Labor and Birth Complications

Labor and Birth Complications

Kitty Cashion

When complications arise during labor and birth, risk for perinatal morbidity and mortality increases. Some complications are anticipated, especially if the woman is identified to be at high risk during the antepartum period; other complications are unexpected or unforeseen. It is crucial for nurses to understand the normal birth process to prevent and detect deviations from normal labor and birth and to promptly implement nursing measures when complications arise. Optimal care of the laboring woman, fetus, and family experiencing complications is possible only when the nurse and other members of the obstetric team use their knowledge and skills in a concerted effort to provide competent and compassionate care. This chapter focuses on the problems of preterm labor and birth, postterm pregnancy, dystocia, obesity, and obstetric emergencies.

Preterm Labor and Birth

Preterm labor is defined as cervical changes and uterine contractions occurring between 20 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. Preterm birth is any birth that occurs before the completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy, regardless of birth weight. Complications related to preterm birth account for more newborn and infant deaths than any other cause (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012).

In 2010 the preterm birthrate for all races in the United States dropped for the fourth year in a row, to 11.99% (Martin, Hamilton, Sutton, et al., 2012). This decline was largely the result of three major practice changes: (1) improved fertility practices that reduced the risk for higher-order multiple gestations; (2) limiting scheduled births at less than 39 weeks of gestation to only those with valid indications; and (3) increased use of strategies to prevent recurrent preterm birth (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012).

The World Health Organization estimates that 9.6% (almost 13 million) of all births worldwide in 2005 were preterm. The rate of preterm birth is highest in Africa and North America and lowest in Europe. In the United States, African-American women have the highest rates of preterm birth, almost twice as high as those of other racial and ethnic groups. This is particularly apparent for births that occur at less than 32 weeks of gestation (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012).

About 75% of all preterm births in the United States are termed late preterm because they occur between 34 and 36 weeks of gestation. Late preterm infants are at increased risk for early death and long-term health problems when compared with infants who are born full term. Although late preterm babies do experience significant problems, the great majority of infant deaths and the most serious morbidity occur among the 16% of all preterm infants who are born before 32 weeks of gestation (very preterm birth) (Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009).

Preterm Birth versus Low Birth Weight

Although they have distinctly different meanings, the terms preterm birth or prematurity and low birth weight are often interchanged. Preterm birth describes length of gestation (i.e., less than 37 weeks regardless of the weight of the infant), whereas low birth weight describes only weight at the time of birth (i.e., 2500 g or less). Because birth weight was far easier to determine than gestational age, in many settings and publications low birth weight was used as a substitute term for preterm birth. Preterm birth, however, is a more dangerous health condition for an infant because less time in the uterus correlates with immaturity of body systems. Low-birth-weight babies can be, but are not necessarily, preterm. Low birth weight can be caused by conditions other than preterm birth, such as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), a condition of inadequate fetal growth not necessarily correlated with initiation of labor. Pregnant women who have various complications of pregnancy that interfere with uteroplacental perfusion, such as gestational hypertension or poor nutrition, may give birth to a baby at term who is low birth weight because of IUGR. However, infants born at a preterm gestation can weigh more than 2500 g at birth, such as infants born to women with diabetes who have poorly controlled blood glucose levels. Today, thanks to advances in pregnancy dating, outcomes related to gestational age can increasingly be distinguished from outcomes related to birth weight (Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009).

Spontaneous versus Indicated Preterm Birth

Preterm birth is divided into two categories: spontaneous and indicated. Spontaneous preterm birth occurs after an early initiation of the labor process and comprises nearly 75% of all preterm births in the United States. Conditions such as preterm labor with intact membranes, preterm premature rupture of membranes (preterm PROM), cervical insufficiency, or amnionitis often result in preterm birth (Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009).

Indicated preterm birth occurs as a means to resolve maternal or fetal risk related to continuing the pregnancy. About 25% of all preterm births in the United States are indicated because of medical or obstetric conditions that affect the mother, the fetus, or both. An increase in the number of indicated preterm births between 34 and 36 weeks of gestation accounts for much of the recent rise in late preterm births (Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009; Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012). Box 17-1 lists some common causes of indicated preterm births.

The remainder of this section deals with spontaneous preterm labor and birth.

