Nutrition and Fluids

Chapter 27

Nutrition and Fluids

Key Abbreviations

F Fahrenheit
FDA Food and Drug Administration
GI Gastro-intestinal
ID Identification
I&O Intake and output
mg Milligram
mL Milliliter
NPO Non per os; nothing by mouth
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987
oz Ounce
USDA United States Department of Agriculture

Food and water are necessary for life. The person’s diet affects physical and mental well-being and function. A poor diet and poor eating habits:

Eating and drinking provide pleasure. They often are part of social times with family and friends. A friendly, social setting for meals is important. Otherwise, the person may eat poorly.

Many factors affect dietary practices. They include culture, finances, and personal choice. (See Caring About Culture: Meal Time Practices.) Dietary practices also include selecting, preparing, and serving food. The health team includes these factors in planning the person’s nutrition needs.

image Caring About Culture

Meal Time Practices

Many cultural groups have their main meal at mid-day. Persons from Austria and Brazil do so. They eat light meals in the evening. A main meal at lunch also is common in Finland, Germany, and Greece. In Iran, the most important meal is eaten at mid-day.

Modified from D’Avanzo CE: Pocket guide to cultural health assessment, ed 4, St Louis, 2008, Mosby.

See Body Structure and Function Review: The Digestive System.

See Focus on Long-Term Care and Home Care: Nutrition and Fluids.

See Focus on Surveys: Nutrition and Fluids, p. 444.

imageBody Structure and Function Review

The Digestive System

The digestive system (gastro-intestinal [GI] system) breaks down food so it can be absorbed for use by the cells. This process is called digestion. The system also removes solid wastes from the body.

The digestive system involves the alimentary canal (GI tract) and the accessory organs of digestion (Fig. 27-1). The GI tract extends from the mouth to the anus.


Digestion begins in the mouth (oral cavity). It receives food and prepares it for digestion. Using chewing motions, the teeth cut, chop, and grind food into small particles for digestion and swallowing. The tongue aids in chewing and swallowing. Taste buds on the tongue contain nerve endings. Taste buds allow for sensing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty tastes. Salivary glands in the mouth secrete saliva. Saliva moistens food particles to ease swallowing and begin digestion. During swallowing, the tongue pushes food into the pharynx.

The pharynx (throat) is a muscular tube. Swallowing continues as the pharynx contracts. Contraction of the pharynx pushes food into the esophagus. The esophagus is a muscular tube about 10 inches long. It extends from the pharynx to the stomach. Involuntary muscle contractions called peristalsis move food down the esophagus through the GI tract.

The stomach is a muscular, pouch-like sac. Strong stomach muscles stir and churn food to break it up into even smaller particles. A mucous membrane lines the stomach. It contains glands that secrete gastric juices. Food is mixed and churned with the gastric juices to form a semi-liquid substance called chyme. Through peristalsis, the chyme is pushed from the stomach into the small intestine.

The small intestine is about 20 feet long with 3 parts. The first part is the duodenum. There, more digestive juices are added to the chyme. One is called bile. Bile is a greenish liquid made in the liver. Bile is stored in the gallbladder. Juices from the pancreas and small intestine are added to the chyme. Digestive juices chemically break down food for absorption.

Peristalsis moves the chyme through the other parts of the small intestine: jejunum and ileum. Tiny projections called villi line the small intestine. Villi absorb the digested food into the capillaries. Most food absorption takes place in the jejunum and the ileum.

Some chyme is not digested. Undigested chyme passes from the small intestine into the large intestine (large bowel or colon). More fluid is absorbed. The solid waste that remains is eliminated through the anus. See Chapters 10 and 26.

Focus on Long-Term Care and Home Care

Nutrition and Fluids

Long-Term Care

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that the health team assess the resident’s nutritional status. This will include:

Focus on Surveys

Nutrition and Fluids

The health team must develop a care plan to meet the person’s nutritional and fluid needs. Surveyors may ask you about the following. You will learn how to answer their questions as you study this chapter.

