Drug therapy during pregnancy and breast-feeding


Drug therapy during pregnancy and breast-feeding

Our topic for this chapter is drug therapy in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. The clinical challenge is to provide effective treatment for the mother while avoiding harm to the fetus or nursing infant. Unfortunately, meeting this challenge is confounded by a shortage of reliable data on drug toxicity during pregnancy or breast-feeding.

Drug therapy during pregnancy: basic considerations

Drug use during pregnancy is common: About two-thirds of pregnant women take at least one medication, and the majority take more. Some drugs are used to treat pregnancy-related conditions, such as nausea, constipation, and preeclampsia. Some are used to treat chronic disorders, such as hypertension, diabetes, and epilepsy. And some are used for infectious diseases or cancer. In addition to taking these therapeutic agents, pregnant women may take drugs of abuse, such as alcohol, cocaine, and heroin.

Drug therapy in pregnancy presents a vexing dilemma. In pregnant patients, as in all other patients, the benefits of treatment must balance the risks. Of course, when drugs are used during pregnancy, risks apply to the fetus as well as the mother. Unfortunately, most drugs have not been tested during pregnancy. As a result, the risks for most drugs are unknown—hence the dilemma: The prescriber is obliged to balance risks versus benefits, without knowing what the risks really are.

Despite the imposing challenge of balancing risks versus benefits, drug therapy during pregnancy cannot and should not be avoided. The health of the fetus depends on the health of the mother. Hence, conditions that threaten the mother’s health must be addressed—for the sake of the baby as well as the mother. Chronic asthma is a good example. Uncontrolled maternal asthma is far more dangerous to the fetus than the drugs used to treat it. Among asthmatic women who fail to take medication, the incidence of stillbirth is doubled. If all women with asthma took medication, an estimated 2000 babies would be saved each year.

In late 2009, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched a new program to increase our knowledge of drug risks during pregnancy. This program—the Medication Exposure in Pregnancy Risk Evaluation Program—is a collaborative effort between the FDA, Kaiser Permanente, Vanderbilt University, and a consortium of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) called the HMO Research Network Center for Education and Research in Therapeutics. Participants will analyze medical records that relate to about 1 million births that took place between 2001 and 2007. The goal is to see if specific drugs are associated with adverse birth outcomes. These data will go a long way toward taking the guesswork out of selecting drugs for pregnant women.

Physiologic changes during pregnancy and their impact on drug disposition and dosing

Pregnancy brings on physiologic changes that can alter drug disposition. Changes in the kidney, liver, and GI tract are of particular interest. Because of these changes, a compensatory change in dosage may be needed.

By the third trimester, renal blood flow is doubled, causing a large increase in glomerular filtration rate. As a result, there is accelerated clearance of drugs that are eliminated by glomerular filtration. Elimination of lithium, for example, is increased by 100%. To compensate for accelerated excretion, dosage must be increased.

For some drugs, hepatic metabolism increases during pregnancy. Three antiseizure drugs—phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproic acid—provide examples.

Tone and motility of the bowel decrease in pregnancy, causing intestinal transit time to increase. Because of prolonged transit, there is more time for drugs to be absorbed. In theory, this could increase levels of drugs whose absorption is normally poor. Similarly, there is more time for reabsorption of drugs that undergo enterohepatic recirculation, and hence effects of these drugs could be prolonged. In both cases, a reduction in dosage might be needed.

Adverse reactions during pregnancy

Drugs taken during pregnancy can adversely affect both the mother and fetus. The effect of greatest concern is teratogenesis (production of birth defects). This issue is discussed separately below. Not only are pregnant women subject to the same adverse effects as everyone else, they may also suffer effects unique to pregnancy. For example, when heparin (an anticoagulant) is taken by pregnant women, it can cause osteoporosis, which in turn can cause compression fractures of the spine. Use of prostaglandins (eg, misoprostol), which stimulate uterine contraction, can cause abortion. Conversely, use of aspirin near term can suppress contractions in labor. In addition, aspirin increases the risk of serious bleeding.

Regular use of dependence-producing drugs (eg, heroin, barbiturates, alcohol) during pregnancy can result in the birth of a drug-dependent infant. If the infant is not supplied with a drug that can support its dependence, a withdrawal syndrome will ensue. Symptoms include shrill crying, vomiting, and extreme irritability. The neonate should be weaned from dependence by giving progressively smaller doses of the drug on which he or she is dependent.

