9 Evidence-based practice and research
Clinical Practice Guideline: Systematically developed statements or guides designed to provide a key link between evidence-based knowledge and health care practice and to offer a mechanism to advance the quality and equity of patient care through the translation of evidence to practice.1–3
Evidence-Based Practice: The conscientious and judicious use of current best available evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values or preference to guide the care given to patients.1,4–6
Experimental Design: A study whose purpose is to test cause-and-effect relationships, specifically to examine the effects of an intervention or treatment on selected outcomes. An experimental design always includes an intervention and control group with random assignment to groups.1,4
Metaanalysis: A technique for quantitatively integrating the results of multiple similar studies addressing the same research question to produce a single estimate of the effect of the intervention of interest.4
Nonexperimental Design: Also called an observatory or exploratory study, a non-experimental design is a study in which data are collected regarding a phenomena without the introduction of an intervention by the researcher.1,4
Prospective Study: Follows patients forward in time, with the use of carefully defined protocols to determine an outcome that is unknown beforehand. This powerful type of research allows the determination of cause-and-effect relationships.4
Qualitative Research: The investigation of phenomena using an in-depth and holistic approach, often involving personal interviews and observations.1,4
Quantitative Research: The investigation of phenomena involving the use of precise measurement and manipulation of numeric data via statistical analysis.1,4
Quasiexperimental Design: A type of design that examines the effect of an intervention on an outcome but lacks one or more characteristics of a true experimental design.1,4
Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial: Patients are randomly assigned to a control (receiving the standard treatment or placebo) or intervention group (receiving the new or experimental treatment), and the outcome is measured and compared. Such trials are considered the most reliable and impartial method of determination of treatment effectiveness.1,4
Retrospective Study: Looks backward in time, usually with use of medical records or existing databases. This type of study is weaker than a prospective study and permits one to determine only the nature of association between a treatment and outcome.1,4
Systematic Review (Integrative Review or Metasynthesis): A rigorous and systematic review of the literature on a like topic involving a clearly defined method for identifying, appraising, and synthesizing the literature and drawing conclusions regarding the question of interest.1,4
Overview of evidence-based practice
EBP involves the conscientious and judicious use of the most current and best available evidence along with the clinician’s expertise and consideration of the patient’s values and preferences to provide patient care.1,4–6 Evidence-based care has been recognized by the Institute of Medicine as a critical component of safe, quality patient care.7 Despite the emphasis on evidence-based care and the millions of dollars spent in the development and conduct of research designed to improve patient care,8 it can take as long as 15 years for this newly discovered knowledge to be translated to clinical practice.9–11
Nursing has a long history of applying evidence to practice, dating back to the days of Florence Nightingale; however, little recognized progress was made in the formal EBP movement until the development of the Cochrane Collaboration, established by Archie Cochrane in the early 1970s in the United Kingdom. As this collaboration was evolving, a similar movement was evolving at the McMaster Medical School in Canada. Originally designated as evidence-based medicine, the concept has shifted over time to be referred to as evidence-based practice and is inclusive of all health care disciplines.1,4,5
The process of evidence-based practice
There are many models to guide the process of EBP. Some of the best known models include the Iowa Model of EBP,12,13 the Hopkins Model of EBP,14 the Melnyk/Fineout-Overholt model,1 and the Rosswurm and Larrabee model.15,16 Steps common to all EBP models include1,12,14,15:
1. Identify the problem or need for change.
4. Critically appraise and synthesize the evidence.
5. Design the practice change.
7. Evaluate the outcomes of the practice change.
8. Adjust, integrate, and sustain the change.
Identify the problem or need for change
The first step in the EBP process is to identify the problem or need for change. Problem identification or “triggers” for change can arise from many sources and can be either knowledge or problem focused.12 Problem-focused triggers typically arise from clinical problems or data. Perhaps performance improvement data shows an increase in surgical site infection, or clinical observation shows that female laparoscopic patients are having a higher incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) then other patients. Knowledge-focused triggers arise when a nurse or another member of the health care team gains new knowledge about current practice that may show improved patient outcomes. This knowledge may arise from reading journal articles or attending a conference.12 After the problem is identified, it is important to form a work team that is inclusive of all involved stakeholders. Organizational support, to include commitment of all necessary resources, inclusive of employee time to work on the project, should also be obtained.12,15
Refine the question
One of the most critical components of the EBP process is to form a focused, searchable, answerable clinical question. Successful completion of this task will literally drive the continued evolution of the project. A strong question typically addresses at least four major components (Box 9-1): the patient (or population), intervention, comparison, and outcome (PICO). A fifth component that may be included is time (PICOT).1
BOX 9-1 PICO Components
From Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E: Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: a guide to best practice, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2011, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
When the PICO components have been defined, the next step is to organize them into a question. The most common EBP questions are focused on either an intervention, prognosis or prediction, diagnosis or diagnostic test, or etiology.1 Templates for developing questions using identified PICO components are provided in Box 9-2. Box 9-3 provides an example of the process.
BOX 9-2 PICO Question Templates
Intervention: In P, what is the effect of I compared with C on O?
Prognosis and prediction: In P, how does I compared with C influence or predict O?
Diagnosis or diagnostic Test: In P, what is the accuracy of I compared with C in diagnosing O?
From Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E: Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: a guide to best practice, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2011, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Polit DF, Beck CT, editors: Nursing research: generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice, Philadelphia, 2008, Lippincott Willims & Wilkins.
BOX 9-3 Sample PICO Components and Question