Basic Nutrition

Nutrition is the processes involved in the ingestion, digestion, absorption, and use of food and fluids by the body. Good nutrition is needed for growth, healing, and body functions. A well-balanced diet and correct calorie intake are needed. A high-fat, high-calorie diet causes weight gain and obesity. A low-calorie diet promotes weight loss.

Foods and fluids contain nutrients. A nutrient is a substance that is ingested, digested, absorbed, and used by the body. Nutrients are grouped into fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water (p. 447).

Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates give the body fuel for energy. The amount of energy provided by a nutrient is measured in calories. A calorie is the fuel or energy value of food.


The MyPlate symbol (Fig. 27-2) encourages well-balanced meals with foods from 5 food groups. Issued by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), MyPlate helps you make wise food choices by:

The amount needed from each food group depends on age, sex, and physical activity (Table 27-1). Activity should be moderate or vigorous (Box 27-1). The USDA recommends that adults do at least 1 of the following.

Physical activity at least 3 days a week is best. Each activity should be for at least 10 minutes at a time. Adults also should do strengthening activities at least 2 days a week. Push-ups, sit-ups, and weight-lifting are examples.

See Focus on Children and Older Persons: MyPlate.

Vegetable Group.

Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked. They may be fresh, frozen, canned, dried, or juice.

Vegetables have these health benefits.


No food or food group has every essential nutrient. A well-balanced diet ensures an adequate intake of essential nutrients.

Protein—is the most important nutrient. It is needed for tissue growth and repair. Sources include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and milk products, cereals, beans, peas, and nuts.

Carbohydrates—provide energy and fiber for bowel elimination. They are found in fruits, vegetables, breads, cereals, and sugar. Fiber is not digested. It provides the bulky part of chyme for elimination.

Fats—provide energy. They provide flavor and help the body use certain vitamins. Sources include meats, lard, butter, shortening, oils, milk, cheese, egg yolks, and nuts. Unneeded dietary fat is stored as body fat (adipose tissue).

Vitamins—are needed for certain body functions. The body stores vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamins C and the B complex vitamins are not stored. They must be ingested daily. The lack of a certain vitamin results in illness. See Table 27-2.

TABLE 27-2

Common Vitamins

Vitamin Major Functions Sources
Vitamin A Growth; vision; healthy hair, skin, and mucous membranes; resistance to infection Liver, spinach, green leafy and yellow vegetables, yellow fruits, fish liver oils, egg yolks, butter, cream, whole milk
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) Muscle tone, nerve function, digestion, appetite, normal elimination, carbohydrate use Pork, fish, poultry, eggs, liver, breads, pastas, cereals, oatmeal, potatoes, peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Growth, healthy eyes, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, healthy skin and mucous membranes Milk and milk products, liver, green leafy vegetables, eggs, breads, cereals
Vitamin B3 (niacin) Protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism; nervous system function; appetite; digestive system function Meat, pork, liver, fish, peanuts, breads and cereals, green vegetables, dairy products
Vitamin B12 Forming red blood cells, protein metabolism, nervous system function Liver, meats, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese
Folate (folic acid) Forming red blood cells, intestinal function, protein metabolism Liver, meats, fish, poultry, green leafy vegetables, whole grains
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Forming substances that hold tissues together; healthy blood vessels, skin, gums, bones, and teeth; wound healing; preventing bleeding; resistance to infection Citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, strawberries, green vegetables, melons
Vitamin D Absorbing and metabolizing calcium and phosphorus, healthy bones Fish liver oils, milk, butter, liver, exposure to sun light
Vitamin E Normal reproduction, forming red blood cells, muscle function Vegetable oils, milk, eggs, meats, cereals, green leafy vegetables
Vitamin K Blood clotting Liver, green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, cheese

Minerals—are needed for bone and tooth formation, nerve and muscle function, fluid balance, and other body processes. Foods containing calcium help prevent musculo-skeletal changes. See Table 27-3, p. 448.

Water—is needed for all body processes (p. 456).

Meeting Nutritional Needs

A team approach is needed to meet a person’s nutritional needs. The person, nursing team, doctor, dietitian, speech-language pathologist, and occupational therapist are involved. So is the family if necessary. The person’s likes, dislikes, and life-long habits are part of the nutritional care plan.