Certain pain relievers used during delivery can depress respiration in the neonate. The infant should be closely monitored until respiration is normal.

Drug therapy during pregnancy: teratogenesis

The term teratogenesis is derived from teras, the Greek word for monster. Translated literally, teratogenesis means to produce a monster. Consistent with this derivation, we usually think of birth defects in terms of gross malformations, such as cleft palate, clubfoot, and hydrocephalus. However, birth defects are not limited to distortions of gross anatomy; they also include neurobehavioral and metabolic anomalies.

Incidence and causes of congenital anomalies

The incidence of major structural abnormalities (eg, abnormalities that are life threatening or require surgical correction) is between 1% and 3%. Half of these are obvious and are reported at birth. The other half involve internal organs (eg, heart, liver, GI tract) and are not discovered until later in life or at autopsy. The incidence of minor structural abnormalities is unknown, as is the incidence of functional abnormalities (eg, growth retardation, mental retardation).

Congenital anomalies have multiple causes, including genetic predisposition, environmental chemicals, and drugs. Genetic factors account for about 25% of all birth defects. Of the genetically based anomalies, Down’s syndrome is the most common. Less than 1% of all birth defects are caused by drugs. For the majority of congenital anomalies, the cause is unknown.

Teratogenesis and stage of development

Fetal sensitivity to teratogens changes during development, and hence the effect of a teratogen is highly dependent upon when the drug is given. As shown in Figure 9–1, development occurs in three major stages: the preimplantation/presomite period (conception through week 2), the embryonic period (weeks 3 through 8), and the fetal period (week 9 through term). During the preimplantation/presomite period, teratogens act in an “all-or-nothing” fashion. That is, if the dose is sufficiently high, the result is death of the conceptus. Conversely, if the dose is sublethal, the conceptus is likely to recover fully.

Gross malformations are produced by exposure to teratogens during the embryonic period (roughly the first trimester). This is the time when the basic shape of internal organs and other structures is being established. Hence, it is not surprising that interference at this stage results in conspicuous anatomic distortions. Because the fetus is especially vulnerable during the embryonic period, expectant mothers must take special care to avoid teratogen exposure during this time.

Teratogen exposure during the fetal period (ie, the second and third trimesters) usually disrupts function rather than gross anatomy. Of the developmental processes that occur in the fetal period, growth and development of the brain are especially important. Disruption of brain development can result in learning deficits and behavioral abnormalities.

Identification of teratogens

For the following reasons, human teratogens are extremely difficult to identify:

As a result, only a few drugs are considered proven teratogens. Drugs whose teratogenicity has been documented (or at least is highly suspected) are listed in Table 9–1. It is important to note, however, that lack of proof of teratogenicity does not mean that a drug is safe; it only means that the available data are insufficient to make a definitive judgment. Conversely, proof of teratogenicity does not mean that every exposure will result in a birth defect. In fact, with most teratogens, the risk of malformation following exposure is only about 10%.

TABLE 9–1 

Drugs That Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy Because of Proven or Strongly Suspected Teratogenicity*

Drug Teratogenic Effect
Anticancer/Immunosuppressant Drugs
Cyclophosphamide CNS malformation, secondary cancer
Methotrexate CNS and limb malformations
Antiseizure Drugs
Carbamazepine Neural tube defects
Valproic acid Neural tube defects
Phenytoin Growth retardation, CNS defects
Sex Hormones
Androgens (eg, danazol) Masculinization of the female fetus
Diethylstilbestrol Vaginal carcinoma in female offspring
Nitrofurantoin Abnormally small or absent eyes, heart defects, cleft lip with cleft palate
Sulfonamides Anencephaly, heart defects, transverse limb deficiency, diaphragmatic hernia
Tetracycline Tooth and bone anomalies
Other Drugs
Alcohol Fetal alcohol syndrome, stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, mental retardation
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors Renal failure, renal tubular dysgenesis, skull hypoplasia (from exposure during the second and third trimesters)
Antithyroid drugs (propylthiouracil, methimazole) Goiter and hypothyroidism
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Premature closure of the ductus arteriosus
Lithium Ebstein’s anomaly (cardiac defects)
Oral hypoglycemic drugs (eg, tolbutamide) Neonatal hypoglycemia
Isotretinoin and other vitamin A derivatives (etretinate, megadoses of vitamin A) Multiple defects (CNS, craniofacial, cardiovascular, others)
Thalidomide Shortened limbs, internal organ defects
Warfarin Skeletal and CNS defects
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