Cardiac Disorders

Jan 30, 2021 by in NURSING Comments Off on Cardiac Disorders

Cardiac Disorders Cardiogenic Shock Heather Sowinski Background/Definition Inability of the heart to meet the metabolic demands of the body. Cardiac failure, which leads to decreased cardiac output. Systemic vascular resistance…

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Fluid and Electrolytes

Jan 30, 2021 by in NURSING Comments Off on Fluid and Electrolytes

Fluid and Electrolytes General Principles Cathy Haut Fluid management is an important part of the care of hospitalized children. As much as 70% of lean body mass in infants is…

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Endocrine Disorders

Jan 30, 2021 by in NURSING Comments Off on Endocrine Disorders

Endocrine Disorders Adrenal Insufficiency Mary P. White Background Adrenal glands, located on the kidneys, produce three types of hormones: Glucocorticoid hormones (e.g., cortisol, corticosterone). Maintain glucose control by affecting protein…

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Neurologic Disorders

Jan 30, 2021 by in NURSING Comments Off on Neurologic Disorders

Neurologic Disorders Cranial Nerves Michele Grimason See Table 6.1 and Figure 6.1. Arteriovenous Malformation Valarie D. Eichler Background Congenital abnormality in the connection between arteries and veins without a developed…

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Respiratory Support Modalities

Jan 30, 2021 by in NURSING Comments Off on Respiratory Support Modalities

Respiratory Support Modalities Oxygen Delivery Devices Donald Artes/Cathy Haut Discussion In order to provide supplemental oxygenation for a child with hypoxia or ineffective ventilation, a variety of oxygen delivery devices…

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General Pediatric Considerations, Development, Nutrition, and Sleep

Jan 30, 2021 by in NURSING Comments Off on General Pediatric Considerations, Development, Nutrition, and Sleep

General Pediatric Considerations, Development, Nutrition, and Sleep Thermoregulation Cathy Haut Background/Definition/Pathophysiology Thermoregulation is important in pediatric acute care evaluation and management. Hypothermia and hyperthermia can be symptoms of illness or…

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Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators*

Jan 10, 2021 by in NURSING Comments Off on Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators*

Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators* Carol Jacobson Donna Gerity PACEMAKERS Arrhythmia device therapy is becoming more complex with every advance in technology, requiring clinicians to have more knowledge and greater responsibilities…

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Exercise and Activity

Jan 10, 2021 by in NURSING Comments Off on Exercise and Activity

Exercise and Activity Jonathan Myers Since the late 1950s, numerous scientific reports have examined the relationships between physical activity, physical fitness, and cardiovascular health. Expert panels convened by organizations such…

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