14 Contraceptives This is a general term to describe an agent used to prevent conception. As part of their sphere of practice, midwives have a duty to offer family planning…
14 Contraceptives This is a general term to describe an agent used to prevent conception. As part of their sphere of practice, midwives have a duty to offer family planning…
23 Rectal Preparations – Laxatives and Haemorrhoid Preparations Laxatives These are medicines that loosen the bowel content and encourage evacuation. They are also known as aperients. Use of certain laxatives…
22 Prostaglandins (PGE2) Prostaglandins are hormones secreted by various body tissues, e.g. uterine and cardiac muscle, semen and the lungs. Prostaglandins are used to ripen the cervix and stimulate the…
11 Antihypertensives These are substances used to control or modify blood pressure, either by reducing peripheral resistance or blocking α or β adrenoreceptors in the heart, or by reducing the…
19 Miscellaneous This chapter contains the drugs that are used in midwifery and that do not come under any previous title. Specific pre-existing conditions, e.g. asthma, or pregnancy-related conditions, e.g….
6 Anticonvulsants Anticonvulsants are drugs used to arrest or prevent fits or seizures. The benefits of treatment should outweigh the risk to the fetus, and efforts should be made to…
7 Antidepressants and Treatments for Mental Health Conditions Antidepressants These are preparations that aim to restore the balance of neurotransmitter substances in the brain, a deficiency of which is thought…
20 Myometrial Relaxants These drugs are sympathomimetics and relax uterine muscle, hopefully preventing premature labour. Their main use is to delay delivery until corticosteroid therapy is complete. Some are used…