18. Ectopy and Arrhythmia Emergencies

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 18. Ectopy and Arrhythmia Emergencies

Agonal rhythm, 427.89 Asystole, 427.5 Atrial fibrillation, 427.31 Atrial flutter, 427.32 Cardiac rhythms/arrhythmias, 427.9 First-degree AV block, 426.11 Idioventricular rhythm, 426.89 Junctional/nodal, 427.89 Premature atrial contractions, 427.61 Premature ventricular contractions,…

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73. Pain

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 73. Pain

I. Definition A. Pain is a word used to describe a subjective perception of distress B. The physiologic process of pain begins with a series of neurologic steps that begin…

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12. Adjunct Equipment/Devices

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 12. Adjunct Equipment/Devices

INTRA-AORTIC BALLOON PUMP I. Overview A. Introduced in late 1960s, primarily for patients with cardiogenic shock B. Classified as an assist device and designed to do the following: 1. Increase…

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42. Renal Insufficiency and Failure

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 42. Renal Insufficiency and Failure

Acute renal failure, 584.9 Chronic renal failure, 585.9 ACUTE RENAL FAILURE I. Definition A sudden decrease in renal function resulting in the inability to excrete metabolic waste products such as…

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74. Psychosocial Problems in Acute Care

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 74. Psychosocial Problems in Acute Care

Anxiety,300.00 Delirium, 780.09 Depression, 311. Substance abuse, 305.90 VIOLENCE I. Definitions A. Violence: direct verbal or physical attack on another person B. Assault: threat to do another person physical harm…

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68. Integumentary Disorders

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 68. Integumentary Disorders

Cellulitis, 682.9 Dermatitis medicamentosa (drug eruption), 693.0 Herpes zoster (shingles), 053.9 Integumentary disorders, 709.9 GENERAL I. History A. Presenting complaint 1. Presenting lesion 2. Onset and progression B. Past and…

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47. Diabetic Emergencies

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 47. Diabetic Emergencies

Diabetic ketoacidosis, 250.30 Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketosis, 250.20 Hypoglycemia, 251.2 DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS (DKA) I. Definition A. A state of intracellular dehydration that results from elevated blood glucose levels B. Hyperglycemia increases…

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85. Managing the Surgical Patient

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 85. Managing the Surgical Patient

PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT I. History and physical examination—special emphasis on identification of undiagnosed cardiopulmonary disease A. Past medical history B. Past surgical history C. Family history D. Psychosocial history E. Allergies…

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81. Chest, Abdominal, and Eye Trauma

Mar 3, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 81. Chest, Abdominal, and Eye Trauma

Angina, 413.9 Aortic rupture, 441.5 Cardiac tamponade, 423.9 Collapsed lung, 518.0 Flail chest, 807.4 Lacerated liver, 864.05 Myocardial infarction, 410.8 Penetrating eye trauma, 871.7 Renal injuries, 866.00 Rib fractures, 807.0…

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