48 Care of the patient with chronic disorders
Acetylcholine (ACh) Receptors: Cholinergic neurotransmitter receptors.
Anticholinesterases: Drugs that act to block the cholinesterase enzyme.
Asthma: A lung disease characterized by constriction and spasms of the muscles of the small airways; a component of COPD.
Atelectasis: Collapse of a lung or portion of the lung.
Bronchospasm: Muscle spasm in the bronchi that causes constriction and a reduction in airflow; a component of COPD.
Cardiomegaly: Enlargement of the heart.
Chronic Bronchitis: Lung disease usually caused by chronic infections in the lungs characterized by increased pulmonary secretions.
Cor Pulmonale: Right heart failure as a result of primary lung disease.
Dynamic Compliance: Elasticity of the lungs over the tidal volume range.
Emphysema: A disease of the lungs characterized by a physical breakdown of the pulmonary tissue and a disease component of COPD.
FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in the first second.
Glycosuria: Glucose in the urine.
Hemolyze: Breakdown of red blood cells that causes a release of hemoglobin.
Hypercarbia: Abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Hypervolemia: An increase in the volume of circulating blood.
Hypoglycemic Agent: A synthetic drug that lowers the blood glucose level for treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Immunosuppressants: Agents that significantly interfere with the ability of the immune system to respond to antigenic stimulation with inhibiting cellular and humoral immunity.
Microangiopathy: A disease of the small blood vessels.
Miosis: Contraction of the sphincter muscle of the iris that causes the pupil to become smaller.
Myasthenic Syndrome: Called the Eaton-Lambert syndrome; chronic fatigability and muscle weakness, especially in the face and throat.
Plasmapheresis: Removal of plasma from previously withdrawn blood via centrifugation, reconstitution of the cellular elements in an isotonic solution, and reinfusion of this solution into the donor or another person who needs red blood cells rather than whole blood.
Polycythemia: Increased number of red blood cells.
Ptosis: Abnormal condition in which the upper eyelids droop because of muscle weakness.
Rales: Crackling sound made inside the lungs during auscultation.
Rhabdomyolysis: A disease of the skeletal muscle characterized by the presence of myoglobin in the urine.
Rhonchi: Sound made inside the lungs during auscultation.
Thalassemia: Microcytic, hypochromic, and short-lived red blood cells caused by deficient synthesis of hemoglobin.
In this chapter, selected chronic disorders will be presented to enhance the use of appropriate and informed perianesthesia care. For example, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can have significant preoperative respiratory dysfunction, of which some improvement can be accomplished with intense and knowledgeable nursing care. COPD is a serious condition that starts to develop up to 30 years before significant symptoms; it affects more than 25 million Americans and is responsible for about 80,000 deaths per year.1 These patients have significant risks for anesthesia and surgery. The COPD disease process can be generalized to many pulmonary dysfunctions, as are the other chronic disorders described in this chapter. Therefore patients suffering from some of the other chronic disorders described in this chapter present a significant challenge to the perianesthesia nurse. In an effort to reduce the incidence of postoperative complications in patients suffering from chronic disorders, a complete understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease process will facilitate the appropriate evidence-based nursing interventions will lead to a positive outcome for the perianesthesia patient.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Description of COPD
The hallmark of COPD is the evidence of a productive cough and a progressive decrease in the patient’s exercise tolerance. Three major diseases are part of COPD: asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.2 All are characterized by airway obstruction. These diseases may have medically reversible components, such as bronchospasm, or they may have irreversible components, such as alveolar septal destruction. Some of the reversible components of asthma, such as retained secretions, bronchospasms, and infections, can be corrected with the interaction of the physician, nurse, physical therapist, and respiratory therapist. The treatment of asthma can include oxygen therapy, bronchodilators, chest physiotherapy, and proper hydration.
Chronic bronchitis is associated with chronic cigarette smoking. The nurse can contribute greatly to the patient’s future health with strong influences to refrain from smoking.3 Other therapy for the reversible components can include the use of bronchodilators, chest physiotherapy, and oxygen.
Cigarette smoking as A precursor to the development of COPD
Cigarette smoking has been well established as one of the major precursors to chronic bronchitis and emphysema—two of the three disease components of COPD. Cigarette smoking affects the manner in which a patient recovers from an anesthetic.4,5 The perianesthesia nurse should be aware of the diverse reactions that smoking can have on the patient who is emerging from an inhalation anesthetic. Studies on the relationship between smoking and its effects on anesthesia indicate an increase in the risk factor in the patient who smokes. Although the incidence rate of smoking is decreasing slowly, it continues to rise in the teenage population.
