Chapter 33 Antenatal investigations
After reading this chapter, you will be able to:
The field of antenatal investigations has grown greatly in the past few years. Tests are being offered today – and decisions from women are becoming necessary – that would have been unthinkable previously. Although NICE (2008) guidelines for antenatal care recommend a schedule of antenatal tests, there is still a wide variation in what tests are considered ‘routine’ in various parts of the UK. The increase in use of information technology has meant that women and their partners often have accessed much specialized information themselves, and this may shape their questions.
Therefore, midwives need to have a better-than-ever knowledge of what tests are being offered, in order that they can ensure women are making their choices based on up-to-date and comprehensive information. They also need to be effective counsellors as it is acknowledged that the skills and attitudes of midwives influence the uptake of screening tests (Heyman & Henriksen 2001, van den Berg et al 2007). The midwife should also appreciate that the complete clinical antenatal examination is one of the most effective and efficient screening and diagnostic tools, if undertaken systematically and skilfully.
Screening and diagnosis
Some screening tests will produce results which mean an invasive test will be necessary to obtain a diagnosis. This needs to be made clear to the woman by the midwife providing counselling – should a woman be undertaking a serum screening for Down syndrome test if she would not undergo amniocentesis in the case of a ‘high risk’ result? Some tests, such as ultrasound, can be both screening and diagnostic (see Table 33.1) – for instance, a scan can diagnose a missing limb or neural tube defect, but can also discover anomalies (for example, ‘soft markers’) which would need further investigations to determine a diagnosis. (See the NHS screening website for the timeline for antenatal tests.)
Table 33.1 Common procedures used for fetal assessment
Test | Time | |
Nuchal translucency (screening) | Chromosomal abnormality | 10–14 weeks |
Chorionic villus sampling (diagnostic) | Chromosomal abnormality Genetic disease Metabolic disorders Haemoglobinopathies Infection | >10 weeks |
Amniocentesis (diagnostic) | Chromosomal abnormality Genetic disease Metabolic disorders Haemoglobinopathies Infection | 10–14 weeks (early) 15–18 weeks |
Ultrasound (screening and diagnostic) | Assess fetus (dates/growth/viability/number) Diagnosis of some abnormalities (e.g. structural) Screening for abnormalities (e.g. soft markers) Assessment of placental site Liquor volume | All gestations |
Cordocentesis (diagnostic) | Obtain fetal blood sample | 2nd/3rd trimester |
Doppler (screening) | Assess fetal/placental/uterine blood flow | 2nd/3rd trimester |
Blood tests
Blood tests for assessment of maternal wellbeing
See Table 33.2 for normal blood laboratory values.
Table 33.2 Normal blood levels and specific diagnostic tests
Non-pregnant | Pregnant | |
General screening assays | ||
Haemoglobin | 12–16 g/dL | 11–13 g/dL |
Packed cell volume (PCV) | 37–45% | 33–39% |
Red blood cell count (RBC) | 4.2–5.4 million/mm3 | 3.8–4.4 million/mm3 |
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) | 80–100 fL | 70–90 fL |
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) | 27–34 fL | 23–31 fL |
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) | 32–35 fL | 32–35 fL |
Reticulocyte count | 0.5–1% | 1–2% |
White blood cells (WBC) | 4–11 × 109/L | 6–16 × 109/L |
Platelets | 150–400 × 109/L | 150–400 × 109/L |
C-reactive protein (CRP) | 0–7 g/L | 0–7 g/L |
Specific diagnostic tests | ||
Serum iron | 50–100 mg/dL | 30–100 mg/dL |
Unsaturated iron binding capacity | 250–300 mg/dL | 280–400 mg/dL |
Transferrin saturation | 25–35% | 15–30% |
Iron stores (bone marrow) | Adequate ferritin | Unchanged |
Serum folate | 6–16 mg/mL | 4–10 mg/mL |
Serum vitamin B12 | 70–85 ng/dL | 70–500 ng/dL |
Serum ferritin | 15–300 pg/L | Unchanged |
Maternal blood is examined for the presence of antibodies, particularly rhesus antibodies if the woman is rhesus negative. If the fetus is rhesus positive, antibodies can be stimulated by the occurrence of a fetomaternal haemorrhage, when ‘leaks’ occur and some fetal rhesus-positive cells pass into the maternal circulation. This can happen as pregnancy progresses, during procedures such as amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or external cephalic version, in situations such as an antepartum haemorrhage, or at delivery. The rhesus-negative woman may respond by producing antibodies, in this or subsequent pregnancies, which may then cross the placenta to the fetal circulation and cause haemolysis in a rhesus-positive fetus. The administration of anti-D immunoglobulin is effective in preventing the production of these antibodies (MacKenzie et al 1991). Recent guidance from NICE (2008) suggests that routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis should be offered to all non-sensitized, rhesus-negative women. It is crucial that careful discussion takes place regarding this prophylaxis as the woman must appreciate that she is being given a blood product. If the woman knows that the father of the child is rhesus negative also, prophylaxis will be unnecessary.
ABO incompatibility and less common antibodies such as Kell, Duffy and Kidd (Hoffbrand et al 2006) can also affect the fetus or newborn.
Full blood count
Haemoglobin (Hb)
Serum ferritin levels and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) may be assessed (McGhee 2000) and causes of insidious blood loss, such as from chronic renal infection or parasitic infestation, may be investigated.
In the past, iron supplements were routinely given to pregnant women, but this is no longer considered appropriate (NICE 2008). Measurement of serum ferritin at booking may predict those who will develop anaemia during pregnancy and therefore treatment could be commenced before the Hb becomes low (Letsky 2002).
Both sickle cell disease and thalassaemia are recessive conditions (see Ch. 26), therefore only those inheriting an affected gene from each parent will have the disease. If a woman is found to be carrying either the HbS gene or the thalassaemia trait (thalassaemia minor), it is necessary to test her partner before a prediction about the baby’s condition can be made. If both parents carry the gene, prenatal diagnosis can be made by chorionic villus sampling (CVS), amniocentesis or, more rarely, cordocentesis.
Currently, in high-prevalence areas, booking bloods for all women are automatically screened by hospital laboratories. In areas considered low prevalence, the Family Origin Questionnaire (DH 2007) should be used by midwives to identify who to test (see website).
Maternal infection screening
Hepatitis B (HBV)
Hepatitis B is an infectious blood-borne viral disease. It can cause a range of symptoms from very mild to life threatening. About 10% of adults infected become chronic carriers and this may then progress to serious liver disease. Transmission is by contact with body fluids or vertically to the fetus. However, although there is a high chance of perinatal transmission, interventions after birth can greatly reduce the risk of the baby becoming a chronic carrier, and therefore identification of the mother’s HBV status during pregnancy is important. All pregnant women should be screened for HBV infection (NICE 2008).