Chapter 47 Infection
Infection is still a significant cause of abortion, fetal malformation, prematurity, infant death and long-term morbidity, especially in sick and preterm babies (Newell & Darling 2008). Normally the fetus is protected from infection during pregnancy (congenital infection) by the cervical mucus plug, intact amniotic sac and placenta, all of which act as a barrier to most bacterial conditions; but certain viruses and protozoa, because of their small molecular size, can cross the placenta, causing teratogenic (fetal malformation) effects and infections (Box 47.1).
The effect of fetal infection depends upon the nature of the organism and the stage of gestation. For example, exposure to rubella in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with a high risk of serious congenital defects, whereas exposure in late pregnancy poses little risk. In contrast, genital herpes infection in early pregnancy poses little risk, but if acquired at birth there is a high risk of neonatal infection. Exposure to primary CMV infection in pregnancy gives a risk of adverse neonatal outcome at any stage of pregnancy, but infection acquired during birth or in the postnatal period through breastfeeding is not associated with adverse neonatal outcome (Newell & McIntyre 2000).
Some infections have long-term sequelae which may not become apparent for months or even years. For example, the ophthalmic damage caused by chlamydia becomes apparent in the neonatal period but the pneumonia associated with chlamydia infection usually occurs months after delivery; deafness associated with congenital CMV, toxoplasmosis, syphilis and rubella infection often does not become apparent until later in childhood; and hepatitis B and C infection may result in an initial infection but chronic hepatitis develops later and after hepatitis B infection cirrhosis and carcinoma of the liver do not occur for several decades (Newell & McIntyre 2000).
Antenatal screening for infection
Currently, all women in early pregnancy in the UK are offered screening for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and rubella (UKNSC/HPA 2007). Women who present in labour without having received any antenatal care should be offered screening for these four infections in labour.
Newborn immunity
Both preterm and term infants are vulnerable to infection because they are naturally immunodeficient at birth. Also, because the immune system is not exposed to common organisms until birth, there is an initial delayed or diminished response to any invading organisms (Blackburn 2007).
Newborn term infants do have some degree of natural immunity at birth due to the following:
The complement system
The complement system is a major component of innate immunity. Complement consists of a series of plasma proteins and their fragments that, when activated, enhance other components of the immune system. For example, the effect of complement on the cell membrane of invading organisms enables their destruction by other defence mechanisms of the body (Blackburn 2007). Breast milk contains some components of the complement system but the overall action of complement is limited at birth.
Prevention of infection
Newborn infants in maternity units are at risk of cross-infection and frequent, effective handwashing remains the single most important method of preventing the spread of infection (NPSA 2010: see website). Other strategies include newborn ‘rooming in’ with the mother, encouraging breastfeeding to increase immune protection, using individual equipment for each baby, and, if necessary, isolation of an infected infant. Visitors should be discouraged from sitting on beds and from visiting if they have an infection or feel unwell.
To avoid exposure to bloodborne infections, such as hepatitis B and HIV, midwives must integrate into their practice the Department of Health universal precautions (DH 1998) to reduce exposure to blood and other body fluids and tissue that may contain bloodborne pathogens. Universal precautions include covering any skin cuts/lesions with a waterproof dressing, wearing rubber gloves and other protective clothing as appropriate, avoiding needlestick injuries and disposing safely of sharps (needles) and other instruments and waste, and vaccination against hepatitis B.
Signs and symptoms of infection in the newborn
When the membranes rupture, the fetus becomes susceptible to organisms from the birth canal; the infections most likely to be acquired in this way are pneumonia and/or meningitis due to GBS infection or Listeria monocytogenes, gonococcal and chlamydia conjunctivitis, Candida albicans (a fungal infection) and herpes simplex (Newell & Darling 2008).
The possibility of neonatal infection should always be borne in mind if labour is preterm or there is prolonged rupture of the membranes, especially if chorioamnionitis has developed. Maternal pyrexia in labour, especially if preterm, and a cardiotocogragh (CTG) showing a fetal heart rate pattern of tachycardia with reduced variability, and no acclerations, can also be indicators of the possibility of fetal infection (Gibb & Arulkumaran 2008). The midwife should seek an obstetric clinical review because maternal investigations such as blood cultures and antibiotic treatment may be required and the baby should be screened at birth.
The baby at birth
Urgent referral to a paediatrician for further investigations is imperative as babies often deteriorate rapidly when ill. An infection screen will be carried out and includes a full blood count, blood culture, chest X-ray, and microscopy and culture of urine and cerebrospinal fluid. Treatment using broad-spectrum antibiotics will be started pending results of screening tests (Newell & Darling 2008).
Infections acquired during pregnancy
Listeriosis is an uncommon but serious neonatal infection transmitted via the placenta. It is caused by the Gram-positive bacillus Listeria monocytogenes. Intrauterine infection can result in either spontaneous abortion or stillbirth; preterm labour and amnionitis are common. Listeriosis can cause a green staining of the liquor, which may be mistaken for meconium. Meconium is not normally passed prior to 34 weeks’ gestation; therefore, in a labour of less than 34 weeks’ gestation, green staining of the liquor should alert the midwife to the possibility of listeriosis. With listeriosis, the CTG will show a persistent tachycardia with markedly reduced variability and shallow decelerations (Fig. 47.1).

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