Respiratory effects of smoking
A growing body of convincing scientific literature suggests that almost all pulmonary disease is related in some way to the inhalation of infectious or irritant particulate material. Cigarette smoke in its gaseous phase contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, argon, methane, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, and acetone. In the particulate phase, cigarette smoke contains nicotine, tar, acids, alcohol, phenols, and hydrocarbons. The bottom line is that cigarette smoke contains oxidants, and the oxidants can damage cells and the extracellular matrix components of the lung, leading to significant damage to the tissue in the lungs. Smokers who inhale nicotine from a cigarette into the lungs actually receive 25% to 30% of the nicotine contained in the cigarette. Thirty percent is destroyed with combustion, and 40% is lost in the side stream. Therefore, if a person inhales the smoke from a cigarette that contains 2.5 mg of nicotine, 1 mg of nicotine is actually absorbed by the lungs. In addition, filters are known to make little difference in this absorption. Contrary to some opinions, the smoking of cigars and pipes also presents a risk for pulmonary disease.6 Carbon monoxide combines with the hemoglobin molecule at the same point as oxygen does. It has an affinity for this receptor point that is 210-fold greater than that of oxygen7; therefore the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin is reduced, and the end result is that less oxygen is relinquished to the tissues by the hemoglobin. When carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin, a compound called carboxyhemoglobin is formed. The amount of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood is especially important in the patient who has a diseased myocardium, because myocardial oxygenation is limited by the flow of the blood through the coronary arteries. During stress, such as in surgery and anesthesia, the amount of carboxyhemoglobin saturation could lead to severe myocardial hypoxia in patients who smoke heavily and have coronary artery disease because the diseased coronary arteries cannot increase the flow significantly. The only means of prevention of hypoxia is an increase in the extraction of oxygen from the hemoglobin. Small amounts of carboxyhemoglobin can hinder the uncoupling of the oxygen and thus result in yet more oxygen retention at any given tension. This effect clearly is greater when the oxygen tension is further reduced by local ischemia and any additional vasoconstriction associated with smoking.
Smoking is an important causative factor in chronic pulmonary disease, especially the obstructive type.8 The characteristic pulmonary function alterations in smokers usually include a reduction in vital capacity, an increase in residual volume to total lung capacity, an uneven distribution of inspired gas, a decrease in dynamic compliance, and an increase in nonelastic resistance. Most critically, chronic cigarette smoking ultimately causes the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) to be less that 80% of normal, a critical sign of COPD.
Chronic bronchitis is the disease most often associated with smoking and is seen often by the perianesthesia nurse. Hypertrophy of bronchial mucous glands with production of excessive mucus is the hallmark of this disease. A vicious cycle develops as this failure to remove the mucus leads to retention of pathogenic organisms and irritants. The resulting distorted alveolar septa and the increased pressure on the alveoli from chronic bronchitis can lead to emphysema.
Surgical considerations
The incidence rate of pulmonary complications in patients who have undergone abdominal or thoracic surgery is high. Changes occur in the pulmonary status of the patient who undergoes anesthesia and surgery. In the postoperative phase, these changes are characterized by gradual or abrupt alveolar collapse. The patient with COPD, when subjected to surgery, then represents an even higher risk for postoperative complications. These patients must be given meticulous preoperative care so that they are in the best possible health when they enter surgery. This preoperative medical treatment usually includes hydration, nutrition, chest physiotherapy, bronchodilators, and prophylactic antibiotics if an infection is present. Serial pulmonary function tests and arterial blood gas determinations are used to monitor the progression of the preoperative treatment.7
Care of the COPD patient
Perianesthesia care focuses on prevention of complications. The modified stir-up regimen should include frequent cascade coughing, sustained maximal inspirations (SMIs), and repositioning of the patient (see Chapters 12 and 28). An appropriately implemented modified stir-up regimen is of great importance, especially in patients who are recovering from upper abdominal or thoracic operations. Surgery at these sites can cause decreased ventilatory effort and a complete absence of sighs by the patient. Given that the patient already has compromised respiratory function, the possibility of retained secretions and atelectasis is magnified. As a result, these patients represent a significant challenge to the perianesthesia nurse (Box 48-1).
• Continue tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation (likely after abdominal or intrathoracic surgery and a preoperative PaCO2 > 50 mm Hg and FEV1/FVC < 0.5; maintain PaO2 at 60 to 100 mm Hg and PaCO2 in a range that maintains the pH at 7.35 to 7.45).
• Institute lung-volume expansion maneuvers (voluntary deep breathing, incentive spirometry, continuous positive airway pressure).
• Maximize analgesia (neuraxial opioids, intercostals nerve blocks, patient-controlled analgesia).
FEV1, Forced expiratory volume in the first second; FVC, forced vital capacity.
From Stoelting RK, Dierdoff SF: Handbook for anesthesia and co-existing disease, ed 2, New York, 2002, Churchill Livingstone; Data from Smetana GW: Preoperative pulmonary evalution, N Engl J Med 340:93−944, 1999.
