Growing Children and Their Families

Growing Children and Their Families

Heredity and the Developing Child


Most of us understand that something inherited is received from one’s ancestors. The inheritance may be money or a desired heirloom. It is also possible to inherit physical traits and sometimes even a disorder, such as hemophilia. A person’s gender and all inherited characteristics are determined at the moment of conception, when the male sperm cell unites with the female ovum. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes (chromosomes common to both genders) and one pair of sex chromosomes (XX in females and XY in males). Modern cytogenetics (cyto, cell; genetic, origin) has led to the identification of chromosomes as bearers of genes and of DNA as the key molecule of the gene. Like chromosomes, genes are paired. Although matching genes in a pair of chromosomes have the same basic function, they do not act with equal power. Some are dominant, and others are recessive. If a gene is dominant, its instructions are expressed. If a gene is recessive, its instructions are overpowered when it is matched with a dominant gene. If, however, a child inherits two recessive genes (one from each parent), the particular characteristics associated with this gene are expressed. When any two members of a pair of genes carry the same genetic instructions, the person carrying those genes is said to be homozygous for that particular trait. When the two genes in a pair carry different instructions, the person is heterozygous for the trait. One member of a heterozygous pair of genes is the dominant gene.

The concept of genes as dominant or recessive is important in the study of birth defects because some parents who carry defective genes can have healthy children or children who are carriers but are not affected themselves. This concept also explains how outwardly normal parents can give birth to a baby with a defect (Figure 4-1). An individual’s particular set of genes is known as a genotype. Researchers have localized many genes to specific chromosomes, which is termed gene mapping. The availability of these techniques makes an accurate family health history more vital than ever.


Geneticists are able to photograph the nuclei of human cells and enlarge them enough to see the 46 chromosomes, or karyotype. These chromosomes are cut from the picture, matched in pairs, and grouped from large to small. The result is called a karyogram (karyo, nucleus; gram, chart). The karyogram of a normal individual shows 22 pairs of chromosomes called autosomes. These chromosomes, which are alike in males and females, direct the development of the individual. An example of an autosomal defect is Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21 because these individuals have a third, or extra, number 21 chromosome.

The remaining pair of chromosomes are sex chromosomes. These differ in males and females, determining gender and secondary sexual characteristics. Defects in sex chromosomes are more prevalent than those in autosomes and account for a greater variety of abnormal conditions. The Y chromosome is small and apparently carries only the genes for masculinity. The X chromosome is much larger and carries the female genes plus many traits essential to life, such as those that direct various aspects of metabolism, blood formation, color blindness, and defense against bacteria. When the genes that cause a specific condition are known to be carried on the sex chromosomes, the disorder is sex-linked (Box 4-1).

Omissions and duplications of chromosomes can occur during meiosis (the cell division seen only in sex cells in which the chromosomes divide in half before the cell divides in two). When either a piece of a chromosome or an entire chromosome becomes joined to another chromosome, or when broken segments exchange places, the abnormality is termed a translocation.

Mutations, or accidental errors in duplication, rearrangement, or loss of parts of the DNA genetic code, are not completely understood. Once a gene becomes abnormal, the defect is repeated whenever the chromosome on which it appears reproduces itself during normal cell division. Radiation in the form of radiographs, radium, atomic energy, and isotopes can cause mutations. Because a defect may not appear for generations, the amount of radiation to which a person can safely be exposed is difficult to determine. New gene mutations may also occur. A mutation of a gene that directs the production of an enzyme can result in a disruption of the orderly process of metabolism. These biochemical disorders are termed inborn errors of metabolism. Without proper direction of the enzymes, harmful chemical products accumulate in the system. If a genetic mistake affects only an unimportant link in the metabolism chain or if the body otherwise compensates, no abnormal symptoms may occur, even though a gene is defective. Some examples of inherited pathologic conditions discussed in this text are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and hemophilia.

Genetic Counseling and Research

As researchers gather more information concerning the mysteries of the gene, they are able to discover more ways to prevent and treat genetic mishaps. The role of the genetic counselor has broadened and taken on greater importance in recent years. Genetic counseling is the process whereby parents and families are counseled regarding the pattern of a gene’s transmission and the probability of occurrence or recurrence. Patterns of inheritance are known for hundreds of specific birth defects. Counselors often can suggest laboratory tests to determine whether prospective parents are carriers. A list of genetic counseling services can be obtained from the National Foundation/March of Dimes.

In specific genetic disorders in which a precise enzyme or protein is missing, it is often possible to supply the necessary factor. For example, clotting agents may be given to persons with hemophilia and pancreatic enzymes to those with cystic fibrosis. In other disorders, elimination of an offending substance can correct the problem. This is seen in phenylketonuria, in which the elimination of foods high in phenylalanine can prevent brain damage.

Medical research is on the threshold of important breakthroughs in the understanding and treatment of genetic disorders. The U.S. Human Genome Project, funded by the federal government, is locating DNA on genes. Biochemists can at this time create many of these genes in laboratories. As the genetic code is further deciphered, sending messages to the nuclei of cells and supplying the minute amount of DNA needed to correct a mistake will become possible. Gene therapy replacement is a highly experimental project that holds great potential for diseases that are the result of a defective gene, such as cystic fibrosis.

With the development of new technology, obstetric and pediatric providers are faced with questions about pediatric genetic disorders. The ethical and moral obligations for care of such disorders are a constant issue for providers. Definition of standards of care for those who receive genetic testing and counseling is crucial to this area.

Growth and Development

Growth generally refers to the processes that result in increases in size, whereas development refers to increases in complexity of form or function. Growth is orderly and proceeds from the simple to the more complex. Although orderly, growth is uneven at times. Growth spurts are often followed by plateaus. The periods of most rapid growth are infancy and adolescence. The rate of growth varies with the individual child. Each has a timetable that revolves around established norms. Siblings within a family vary in growth and development.

Growth and development are measurable and can be observed and studied. This study is done by comparing height, weight, an increase in vocabulary, the development of physical skills, and other parameters. There are variations in growth within the systems and subsystems, because not all parts mature at the same time. Skeletal growth approximates whole body growth, whereas the brain, lymph, and reproductive tissues follow distinct and individual sequences.

Characteristics of Growth and Development

Directional Patterns

Directional patterns are fundamental to the growth of all humans. Cephalocaudal development proceeds from head to toe (Figure 4-2). The infant is able to raise the head before he or she can sit and gains control of the trunk before walking. The second pattern is proximodistal development, or inner to outer. Development proceeds from the center of the body to the periphery. These patterns occur bilaterally. Development also proceeds from the general to the specific. The infant grasps with the hands before pinching with the fingers.

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Dec 22, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Growing Children and Their Families

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