Towards integrated service delivery systems

Apr 15, 2017 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Towards integrated service delivery systems

CHAPTER 13 Towards integrated service delivery systems Johannes U. Stoelwinder, John Blandford, David Perkins LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, the reader should be able to: Describe the historic forces…

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Leading and managing change

Apr 15, 2017 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Leading and managing change

CHAPTER 8 Leading and managing change Lynne P. Johnstone, Judith Dwyer, Peter J. Lloyd LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, the reader should be able to: Demonstrate understanding of the…

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Decision-making and the health service manager

Apr 15, 2017 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Decision-making and the health service manager

CHAPTER 9 Decision-making and the health service manager Janice Lewis, Duncan Boldy LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, the reader should be able to: Identify different organisational approaches to decision-making….

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Working with health teams

Apr 15, 2017 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Working with health teams

CHAPTER 7 Working with health teams Mary G. Harris, Ross D. Harris, Lynne P. Johnstone LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, the reader should be able to: Discuss the growing…

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studies in health services management

Apr 15, 2017 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on studies in health services management

APPENDIX Case studies in health services management Ian Forbes, Gary E. Day, Ari Rotem, Tanya Jochelson LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this appendix, the reader should be able to: Demonstrate skills…

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