retinal artery obstruction, 362.30 Conjunctivitis, 372.30 Corneal abrasion, 918.1 Diabetic retinopathy, 362.01 Epiglottitis, 464.30 Epistaxis, 784.7 Glaucoma, 365.9 Otitis externa, 380.10…

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69. Ectopic Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 69. Ectopic Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Chlamydia trachomatis infection, 079.98 Ectopic pregnancy, 633.90 Gonorrhea, 098.0 Herpes, 054.9 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID salpingitis), 614.9 Syphilis, 097.9 ECTOPIC PREGNANCY I. Definition A. Implantation of the fertilized ovum in…

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65. Other Common Cancers

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 65. Other Common Cancers

Bladder cancer, 188.9 Breast cancer, 174.9 Cervical cancer, 180.0 Colorectal cancer, 154.0 Endometrial cancer, 182.0 Lung cancer, 162.9 Ovarian cancer, 183.0 Prostate cancer, 185. LUNG CANCER I. General comments/incidence/predisposing factors…

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66. HIV/AIDS and Opportunistic Infections

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 66. HIV/AIDS and Opportunistic Infections

The authors would like to acknowledge David A. Miller for his contributions that remain unchanged from the first edition. HIV infection, 042. Current therapy for HIV infection and its major…

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67. Autoimmune Diseases

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 67. Autoimmune Diseases

Giant cell arteritis, 446.5 Systemic lupus erythematosus, 710.0 GIANT CELL ARTERITIS I. Definition A. Systemic panarteritis of the medium-sized and large arteries, usually the temporal artery or the aorta B….

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