Predicting Spontaneous Preterm Labor and Birth

Major risk factors for spontaneous preterm birth are listed in Box 17-2. Poverty, lack of education, living in a disadvantaged neighborhood, state, or region, and lack of access to prenatal care also have been identified as risk factors. In addition, the risk for preterm birth appears to be genetically related. For example, women who were themselves born prematurely have an increased risk for giving birth prematurely (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012). Researchers have developed many risk scoring systems in an attempt to determine which women might go into labor prematurely. No risk scoring system has been very successful in lowering the preterm birthrate, however, because at least 50% of all women who ultimately give birth prematurely have no identifiable risk factors (Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009; Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012). Therefore it is important that all women be educated about prematurity, not only in early pregnancy but also in the preconception period. Unless all women are included in prevention efforts, a widespread reduction of preterm birthrates cannot be expected.

Fetal Fibronectin Test

Fetal fibronectin, a biochemical marker, has been studied extensively and is marketed in the United States as a diagnostic test for preterm labor. It is a glycoprotein “glue” found in plasma and produced during fetal life. Fetal fibronectin normally appears in cervical and vaginal secretions early in pregnancy and then again in late pregnancy. The test is performed by collecting fluid from the woman’s vagina using a swab during a speculum examination. The presence of fetal fibronectin during the late second and early third trimesters of pregnancy may be related to placental inflammation, which is thought to be one cause of spontaneous preterm labor. However, the presence of fetal fibronectin is not very sensitive as a predictor of preterm birth. Before 35 weeks of gestation, a positive fetal fibronectin test predicts preterm birth only about 25% of the time. The test’s sensitivity may be better earlier in pregnancy. In one study, the fetal fibronectin test predicted 65% of preterm births occurring before 28 weeks when it was performed between 22 and 24 weeks. Often the test is used to predict who will not go into preterm labor because preterm labor is very unlikely to occur in women with a negative result. Use of the fetal fibronectin test as a screening tool in women who are at low risk for preterm birth is not recommended (Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009).

Causes of Spontaneous Preterm Labor and Birth

Infection is definitely associated with preterm labor. Women in spontaneous preterm labor with intact membranes commonly have organisms that are normally found in the lower genital tract present in their amniotic fluid, placenta, and membranes. Clinical and laboratory evidence of infection are more common when birth occurs earlier than 30 to 32 weeks of gestation rather than closer to term. Urinary tract and intraabdominal (e.g., appendicitis) infections have also been related to preterm birth (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012). Women with periodontal disease have been shown to have an increased risk for preterm birth. However, the risk is not reduced by periodontal care, suggesting that the link between periodontal disease and preterm birth is not a cause-and-effect relationship (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012).

Another proposed cause of preterm labor and birth is bleeding at the site of placental implantation in the uterus in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. The resulting uteroplacental ischemia or hemorrhage at the decidual layer of the placenta may somehow activate the preterm labor process. Intrauterine inflammation is associated with infection, uterine vascular compromise, and decidual hemorrhage and may contribute to preterm labor. Maternal and fetal stress, uterine overdistention, allergic reaction, and a decrease in progesterone are other factors that may play a part in initiating preterm labor. It is becoming increasingly clear that preterm labor is caused by multiple pathologic processes that eventually result in uterine contractions, cervical changes, and membrane rupture (Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009; Romero and Lockwood, 2009).

Care Management

Because all pregnant women must be considered at risk for preterm labor, nursing assessment for factors that contribute to this risk begins early in pregnancy and continues throughout the prenatal period. The onset of preterm labor is often insidious and can be easily mistaken for normal discomforts of pregnancy. Nursing diagnoses, expected outcomes of care, and evidence-based interventions are established for each woman based on her assessment findings (see Nursing Care Plan).

