Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on H

H Head and neck cancer Description Most head and neck cancers arise from squamous cells that line the mucosal surfaces of the head and neck. Most people present with locally…

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Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on P

P Paget’s disease Description Paget’s disease (osteitis deformans) is a chronic skeletal bone disorder in which there is excessive bone resorption followed by replacement of normal marrow by vascular, fibrous…

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Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on A

A Abdominal pain, acute Description Acute abdominal pain is pain of recent onset. It may signal a life-threatening problem and therefore requires immediate attention. Causes include damage to organs in…

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Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on S

S Scleroderma Description Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) is a disorder of the connective tissue characterized by fibrotic, degenerative, and occasionally inflammatory changes in the skin, blood vessels, synovium, skeletal muscle, and…

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Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on O

O Ostomies Description An ostomy is a surgical procedure that allows intestinal contents to pass from the bowel through an opening in the skin on the abdomen. The opening is…

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Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on C

C Cardiomyopathy Description Cardiomyopathy (CMP) is a group of diseases that directly affect myocardial structure or function. CMP can be classified as primary or secondary: ■ Primary CMP refers to those…

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Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on P

P Pacemakers Description The artificial cardiac pacemaker is an electronic device used to pace the heart when the normal conduction pathway is damaged. The basic pacing circuit consists of a…

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Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on B

B Bell’s palsy Description Bell’s palsy (peripheral facial paralysis, acute benign cranial polyneuritis) is a disorder characterized by inflammation of the facial nerve (CN VII) on one side of the…

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Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on M

M Macular degeneration Description Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degeneration of the retina involving the macula that results in varying degrees of central vision loss. It is the most…

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Oct 26, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on D

D Dementia Description Dementia is a syndrome characterized by dysfunction or loss of memory, orientation, attention, language, judgment, and reasoning. Personality changes and behavioral problems such as agitation, delusions, and…

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