
Oct 29, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Ethics

CHAPTER 29 Ethics Charlotte Stephenson OBJECTIVES 1 Define common terms used in ethical discussions. 2 Identify three theories or approaches to ethical thinking. 3 Discuss the principle of autonomy and the concept of…

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Postpartum Complications

Oct 29, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Postpartum Complications

CHAPTER 28 Postpartum Complications Mary Ann Rhode OBJECTIVES 1 Recognize the causes of four types of postpartum complications: hemorrhage, infection, venous disorders, and postpartum mood disorders. 2 Assess factors for increased risk…

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Substance Abuse in Pregnancy

Oct 29, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Substance Abuse in Pregnancy

CHAPTER 25 Substance Abuse in Pregnancy Barbara A. Moran OBJECTIVES 1 Discuss the scope of substance abuse in pregnancy. 2 Recognize signs of substance abuse. 3 Describe the effects of drug use during…

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Physiology of Pregnancy

Oct 29, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Physiology of Pregnancy

CHAPTER 5 Physiology of Pregnancy Linda Bond OBJECTIVES 1 Describe systemic changes occurring in a woman’s body during pregnancy. 2 Describe changes in the uterus, cervix, vagina, and vulva during pregnancy. 3 Identify…

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Hemorrhagic Disorders

Oct 29, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Hemorrhagic Disorders

CHAPTER 21 Hemorrhagic Disorders S. Kim Genovese OBJECTIVES 1 Define the hemorrhagic complications of placenta previa, abruptio placentae, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), and gestational trophoblastic disease. 2 Identify the classical signs and…

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The Infant at Risk

Oct 29, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on The Infant at Risk

CHAPTER 17 The Infant at Risk Jacqueline M. McGrath and Whitney Hardy OBJECTIVES 1 Identify the risk factors and maternal and fetal history for complications related to gestational age and birthweight…

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Physical and Psychologic Changes

Oct 29, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Physical and Psychologic Changes

CHAPTER 13 Physical and Psychologic Changes Tamara Whitmer OBJECTIVES 1 Identify normal physiologic changes in the reproductive system after childbirth. 2 Describe systemic physiologic changes after childbirth. 3 Evaluate common emotional changes in…

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Age-Related Concerns

Oct 29, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Age-Related Concerns

CHAPTER 7 Age-Related Concerns Connie Sampson von Köhler OBJECTIVES 1 Identify the risks of childbearing that are related to adolescents. 2 Identify the risks of childbearing that are related to advanced maternal…

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Psychology of Pregnancy

Oct 29, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Psychology of Pregnancy

CHAPTER 6 Psychology of Pregnancy Catherine R. Coverston OBJECTIVES 1 Describe two stages of family development pertinent to pregnancy. 2 List the developmental tasks of pregnancy. 3 List the general concepts in Rubin’s…

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