image Nursing Care Plan

Preterm Labor

Deficient Knowledge related to recognition of preterm labor Woman and partner describe signs and symptoms of preterm labor. Assess what woman and partner know about preterm labor and birth and how to recognize its presence To identify areas of deficit
Discuss signs and symptoms that serve as warning signs of preterm labor so that woman or her partner has adequate information To identify problems early
Provide written supplemental materials that include list of warning signs and instructions regarding what to do if any of listed signs occur Couple can reinforce and review learning and act swiftly and appropriately should a sign occur
Discuss and demonstrate how to assess and time contractions To provide needed skills to assess signs of labor
Risk for Injury (maternal/fetal) related to recurrence of preterm labor Woman demonstrates ability to assess self for signs of recurring labor; maternal-fetal well-being is maintained. Teach woman and partner how to monitor uterine contraction activity daily To provide immediate evidence of worsening condition
Have woman and partner report rupture of membranes, vaginal bleeding, cramping, pelvic pressure, or low backache to appropriate health care resource immediately Because such symptoms can be signs of labor
Have woman monitor her weight, diet, fluid intake, and vital signs on daily basis To evaluate for potential problems
Have woman limit activities to those recommended in restricted activity plan. To decrease likelihood of onset of labor
Encourage woman to use side-lying position when reclining To enhance placental perfusion
Teach woman signs and symptoms of thrombophlebitis, and encourage gentle exercise of lower extremities Because pregnancy and limited activity increase risk for clot formation
Counsel woman to abstain from sexual intercourse and nipple stimulation if symptoms of preterm labor occur Because such activities may stimulate uterine contractions
Encourage woman to practice relaxation techniques To decrease uterine tone and decrease anxiety and stress
Teach woman to take tocolytic or other medications per physician’s orders To inhibit uterine contractions
Teach woman and partner about and have them report any medication side effects immediately To prevent medication-induced complications
Have family arrange for alternative strategies in carrying out woman’s usual roles and functions To decrease stress and limit temptations to increase activity
If small children are part of household, encourage family to make alternative arrangements for child care To enhance woman’s adherence to her restricted activity protocol
Anxiety related to preterm labor and potentially premature neonate Feeling and symptoms of anxiety are reduced. Provide calm, soothing atmosphere, and encourage family to provide emotional support To facilitate coping
Encourage verbalization of fears To decrease intensity of emotional response
Involve woman and family in home management of her condition To promote greater sense of control
Help woman identify and use appropriate coping strategies and support systems To reduce fear/anxiety
Explore use of desensitization strategies such as progressive muscle relaxation, visual imagery, or thought stopping To reduce fear-related emotions and related physical symptoms
Provide information about online support groups To reduce fear and anxiety
Deficient Diversional Activity related to modified bed rest Woman will verbalize diminished feelings of boredom. Assist woman to creatively explore personally meaningful activities that can be pursued from the bed To ensure activities that have meaning, purpose, and value to individual
Maintain emphasis on personal choices of woman Because doing so promotes control and minimizes imposition of routines by others
Evaluate support and system resources that are available in environment To assist in providing diversional activities
Explore ways for woman to remain active participant in home management and decision making To promote control
Engage support of family and friends in carrying out chosen activities and making necessary environmental alterations To ensure success
Encourage woman to use the Internet to communicate with other women on bed rest To obtain support and share feelings
Teach woman about stress management and relaxation techniques To help manage tension of confinement



Primary prevention strategies that address risk factors associated with preterm labor and birth are less costly in human and financial terms than the high-tech and often lifelong care required by preterm infants and their families. Programs aimed at health promotion and disease prevention that encourage healthy lifestyles for the population in general and women of childbearing age in particular should be developed. Preconception counseling and care for women, especially those with a history of preterm birth, may identify correctable risk factors and provide a means to encourage women to participate in health-promoting activities. Smoking cessation, for example, has been shown to prevent preterm labor and birth (Freda, 2006; Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009).

Preterm birth can be prevented in some women by administering prophylactic progesterone supplementation. Both daily vaginal suppositories or creams and weekly intramuscular injections of 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate have been shown to decrease the rate of preterm birth by about 40% in women with a history of prior preterm birth or with a short (less than 15 mm to 20 mm length) cervix before 24 weeks of gestation. Supplementation begins at 16 weeks and continues until 36 weeks of gestation. Progesterone supplementation does not affect the rate of preterm birth in women with multiple gestations. Exactly how progesterone works to prevent preterm birth is unclear (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012).

Many interventions intended to prevent spontaneous preterm birth have been recommended in the past and are still often prescribed. However, some of these interventions have not been shown to reduce the rate of preterm birth. Ongoing research is needed, especially since our understanding of the pathophysiology of preterm birth is increasing (Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009).

Early Recognition and Diagnosis

Although preterm birth often is not preventable, early recognition of preterm labor is still essential to implement interventions that have been demonstrated to reduce neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality. These interventions include (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012):

Although maternal transport helps ensure a better health outcome for the mother and the baby, it also has a downside. Women may be transported to tertiary centers far from home, making visits by family and friends difficult and increasing the anxiety levels of the woman and her family. Attention to the needs of the woman and her family before, during, and after the transport is essential to comprehensive nursing care.

Because more than half of preterm births occur in women without obvious risk factors, it is essential that all pregnant women be taught the symptoms of preterm labor (Box 17-3). The nurse caring for women in a prenatal setting should use methods that are known to be successful for teaching pregnant women about how to recognize these symptoms and then assess for these symptoms at each prenatal visit. Women also must be taught the significance of these symptoms of preterm labor and what to do should they occur (see Patient Teaching box).

