Disorders of the cardiac system

Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on Disorders of the cardiac system

Chapter 9Disorders of the cardiac system Sheila Roberts Aim The aim of this chapter is for readers to develop their understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the cardiac system…

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Inflammation, immune response and healing

Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on Inflammation, immune response and healing

Chapter 5Inflammation, immune response and healing Alison Mosenthal Aim This chapter provides the reader with an understanding of the complexities associated with inflammation and the immune response. Developing your understanding…

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Disorders of the renal system

Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on Disorders of the renal system

Chapter 13Disorders of the renal system Cathy Poole Aim The aim of this chapter is to help the reader develop an understanding of diseases of the renal system and the…

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Disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on Disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Chapter 15Disorders of the musculoskeletal system Liz Gormley‐Fleming Aim The aim of this chapter is to enable the reader to develop their understanding and knowledge of the musculoskeletal system. This…

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The cell and body tissue

Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on The cell and body tissue

Chapter 1The cell and body tissue Peter S. Vickers Aim The aim of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the various cells and tissues of the body in…

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Disorders of the digestive system

Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on Disorders of the digestive system

Chapter 12Disorders of the digestive system Ann L. Bevan Aim This chapter explores the role of the digestive system as it removes nutrients from the food that a child eats…

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Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on Genetics

Chapter 2Genetics Peter S. Vickers Aim To introduce the student to the fascinating and very important subject of genetics, so that a knowledge of genetics will enable them to understand…

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Disorders of the skin

Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on Disorders of the skin

Chapter 16Disorders of the skin Liz Gormley‐Fleming Aim This chapter provides an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the skin. The chapter introduces the reader to altered pathophysiology and…

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Disorders of the reproductive systems

Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on Disorders of the reproductive systems

Chapter 14Disorders of the reproductive systems Michele O’Grady Aim This chapter provides understanding and insight into disordered pathophysiology of male and female reproductive systems. Developing understanding and insight will help…

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Mar 27, 2019 by in NURSING Comments Off on Homeostasis

Chapter 4Homeostasis Mary Brady Aim The aim of this chapter is to help you to further develop and apply your understanding of homeostatic mechanisms within the body related to children…

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