21 Nonopioid intravenous anesthetics
Agonist: A drug that has a specific receptor affinity that produces a predictable response.
Antagonist: A drug that has the ability to block the effects of an agonist drug at the receptor site.
Anterograde Amnesia: The inability to recall events that occur after the onset of amnesia.
Antianalgesic: Administration of a drug that partially blocks the analgesic effects of other drugs that produce analgesia.
Antiemetic: A drug that prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting.
Cardiostimulatory: Stimulation of the cardiovascular system.
Dissociative: Anesthesia that is characterized by analgesia and amnesia without loss of respiratory function.
Esterases: A chemical group that breaks down certain enzymes.
Extrapyramidal: Effects of the structures outside the cerebrospinal pyramidal tracts of the brain that are associated with movement of the body.
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): An amino acid that functions as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and spinal cord.
Hypertriglyceridemia: Type I hyperlipoproteinemia.
Neuroleptanalgesia: A state of profound tranquilization with little or no depressant effect on the cortical centers.
Parenterally: Treatment other than through the digestive system.
Resedation: Sedation that recurs after clinical signs indicate that the sedation has ceased.
Sedatives: Substances that have a calming effect.
Sympatholytic: Antiadrenergic effects.
Sympathomimetic: A pharmacologic agent that mimics the effects of stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
Thrombophlebitis: Inflammation of a vein accompanied by the formation of a clot.
Torsades de Pointes (TdP): Potentially fatal heart arrhythmia.
Vagotonic: Augmenting the parasympathetic activity by stimulating the vagus nerve.
Mechanism of action of the nonopioid intravenous anesthetics
The nonopioid drugs appear to interact with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, and activation of the GABA receptors by GABA on the postsynaptic membrane causes inhibition of the postsynaptic neuron. The barbiturates appear to bind to the GABA postsynaptic receptor, with the net result of hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic neuron and inhibition of neuronal activity and ultimately loss of consciousness. Conversely, etomidate (Amidate), which is a nonbarbiturate induction agent, probably antagonizes the muscarinic receptors in the central nervous system (CNS) and acts as an agonist to the opioid receptors.1 The resultant action of these drugs is a loss of wakefulness.
Sedatives, such as the benzodiazepines, bind to specific receptors in the limbic system. These benzodiazepine receptors use GABA as part of the neurotransmitter system. After the benzodiazepines have bound to the receptor, the action of GABA is enhanced, which leads to the hyperpolarized state and ultimately to inhibition of neuronal activity.2 The drug flumazenil is a specific benzodiazepine receptor antagonist. Consequently, after the administration of a benzodiazepine agonist, flumazenil can be administered. The pharmacologic actions on the benzodiazepine receptor are reversed, and neuronal activity resumes.
Thiopental is a respiratory depressant.3 The chief effect is on the medullary and pontine respiratory centers. This depressant effect depends on the amount of thiopental administered, the rate at which it is injected, and the amount and type of premedication given to the patient. The response to carbon dioxide is depressed at all levels of anesthesia and is abolished at deep levels of thiopental anesthesia; therefore apnea can be an adverse outcome of high-dose thiopental.
Perianesthesia care
If the anesthesia time exceeds 1 hour or if the total dose of thiopental exceeds 1 g, patients may have a delayed awakening time because of the redistribution of thiopental. This phenomenon is particularly common in obese patients because the drug is highly fat soluble. At present, no antagonist exists for the barbiturates; therefore airway management and monitoring of cardiovascular status are important.
Methohexital is an ultra–short-acting barbiturate intravenous anesthetic agent. It is usually indicated for short procedures in which rapid complete recovery of the patient is needed. Like thiopental, methohexital is rarely administered, primarily because of the excellent drug actions of propofol (Diprivan). Methohexital is approximately threefold more potent as thiopental, and the recovery time from anesthesia is extremely rapid (4 to 7 minutes) because the drug is redistributed from the CNS to the muscle and fat tissues, and a significant portion of the drug is metabolized in the liver.1 Consequently, the clearance of methohexital is approximately fourfold faster than that of thiopental. Methohexital causes about the same degree of cardiovascular and respiratory depression as does thiopental. This drug can cause coughing and hiccups and, after injection, excitatory phenomena may appear, such as tremor and involuntary muscle movements.
