Respect for the Patient’s Significant Relationships

Apr 10, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on Respect for the Patient’s Significant Relationships

Chapter 7 Respect for the Patient’s Significant Relationships A special pattern of communication developed between Robin and Mark (her father) during his hospitalization. Each morning Mark phoned home to tell…

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Respect for Challenges Facing Patients

Apr 10, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on Respect for Challenges Facing Patients

Chapter 6 Respect for Challenges Facing Patients Ten years ago, if I were setting out to make a film about catastrophic illness and subsequent disability, I would not have cast…

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Professional Relatedness Built on Respect

Apr 10, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on Professional Relatedness Built on Respect

Chapter 10 Professional Relatedness Built on Respect Of course the questions had to do only with illness. By the time he was through, this young man would know all about…

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Respect for Yourself during the Student Years

Apr 10, 2017 by in NURSING Comments Off on Respect for Yourself during the Student Years

Chapter 4 Respect for Yourself during the Student Years “I’m a student nurse,” I began by way of introduction. “Could we sit down somewhere and talk?” Ann led the way…

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