Patients with COPD have some component of reactive airways disease. Consequently, the airway becomes compliant and can become compressed during a forced expiratory maneuver. This dynamic compression of the airways is a function of the equal pressure point theory, as discussed in Chapter 12. To reduce the amount of dynamic compression of the airway during exhalation, the patient should be encouraged to use pursed-lip breathing. Breathing through pursed lips during exhalation can be the same as adding 5 to 10 cm H2O of positive end-expiratory pressure. Increasing the pressure inside the airway during exhalation reduces the amount of dynamic compression of the airways and decreases the amount of air trapping that commonly occurs in patients with COPD.
Audible wheezing will require the use of a fast-acting bronchodilator such as albuterol. Arterial blood gases may be ordered, and capnography may be used to monitor end-tidal CO2.9
The cardiac status should be monitored meticulously because of the frequent involvement of the heart in the pathologic disorders of these patients. Kidney function should also be monitored because it may be altered, especially in patients with fluid retention and edema of the extremities.
Patients who are cigarette smokers have significant postanesthesia risks.6 Cigarette smokers who have smoked for a long period of time and have an FEV1 less than 80% usually have an increased risk of pulmonary complications in comparison with nonsmokers. Patients who smoke more than two packs of cigarettes per day are especially prone to perianesthetic complications. In addition, patients who have had a long history of smoking (>20 pack years) and are presently in a nonsmoking situation still can have pulmonary complications. Many of these complications develop when cigarette smokers have a preexisting chronic respiratory disease, usually bronchitis. The major postoperative complications associated with smoking are infection, atelectasis, pleural effusion, pulmonary infarction, and bronchitis.
Complications associated with chronic cigarette smoking revolve around the inability of the patient to clear secretions. The goal of nursing care in the PACU centers on clearing the tracheobronchial tree, which necessitates frequent suctioning, cascade coughing, and the SMI maneuver. If rales and rhonchi are heard on auscultation, percussion and postural drainage should be initiated.
Respiratory depressant drugs, such as opioids, should be given in low doses, or they should be avoided completely if the COPD is severe. Repositioning of the patient and splinting of the incision site, in addition to reducing the anxiety usually seen in these patients, reduces the need for opioids. Some form of regional analgesia may be beneficial for these patients.8
Myasthenia gravis
The patient with MG deserves special consideration in the PACU because of the respiratory dysfunction and possible pharmacologic ramifications of the disease. The incidence rate of MG has been estimated to be between 1 in 7500 and 1 in 10,000.1 MG occurs twice as often in females than in males and at earlier ages, and it occurs most often between the ages of 30 and 40 years.7 The main symptoms are weakness in one or more of the muscle groups, fatigability on effort, and at least some partial restoration of muscle function after rest.7
Treatment for this disease consists of various pharmacologic interventions designed to enhance neuromuscular transmission and slow the progression of the disease. Therefore the treatment may include cholinesterase inhibitors, corticosteroids, specific immunosuppressants, plasmapheresis, intravenous immunoglobulin, and thymectomy.1
Because thymectomy has been used as a therapeutic intervention in the treatment of MG, the perianesthesia nurse will probably render nursing care to many patients with MG. Because of the location of the incision, the myasthenic patient does not usually receive any intraoperative skeletal muscle relaxants. Patients with myasthenia can have an exacerbation of symptoms in the PACU; therefore critical monitoring of the patient’s ventilatory status should be the primary focus of the perianesthesia nursing care. Patients with MG who are recovering from any type of surgical procedure and who have been administered any form of anesthesia (general, inhalation, or regional) can have exacerbated symptoms and myasthenic crisis develop in the PACU. Consequently, respiratory support should always be available for these patients.
Care of the patient with myasthenia gravis
If a muscle relaxant is given during surgery, the patient has the neuromuscular blockade reversed. After reversal in the operating room, the patient must have a complete sustained return of skeletal muscle strength before extubation. If the patient does not meet the criteria for extubation, the endotracheal tube remains in place and the patient is taken to the PACU for ventilatory support. In patients with MG, the skeletal muscle strength may appear to be appropriate immediately after surgery, but may deteriorate a few hours thereafter.7
The PACU nurse should monitor for a myasthenic crisis, which is a severe exacerbation of the symptoms associated with MG. It can occur when an anticholinesterase is underdosed and does not reduce the amount of muscle weakness sufficiently. Alternatively, a cholinergic crisis can occur when too much anticholinesterase is administered, resulting in a surplus of acetylcholine at the myoneural junction and causing a depolarizing type block that leads to skeletal muscle weakness, which could be severe. For all the previous reasons, during PACU care of the patient with MG in the immediate postoperative phase, airway equipment must be kept at the patient’s bedside. Along with the skeletal muscle weakness, muscarinic side effects occur, such as abdominal cramping, miosis, bradycardia, salivation, and diarrhea. See Chapters 10, 11, and 23, which provide the reader an in-depth discussion of the myoneural junction and nicotinic and muscarinic effects.

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