In particular, patient education regarding any symptoms of uterine contractions or cramping between 20 and 37 weeks of gestation must emphasize that these symptoms are not just normal discomforts of pregnancy but, rather, indications of possible preterm labor (Fig. 17-1). Waiting too long to see a health care provider could result in inevitable preterm birth without sufficient time to implement the interventions that have been shown to improve infant outcomes (see preceding discussion).

The diagnosis of preterm labor is based on three major diagnostic criteria:

If the presence of fetal fibronectin is used as another diagnostic criterion, a sample of cervical and vaginal secretions for testing should be obtained before an examination for cervical changes because the lubricant used to examine the cervix can reduce the accuracy of the test for fetal fibronectin. The presence of vaginal bleeding or ruptured membranes or a history of intercourse within the past 24 hours can also reduce the accuracy of the test results.

The pregnant woman at 30 weeks with an irritable uterus but no documented cervical change is not in preterm labor, although she should be carefully evaluated during follow-up care to determine whether she has progressed to active preterm labor (e.g., effacement, dilation, or both). Misdiagnosis of preterm labor can lead to inappropriate use of pharmacologic agents that can be dangerous to the health of the woman, the fetus, or both.

Lifestyle Modifications

Activity Restriction.

Activity restriction, including bed rest and limited work, is a commonly prescribed intervention for the prevention of preterm birth. Bed rest, however, is not a benign intervention, and no evidence has been published in the literature to support the effectiveness of this intervention in reducing preterm birthrates (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012). Research indicates that bed rest causes adverse physical effects, including risk for thrombus formation, muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular deconditioning. In many instances, these symptoms are not resolved by 6 weeks postpartum. In addition, bed rest affects women and their families psychologically, emotionally, socially, and financially. Box 17-4 lists adverse effects of bed rest. Many health care providers now recommend only modified bed rest.

Home Care.

Home care of the woman at risk for preterm birth is still challenging for the nurse, who must assist the woman and her family in dealing with the many difficulties faced by families when one member is unable to fulfill usual role responsibilities.

The woman’s environment can be modified for convenience by using tables and storage units around her bed or daytime resting place to keep essential items within reach (e.g., cell or smart phone, television, radio, MP3 player, CD player, computer with Internet access, snacks, books, magazines, newspapers, and items for hobbies) (Fig. 17-2). Ensuring that the bed or couch is near a window and the bathroom is also helpful. Covering the bed with an eggcrate mattress can relieve discomfort. Women often find that a daily schedule of smaller, more frequent meals, activities (e.g., paying bills, planning and helping with meal preparation, hobbies), limited naps, and hygiene and grooming (e.g., shower, dressing in street clothes, applying makeup) reduces boredom and helps them maintain control and normalcy. See the Patient Teaching box on p. 309 for more information.

See the Patient Teaching box on p. 447 for additional ideas and suggestions. With modified bedrest, women are usually allowed bathroom privileges for toileting and showering and can be up to the table for meals.

Suppression of Uterine Activity

Tocolytics are medications given to arrest labor after uterine contractions and cervical change have occurred. No medications that have been approved for use as tocolytics by the United States Food and Drug Administration are currently available in the United States. Ritodrine (Yutopar) was approved but has been withdrawn from the market in the United States. However, it is still used as a tocolytic in other countries. Drugs marketed for other purposes, such as treatment of asthma or hypertension or as antiinflammatory or analgesic agents, are used on an “off-label” basis (i.e., drugs known to be effective for a specific purpose, although not specifically developed and tested for this purpose) to suppress preterm labor (Iams, Romero, and Creasy, 2009). No tocolytic has been shown to reduce the rate of preterm birth. Rather, the rationale for giving these medications is to delay birth long enough to allow time for maternal transport and for corticosteroids to reach maximum benefit to reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality. Studies of individual drugs used for tocolysis rarely contain information about whether delaying birth improved infant outcomes (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012). Maternal and fetal contraindications to tocolytic therapy are listed in Box 17-5. Box 17-6 describes nursing care for women receiving tocolytic therapy.

Magnesium sulfate inhibits uterine contractions and decreases intracellular calcium levels (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012). It is almost always administered intravenously but can also be given intramuscularly. Magnesium sulfate produces few serious maternal or neonatal complications, and clinicians are familiar with its use. However, although magnesium sulfate is still frequently used, a recent meta-analysis of tocolytic agents found that it is not effective when given for tocolysis (see Medication Guide on pp. 448-449) (Simhan, Iams, and Romero, 2012).

image Medication Guide

Tocolytic Therapy for Preterm Labor

Magnesium Sulfate

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