Health Assessment of the Child

Jul 9, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Health Assessment of the Child

Health Assessment of the Child This chapter provides a brief overview of the pediatric health assessment. For a more comprehensive review, please refer to other sources such as Brady (2014)….

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Growth and Development Milestones*

Jul 9, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Growth and Development Milestones*

Growth and Development Milestones* MILESTONES OF THE INFANT (NEWBORN TO 11 MONTHS) PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Newborn 10% loss of birth weight in first 3 to 4 days of life 73% of…

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Principles of Family-Centered Care

Jul 9, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Principles of Family-Centered Care

Principles of Family-Centered Care FAMILY-CENTERED CARE Family-centered care (FCC) is a philosophy of care that acknowledges the importance of the family unit as the fundamental focus of all healthcare interventions…

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Development from the Results of Content Analysis

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Development from the Results of Content Analysis

Fig. 7.1 Classification of theories according to level of abstraction 7.1.3 Theory Development Strategies When theory development is discussed, the terms approach and strategy are commonly used instead of development….

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Content Analysis

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Content Analysis

Fig. 2.1 Example of data analysis to create open codes This process of reading through raw data sentence by sentence and marking instances of open codes is an example of…

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Analysis in Mixed Methods Research

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Analysis in Mixed Methods Research

Fig. 4.1 The frequencies at which several participant experiences appeared in the results of a content analysis Another way that researchers can quantify the results of content analysis is to…

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Research and Content Analysis

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Research and Content Analysis

Fig. 1.1 An example of a descriptive study Fig. 1.2 An example of an exploratory study Fig. 1.3 An example of a predictive study 1.2 Comparison Between Quantitative and Qualitative…

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Testing of a Theory

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Testing of a Theory

Fig. 9.1 The process of developing a hypothetical model for theory testing Table 9.1 Evaluation criteria for the statistical testing of the theory (Acton et al. [11]) Conceptual framework of…

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Content Analysis

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Content Analysis

Fig. 3.1 The research process of deductive data analysis Research employing deductive content analysis relies on the same data collection methods and sources that are used in inductive content analysis,…

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Analysis in Systematic Reviews

Apr 18, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Analysis in Systematic Reviews

Raw text Meaning unit Code Beard 2013 [1] Defining role When asked to describe their role in educating minority students, participants from high performing schools (HPS) believed their role was…

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