Propofol (Diprivan) is a rapid-acting nonbarbiturate induction agent. It is administered intravenously as a 1% solution and is the most popular intravenous anesthetic in use. The dose for induction is 2 to 2.5 mg/kg.4 The dose should be reduced in elderly patients and in patients with cardiac disease or hypovolemia. In addition, propofol in combination with midazolam acts synergistically. In fact, the dose of propofol can be reduced by 50% when it is administered in combination with midazolam. When propofol is used as the sole induction agent, it is usually administered over 15 seconds and produces unconsciousness within approximately 30 seconds. Emergence from this drug is more rapid than emergence from thiopental or methohexital, because propofol has a half-life of 2 to 9 minutes5; therefore the duration of anesthesia after a single induction dose is 3 to 8 minutes, depending on the dose of the propofol. A major advantage of this drug is its ability to allow the patient a rapid return to consciousness with minimal residual CNS effects. Moreover, the drug’s low incidence rate of nausea and vomiting is of particular importance to perianesthesia nursing care. In fact, propofol may possess antiemetic properties.
Propofol has a profound depressant effect on both the rate and depth of ventilation. In fact, after the induction dose is administered, apnea normally occurs. The incidence rate of apnea is greater after propofol than after thiopental and may approach 100%. Consequently, if propofol is administered in the PACU, the perianesthesia nurse should be prepared to support the patient’s ventilation and, if necessary, intubate the patient6 (see Chapter 30).
Clinically, this drug is useful for intravenous induction of anesthesia, especially for outpatient surgery.7 The drug is also an excellent choice for procedures that require a short period of unconsciousness, such as cardioversion and electroconvulsive therapy. In addition, propofol can be used for sedation during local standby procedures. This drug does not interfere with or alter the effects of succinylcholine because it has such a rapid plasma clearance. Propofol can be used during surgery in a continuous intravenous infusion, and the patients still emerge from anesthesia in a rapid fashion without any CNS depression. This drug can be used in the PACU as a continuous infusion, and the level of sedation can be adjusted by titration to effect.6 The typical infusion rates for sedation with propofol are between 25 and 100 mcg/kg/min.
Long-term or high-dose infusions can result in hypertriglyceridemia, which is usually associated with elevated levels of pancreatic enzymes and possibly with pancreatitis. After long infusions, plasma concentrations of propofol gradually increase unless the infusion rate is decreased over time. Current data seem to indicate that the recovery from propofol is less rapid after 12 hours of intravenous sedation. Propofol is contraindicated in patients who are sensitive to soybean oil, egg lecithin, or glycerol and is not recommended for PACU or intensive care unit (ICU) administration in children because of the possibility of emergence agitation.8
Perianesthesia care
Propofol is a major component used in modern clinical anesthesia practice. It offers many advantages and few disadvantages. More specifically, propofol has one major advantage over all the other intravenous induction agents: early awakening. It can be used in the PACU if indicated. The major concern for the perianesthesia care of the patient who has received this drug is the level of postoperative pain. The nursing assessment and appropriate interventions for pain are the most important aspects of care of the patient who has received this drug.6
Etomidate (Amidate), which is a derivative of imidazole, is a short-acting intravenous hypnotic that was synthesized in the 1960s by the laboratories of Janssen Pharmaceutica (Beerse, Belgium). It is not related chemically to the commonly used hypnotic agents. This drug is a mere hypnotic and does not possess any analgesic actions. Etomidate is safe for administration to patients because it has a high therapeutic index. Metabolism of this drug is accomplished by hydrolysis in the liver and by plasma esterases, with the final metabolite being pharmacologically inactive. The cardiovascular effects of etomidate are minimal; when the drug is injected in therapeutic doses, only a small blood pressure decrease and a slight heart rate increase may be observed. Etomidate causes a minimal reduction in the cardiac index and the peripheral resistance. This drug does not seem to produce arrhythmias, which is why etomidate is used in place of propofol as an induction agent for patients with cardiac dysfunction. Respiratory effects include a dose-related reduction in the tidal volume and respiratory frequency, which can lead to apnea.1 Laryngospasm, cough, and hiccups can occur during injection of this drug; however, the severity of these clinical phenomena can be reduced with an opiate premedication.
