Safety in clinical settings

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Safety in clinical settings

Learning objectives After completing this chapter, the reader will be able to: 1. Review practical suggestions on maintaining personal safety when on clinical rotations. 2. Summarize the Centers for Disease…

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Providing culturally competent health care

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Providing culturally competent health care

Cultural competence The term cultural competence has a variety of definitions but perhaps the most relevant for physician assistants (PAs) is Betancourt‘s 2002 definition: Cultural competence in health care describes…

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Patient education

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Patient education

Introduction Patient education is an integral part of every health care interaction. It is one of the most powerful tools that a health care provider can use to influence positive…

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Interpersonal and communication skills/people and technology – using technology without alienating patients

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Interpersonal and communication skills/people and technology – using technology without alienating patients

Learning objectives 1) Define distracted doctoring and how it influences patient safety outcomes. 2) Describe the “iPatient” and its relationship toward patient-centered care. 3) Identify issues relating to personal electronic…

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Communication issues

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Communication issues

“Primum non plus nocere quam succurrere.” Above all else, do not harm more than succor. Introduction The consequences of poor communication in the delivery of health care can be dire,…

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Chronic care perspectives

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Chronic care perspectives

Introduction Chronic conditions are the leading causes of illness, disability, and death in the United States today. In 2014, 60% of U. S. adults had at least one chronic disease,…

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The political process

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on The political process

Introduction Please do not skip this chapter just because you never intend to become involved in politics. You have entered medicine during a period of rapid and profound changes in…

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Health care financing and reimbursement

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Health care financing and reimbursement

Learning outcomes • Discuss the concept of value-based reimbursement in health care and explain how it differs from fee-for-service billing. • Define Medicaid and Medicare and explain the differences between…

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