Methods of Assessing Pain in the Newborn

Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Methods of Assessing Pain in the Newborn

2   Methods of Assessing Pain in the Newborn Assessing neonatal pain appropriately is a vital step in providing adequate management of pain. Accurate assessment of pain is challenging in…

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General Principles of Pain Management

Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on General Principles of Pain Management

3   General Principles of Pain ­Management There are several different pharmacological options used to treat neonates who are experiencing pain or undergoing a painful procedure. These treatments generally involve…

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Developmental Considerations

Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Developmental Considerations

8   Developmental Considerations Developmental considerations are imperative in delivering ­comprehensive and safe care to neonates in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Developmental considerations are not only necessary when…

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The Premature Infant

Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on The Premature Infant

12   The Premature Infant Identifying behavioral and physiological cues of pain in ­premature infants, as well as managing that pain, presents unique ­challenges. The premature infant is defined as…

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Nonpharmacological Methods

Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Nonpharmacological Methods

7   Nonpharmacological Methods SUCROSE Oral sucrose,1 given 2 minutes prior to a painful procedure, has been shown to decrease heart rate, facial movement, and pain scores in term and…

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Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Opioids

5   Opioids Opioids are a class of drug that promotes decreased pain ­perception and decreases the reaction to pain; the drug class that includes morphine or morphine sulfate, methadone,…

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Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Coanalgesics

6   Coanalgesics Coanalgesics, or adjuvant medications, are a group of pharmaceuticals with pharmacological characteristics that were not primarily intended for pain relief but were found to have therapeutic properties…

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Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

13   Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Neonatal drug withdrawal or neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is often a long a painful process that requires time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)….

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Multidisciplinary Approach

Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Multidisciplinary Approach

9   Multidisciplinary Approach A multidisciplinary approach that includes the physician, registered nurse, physician assistant, advanced practice nurse, and, most important, the family members is imperative in ­providing comprehensive pain…

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End-of-Life Pain Management and Palliative Care

Jul 4, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on End-of-Life Pain Management and Palliative Care

14   End-of-Life Pain Management and Palliative Care Although outcomes of survival, overall, in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) are very favorable, death is also a real part of the…

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