Research has shown that etomidate inhibits steroid synthesis and that patients who receive etomidate via continuous infusion have marked adrenocortical suppression for as long as 4 days.1 Even when etomidate is administered as a single dose, adrenal function is suppressed for 5 to 8 hours. Consequently, after the administration of etomidate, a decrease is seen in cortisol, 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, aldosterone, and corticosterone levels. Therefore etomidate is administered only to selected patients and is no longer administered via continuous intravenous infusion.1,5
The benzodiazepines, which are sedatives, have enhanced the anesthetic outcomes of the surgical patient. They depress the limbic system without causing cortical depression. More specifically, they interact with the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA and thus result in reduced orientation (hypnotic effect), retrograde amnesia, anxiolysis, and relaxing of the skeletal muscle.1,2 Opiates and barbiturates enhance the hypnotic action of the benzodiazepines.
Midazolam has become a popular drug in anesthesia practice and in the perianesthesia care of surgical patients. Midazolam can be used for premedication, cardioversion, endoscopic procedures, and induction of anesthesia and as an intraoperative adjunct for inhalation anesthesia. It also is an excellent agent for sedation during regional anesthetic techniques. The principal action of midazolam is on the benzodiazepine receptors in the CNS, particularly on the limbic system, which results in a reduction in anxiety and profound anterograde amnesia. This drug also has excellent hypnotic, anticonvulsant, and muscle-relaxant properties.
The water-soluble midazolam may offer some advantages over diazepam. It causes depression of the CNS by inducing sedation, drowsiness, and finally sleep with increasing doses. Midazolam is three to four times as potent as diazepam, has a shorter duration of action, and has a lesser incidence rate of injection pain and postinjection phlebitis and thrombosis. More specifically, this drug has a rapid onset of action, a peak in action between 10 and 30 minutes, and a duration of action between 1 and 4 hours. Midazolam administered at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg produces a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate, and a reduction in systemic vascular resistance. Midazolam should be used with caution in patients with myocardial ischemia and in those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.9 Postoperative patients who have a substantial amount of hypovolemia should not receive midazolam. In addition, midazolam does not affect intracranial pressure.4,10 Consequently, this drug can be used safely in neurosurgical patients in addition to patients with intracranial pathophysiology.
This drug can be administered in the PACU11; therefore the postanesthesia nurse must monitor the patient for respiratory depression after injection because midazolam causes a dose-dependent respiratory depression. Given that every patient in the PACU has received a plethora of depressant drugs during surgery, midazolam can be potentiated easily when administered in the PACU. Because of this potentiation factor, any dose of midazolam administered in the PACU should be considered effective enough to cause profound respiratory depression. Therefore, oxygen and resuscitative equipment must be immediately available, and a person skilled in maintaining a patent airway and supporting ventilation should be present. Extra care also should be observed in patients with limited pulmonary reserve and in the elderly and debilitated with reduction of the dosage of midazolam by 25% to 30%.
Midazolam can be given via continuous infusion for patients who need sustained sedation.7 However, midazolam has a pH-dependent diazepine ring; at physiologic pH, the ring can close, causing CNS penetration. In addition, its metabolites are partially active, all of which make midazolam not the drug of choice for long-term sedation. Midazolam is sometimes used in the treatment of critically ill patients who are agitated. The guidelines for use can be found in Box 21-1.