68 Specialty Beds

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 68 Specialty Beds

Skill 68 Specialty Beds Air-Fluidized, Air-Suspension, and Rotokinetic The air-suspension bed supports a patient’s weight on air-filled cushions. A low-air-loss system minimizes pressure and reduces shear. If a patient has…

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79 Urinary Catheter Care and Removal

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 79 Urinary Catheter Care and Removal

Skill 79 Urinary Catheter Care and Removal Bacterial growth is common where the catheter enters the urethral meatus in both men and women. Perform catheter care each shift as part…

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35 Intravenous Medications

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 35 Intravenous Medications

Skill 35 Intravenous Medications Intermittent Infusion Sets and Mini-Infusion Pumps One method of administering intravenous (IV) medications uses small volumes (25 to 250 mL) of compatible IV fluids infused over a…

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76 Topical Skin Applications

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 76 Topical Skin Applications

Skill 76 Topical Skin Applications Topical administration of medication involves applying drugs locally to the skin, mucous membranes, or tissues. Topical drugs such as lotions, patches, pastes, and ointments primarily…

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82 Vaginal Instillations

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 82 Vaginal Instillations

Skill 82 Vaginal Instillations Vaginal medications are available in foam, jelly, cream, or suppository form. Medicated irrigations or douches can also be given. However, their excessive use can lead to…

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33 Intradermal Injections

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 33 Intradermal Injections

Skill 33 Intradermal Injections You typically give intradermal (ID) injections for skin testing (e.g., tuberculosis screening and allergy tests). Because such medications are potent, you inject them into the dermis,…

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28 Eye Medications

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 28 Eye Medications

Skill 28 Eye Medications Drops and Ointment The eye is the most sensitive organ to which you apply medications. The cornea is richly supplied with sensitive nerve fibers. Care must…

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12 Central Venous Access Device Care

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 12 Central Venous Access Device Care

Skill 12 Central Venous Access Device Care Central Venous Catheter, Ports A central vascular access device (CVAD) differs from short peripheral or midline catheters in relation to the final catheter…

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70 Sterile Technique

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 70 Sterile Technique

Skill 70 Sterile Technique Donning and Removing Cap, Mask, and Protective Eyewear Although masks and caps are usually worn in surgical procedure areas (e.g., the operating room [OR]), there are…

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18 Dressings

Feb 19, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on 18 Dressings

Skill 18 Dressings Dry and Moist-to-Dry Dry dressings are commonly used for abrasions and nondraining postoperative incisions. Dry dressings are not appropriate for debriding wounds. Moist-to-dry dressings (also called wet-to-dry…

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