
Chapter 7 Hepatology

Basic concepts

1 Review the anatomy of the hepatic lobule and portal triad. In what manner do blood and bile flow through a lobule?

A central hepatic vein is located at the center of each hepatic lobule. Multiple portal triads (hepatic artery, portal venule, bile duct) surround this central vein. Hepatocytes are arranged in sheets of single-cell thickness and are surrounded by blood-filled sinusoids. Blood flows from the hepatic artery and portal vein toward the central vein through the sinusoids. Bile is formed by the hepatocytes and emptied into bile canuliculi in the lateral wall of the hepatocyte. The bile flows from here toward the bile ducts (Fig. 7-1).

Blood flows from the portal triad toward the central vein, and bile flows from the hepatocytes toward the portal triads.

Knowing the structure of the hepatic lobule is clinically relevant. The hepatocytes located near the portal triad (zone 1) are closest to the oxygenated blood supply and are thus the first cells affected by toxins that reach the liver via the bloodstream. On the other hand, hepatocytes closest to the central vein (zone 3) are the furthest from the oxygenated blood supply of the lobule and are thus the first cells affected by ischemia.

4 What are the main causes of jaundice and how does each affect the type of hyperbilirubinemia observed?

See Table 7-1 for the causes of jaundice and the characteristics of each.

Step 1 Secret

You should be able to differentiate between the causes and presentations of conjugated and unconjugated hyperbilirubinemias shown in Table 7-1. This is a commonly tested principle on boards. For those of you who do not fully understand the details of Table 7-1, we have provided our handy approach to reasoning through the causes of jaundice.

Secret to diagnosing common causes of jaundice

For those of you who still struggle with this concept, we will attempt to explain our easy method for approaching evaluation of jaundice. In order to understand jaundice, you must first understand the pathway of bilirubin formation and excretion. Red blood cell (RBC) breakdown leads to the formation of unconjugated bilirubin, which is bound to albumin in the bloodstream. This unconjugated bilirubin is referred to as indirect bilirubin and is water-insoluble (therefore, it cannot be excreted into urine). The indirect bilirubin is then taken up by the liver and conjugated to glucuronic acid by the enzyme uridine diphosphate (UDP) glucuronyltransferase. This forms a water-soluble product called direct bilirubin. Direct bilirubin is then excreted into the bile that is formed in the liver. Bile itself is composed of bile salts, bilirubin, phospholipids, cholesterol, electrolytes, and water. It is stored in the gallbladder, where it is concentrated. When bile is secreted into the gut lumen, the conjugated bilirubin is deconjugated by bacterial flora into urobilinogen. Urobilinogen has three possible fates: (1) it is excreted into feces, where it gives the characteristic brown color of stool; (2) it returns to the liver via the enterohepatic circulation; or (3) it is reabsorbed via the systemic circulation and excreted by the kidney, giving the characteristic color of urine.

Now that you have the background on bilirubin formation and excretion, we can begin to explore the causes of jaundice. Jaundice may be the result of any abnormality along the aforementioned pathway. It can therefore occur as a result of (1) excessive bilirubin production, (2) decreased hepatic uptake or conjugation of indirect bilirubin, (3) decreased hepatocellular secretion of bilirubin into bile, or (4) impaired or obstucted bile flow. If this makes sense to you, it becomes very formulaic to tease apart the various causes of jaundice. All you have to do is match the various causes of jaundice listed in Table 7-1 to these basic mechanisms.

Let’s start with increased bilirubin production (item 1 in our preceding list). The most notable cause of increased bilirubin production is hemolytic jaundice, which leads to an unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Why does this occur? Hemolysis refers to accelerated breakdown of RBCs, which rapidly increases indirect bilirubin levels in the bloodstream. The liver, which must uptake and conjugate all of this bilirubin, has trouble keeping up with the rapid rate of bilirubin production. As a result, indirect bilirubin levels increase in the bloodstream. Do not confuse this with hepatocellular jaundice. The liver, in this case, is perfectly functional! It can uptake and conjugate bilirubin, but it cannot do so at the required pace. In fact, absolute amounts of conjugated bilirubin and urobilinogen increase above normal because of the increased production and conjugation of indirect bilirubin. The bilirubin that is conjugated is responsible for maintaining urobilinogen concentrations in urine and feces. Thus, both are normally colored.