See Focus on Long-Term Care and Home Care: Meeting Nutritional Needs.

Focus on Long-Term Care and Home Care

Meeting Nutritional Needs

Factors Affecting Eating and Nutrition

Many factors affect eating and nutrition.

image Caring About Culture

Food Practices

Rice, corn, and beans are protein sources in Mexico. In the Philippines, rice is a main food. And fish, vegetables, and native fruits are preferred. A diet high in sugar and animal fat is common in Poland. In China, a meal of rice with meat, fish, and vegetables is common. High sodium content is from the use of soy sauce and dried and preserved foods.

Eating beef is common in the United States. In India, Hindus do not eat beef.

Modified from D’Avanzo CE: Pocket guide to cultural health assessment, ed 4, St Louis, 2008, Mosby.

Religion. Selecting, preparing, and eating food often involve religious practices (Box 27-2, p. 450). A person may follow all, some, or none of the dietary practices of his or her faith. Respect the person’s religious practices.

Box 27-2

Religion and Dietary Practices

Finances. People with limited incomes often buy the cheaper carbohydrate foods. Their diets often lack protein and certain vitamins and minerals.

Appetite. Appetite relates to the desire for food. Aromas and thoughts of food can stimulate the appetite. Loss of appetite (anorexia) can occur. Causes include illness, drugs, anxiety, pain, and depression. Unpleasant sights, thoughts, and smells are other causes.

Personal choice. Food likes and dislikes are personal. They begin in childhood with foods served in the home. Food choices depend on how food looks, how it is prepared, its smell, and ingredients. Usually food likes expand with age and social experiences.

Body reactions. People usually avoid foods that cause allergic reactions. They also avoid foods that cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, gas, or headaches.

Illness. Appetite usually decreases during illness and recovery from injuries. However, nutritional needs increase. The body must fight infection, heal tissue, and replace lost blood cells. Nutrients lost through vomiting and diarrhea need replacement.

Drugs. Drugs can cause loss of appetite, confusion, nausea, constipation, impaired taste, or changes in GI function. They can cause inflammation of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach.

Chewing problems. Mouth, teeth, and gum problems can affect chewing. Examples include oral pain, dry or sore mouth, gum disease (Chapter 22), and dentures that fit poorly. Broken, decayed, or missing teeth also affect chewing, especially the meat group.

Swallowing problems. Stroke; pain; confusion; dry mouth; and diseases of the mouth, throat, and esophagus can affect swallowing. See “The Dysphagia Diet” on p. 454.

Disability. Disease or injury can affect the hands, wrists, and arms. Adaptive equipment (assistive devices) let the person eat independently (Fig. 27-4, p. 450). The speech-language pathologist and occupational therapist teach the person how to use them. Make sure each person has needed devices.

Impaired cognitive function. Impaired cognitive function may affect the person’s ability to use eating utensils. And it may affect eating, chewing, and swallowing. Follow the care plan to assist the person.

Age. Many GI changes occur with aging.

See Focus on Children and Older Persons: Factors Affecting Eating and Nutrition, p. 450.

Special Diets

Doctors may order special diets (Table 27-4).