Decreased hepatic uptake and conjugation of bilirubin (items 2 and 3 in our list) are additional causes of jaundice. Consider a scenario in which the liver does not function normally, such as viral hepatitis. This leads to hepatocellular jaundice because the “sick” liver is unable to perform its normal task of conjugating bilirubin. Some bilirubin will be conjugated (thus maintaining the normal color of urine and feces), but indirect bilirubin levels will also increase above normal. Note that conjugated bilirubin in the liver also leaks out into the bloodstream through the damaged hepatic tissue. It is never normal to see bilirubin (whether indirect or direct) in the bloodstream. If this finding appears on laboratory tests, it is a red flag for disease.

The final cause of jaundice mentioned in Table 7-1 is obstructive jaundice. Obstructive jaundice results when conjugated bilirubin is unable to be excreted into the gut either due to impaired liver secretion of bile (see item 3) or impaired bile flow (see item 4). The most common cause of obstructive jaundice is bile duct obstruction (e.g., gallstones, pancreatic tumor). Although conjugated bilirubin is produced and secreted into bile, the bile is unable to be secreted into the gut lumen due to an obstruction in the bile duct system. Bile backs up into the liver, causing engorgement and rupture of intrahepatic ducts. This leads to spillage of conjugated bilirubin into sinusoidal blood and, ultimately, the systemic circulation. Thus, conjugated bilirubin levels become elevated while urobilinogen levels decrease due to inadequate concentrations of conjugated bilirubin in the gut lumen. Urine color remains normal (conjugated bilirubin in the systemic circulation is water soluble and can be excreted by the kidneys), but stool becomes clay-colored due to lack of urobilinogen excretion into feces.

Now that you have a better understanding of the causes of jaundice, revisit Table 7-1 and attempt to fill it in on your own.

6 What are the symptoms of portal hypertension?

Portal hypertension leads to increased resistance to flow in the systemic venous system. As a result, blood cannot pass freely from the portal system to the systemic system and backs up into the portacaval anastomoses, which causes them to become engorged, dilated, or varicose. The location of these anastomoses determines the specific symptoms that result from portal hypertension. These symptoms and signs are listed in Table 7-2. General symptoms of portal hypertension include ascites (secondary to increased hydrostatic pressure), spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (note that ascitic fluid is a wonderful culture medium for bacteria), hepatorenal syndrome, and splenomegaly due to decreased drainage of venous blood from the spleen. Splenomegaly can result in anemia, thrombocytopenia, or pancytopenia due to cellular sequestration within the engorged spleen.

Table 7-2 Portal Hypertension: Anastomoses and Related Signs

Portacaval Anastomosis Clinical Sign
Left gastric vein with esophageal vein (branch of azygos vein) Esophageal varices (leading to heavy bleeding/hematemesis)
Paraumbilical vein with epigastric vessels Caput medusae
Superior rectal vein with middle and inferior rectal veins Internal hemorrhoids (unlike external hemorrhoids, these are not painful because the visceral nerves that are above the dentate line sense pressure and not pain)

Note: Portal hypertension results from prehepatic, intrahepatic, and posthepatic causes. Cirrhosis is a common cause of intrahepatic portal hypertension, while portal vein thrombosis is a prehepatic cause. Right-sided heart failure and Budd-Chiari syndrome (see next question) are common precursors to posthepatic portal hypertension.