TABLE 27-4

Special Diets

Diet Use Foods Allowed/Restricted
Clear liquid—foods liquid at body temperature and that leave small amounts of residue; non-irritating and non-gas forming After surgery; for acute illness, infection, nausea and vomiting; and to prepare for GI exams Water, tea, and coffee (without milk or cream); carbonated drinks; gelatin; fruit juices without pulp (apple, grape, cranberry); fat-free broth; hard candy, sugar, and Popsicles
Full liquid—foods liquid at room temperature or that melt at body temperature Advance from clear-liquid diet after surgery; for stomach irritation, fever, nausea, and vomiting; for persons unable to chew, swallow, or digest solid foods Foods on the clear-liquid diet; custard; eggnog; strained soups; strained fruit and vegetable juices; milk and milk-shakes; cooked cereals; plain ice cream and sherbet; pudding; yogurt
Mechanical soft—semi-solid foods that are easily digested Advance from full-liquid diet; chewing problems, GI disorders, and infections All liquids; eggs (not fried); broiled, baked, or roasted meat, fish, or poultry that is chopped or shredded; mild cheeses (American, Swiss, cheddar, cream, cottage); strained fruit juices; refined bread (no crust) and crackers; cooked cereal; cooked or pureed vegetables; cooked or canned fruit without skin or seeds; pudding; plain cakes and soft cookies without fruit or nuts
Fiber- and residue-restricted—foods that leave a small amount of residue in the colon Diseases of the colon and diarrhea Coffee, tea, milk, carbonated drinks, strained fruit and vegetable juices; refined bread and crackers; creamed and refined cereal; rice; cottage and cream cheese; eggs (not fried); plain puddings and cakes; gelatin; custard; sherbet and ice cream; canned or cooked fruit without skin or seeds; potatoes (not fried); strained cooked vegetables; plain pasta; no raw fruits or vegetables
High-fiber—foods that increase residue and fiber in the colon to stimulate peristalsis Constipation and GI disorders All fruits and vegetables; whole-wheat bread; whole-grain cereals; fried foods; whole-grain rice; milk, cream, butter, and cheese; meats
Bland—foods that are non-irritating and low in roughage; foods served at moderate temperatures; no strong spices or condiments Ulcers, gallbladder disorders, and some intestinal disorders; after abdominal surgery Lean meats; white bread; creamed and refined cereals; cream or cottage cheese; gelatin; plain puddings, cakes, and cookies; eggs (not fried); butter and cream; canned fruits and vegetables without skin and seeds; strained fruit juices; potatoes (not fried); pastas and rice; strained or soft cooked carrots, peas, beets, spinach, squash, and asparagus tips; creamed soups from allowed vegetables; no fried or spicy foods
High-calorie—3000 to 4000 calories daily; includes 3 full meals and between-meal snacks Weight gain and some thyroid problems Dietary increases in all foods; large portions of regular diet with 3 between-meal snacks
Calorie-controlled—adequate nutrients while controlling calories to promote weight loss and reduce body fat Weight loss Foods low in fats and carbohydrates and lean meats; avoid butter, cream, rice, gravies, salad oils, noodles, cakes, pastries, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, candy, potato chips, and similar foods
High-iron—foods high in iron Anemia; after blood loss; for women during the reproductive years Liver and other organ meats; lean meats; egg yolks; shellfish; dried fruits; dried beans; green leafy vegetables; lima beans; peanut butter; enriched breads and cereals
Fat-controlled (low cholesterol)—foods low in fat and prepared without adding fat Heart, gallbladder, and liver diseases; disorders of fat digestion; diseases of the pancreas Skim milk (fat-free) or buttermilk; cottage cheese (no other cheeses allowed); gelatin; sherbet; fruit; lean meat, poultry, and fish (baked, broiled, or roasted); fat-free broth; soups made with skim milk (fat-free); margarine; rice, pasta, breads, and cereals; vegetables; potatoes
High-protein—aids and promotes tissue healing Burns, high fever, infection, and some liver diseases Meat, milk, eggs, cheese, fish, poultry; breads and cereals; green leafy vegetables
Sodium-controlled—a certain amount of sodium is allowed Heart disease, fluid retention, liver diseases, and some kidney diseases Fruits and vegetables and unsalted butter are allowed; adding salt at the table is not allowed; highly salted foods and foods high in sodium are not allowed; the use of salt during cooking may be restricted
Gluten-free—foods without the gluten protein Celiac disease Beans; seeds; nuts; eggs; meats, fish, and poultry (without breading, batter, or marinade); fruits and vegetables; most dairy foods; gluten-free grains and starches (arrowroot, corn, cornmeal, hominy, flax, millet, rice, soy, and tapioca); gluten-free flours (rice, soy, corn, potato, bean); no foods containing wheat, barley, triticale, or rye
Diabetes meal plan—the same amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat are eaten at the same time each day Diabetes Determined by nutritional and energy requirements

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