8 What are the common liver biochemical tests and what do they indicate?

The most common laboratory tests ordered are the aminotransferases (alanine transaminase [ALT], aspartate transaminase [AST]), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP), bilirubin, prothrombin time (PT), and albumin. Serum protein concentration and PT tests evaluate synthetic function of the liver because albumin (the predominant serum protein) and clotting factors are manufactured by hepatocytes. PT, in particular, is not generally elevated until severe liver disease has occurred. Serum bilirubin concentration is used to evaluate functional clearance by the liver. ALT, AST, ALP, and GGTP more accurately reflect liver injury. Serum elevations in ALT and AST result from leakage of these enzymes from damage to hepatocytes. ALT is generally elevated more than AST with viral infection, but AST is elevated more than ALT with alcohol abuse. Serum elevations in ALP and GGTP are seen when increased production of these enzymes are induced by bile duct damage. ALP is less specific for bile duct/liver damage than GGTP, as it is often elevated during bone remodeling. Both ALP and GGTP levels should be obtained if bile duct damage is suspected. GGTP levels are also elevated with alcohol abuse because it is a marker of mitochondrial damage. As a general rule of thumb, ALT and AST show greater elevation in hepatitis, and ALP and GGTP show greater elevation in cholestatic disease.

6 What is the pathogenesis of the suspected cause of hematemesis in this patient?

He most likely has ruptured esophageal varices (see Table 7-2). This patient has portal hypertension secondary to alcohol-induced cirrhosis. This creates portacaval anastomoses, in which the pressure in the portal venous system diverts blood from the portal system into the systemic circulation at sites where there are anastomoses. In this patient’s case, blood from the gastric veins backed up into his esophageal tributaries, which became distended and eventually ruptured (Fig. 7-2).

Note: The round ligament of the liver (ligamentum teres hepatica) is an embryologic remnant of the umbilical vein. The major morphologic characteristics of cirrhosis are extensive fibrosis with nodules of regenerating hepatocytes.

9 List all the laboratory findings you would expect in a patient with liver failure

See Table 7-3 for the laboratory findings in liver failure and their underlying mechanisms.

Table 7-3 Common Findings in Patients With Liver Failure

Laboratory Value Mechanism
Elevated or normal LFT values Liver enzymes may be elevated during initial damage, but if cirrhosis is present or the liver shrinks over time, liver enzyme levels may appear normal in the context of decreased hepatic tissue.
Elevated PT The liver is the site of coagulation factor production. With severe liver damage, PT becomes elevated.
Elevated serum bilirubin concentration The liver is responsible for bilirubin uptake. Liver failure causes a spike in serum bilirubin concentration due to decreased hepatic uptake.
Hypoalbuminemia The liver is the predominant site of albumin production. Decreased serum protein concentration may clinically manifest as ascites.
Fasting hypoglycemia Impaired gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis during fasting.
Elevated estrogen levels The liver is the site of estrogen breakdown. Liver damage elevates estrogen levels, which can lead to testicular atrophy and formation of spider angiomata.
Elevated ammonia levels with decreased BUN The liver produces the enzymes involved in the urea cycle, which converts ammonia to urea. Elevated ammonia levels can result in hepatic encephalopathy, marked by confusion, loss of consciousness, asterixis, irritability, tremor, and coma. Increased ammonia also can result in fetor hepaticus (“breath of the dead”), which is characteristic of liver disease.

ADH, antidiuretic hormone; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; LFT, liver function test; PT, prothrombin time.

14 Why are ethanol and fomepizole used to treat methanol poisoning and ethylene glycol poisoning?

Methanol and ethylene glycol are metabolized through the same pathway as ethanol, and the intermediate substances that are formed in this process (formaldehyde from methanol and oxalic acid from ethylene glycol) are very toxic. Alcohol competes with both methanol and ethylene glycol for metabolism by ADH, thereby reducing the rate of formation of the toxic metabolites. Fomepizole further inhibits conversion of methanol or ethylene glycol to their toxic intermediates by directly inhibiting ADH.

Apr 7, 2017 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Hepatology

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