Adrenergic antagonists


Adrenergic antagonists

The adrenergic antagonists cause direct blockade of adrenergic receptors. With one exception, all of the adrenergic antagonists produce reversible (competitive) blockade.

Unlike many adrenergic agonists, which act at alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors, most adrenergic antagonists are more selective. As a result, the adrenergic antagonists can be neatly divided into two major groups: (1) alpha-adrenergic blocking agents (drugs that produce selective blockade of alpha-adrenergic receptors); and (2) beta-adrenergic blocking agents (drugs that produce selective blockade of beta receptors).* Members of these two groups are listed in Table 18–1.

Our approach to the adrenergic antagonists mirrors the approach we took with the adrenergic agonists. That is, we begin by discussing the therapeutic and adverse effects that can result from alpha- and beta-adrenergic blockade, after which we discuss the individual drugs that produce receptor blockade.

Remember that it is much easier to understand responses to the adrenergic drugs if you first understand the responses to activation of adrenergic receptors. Accordingly, if you have not yet mastered (memorized) Table 13–3, you should do so now (or at least be prepared to consult the table as we proceed).

Alpha-adrenergic antagonists

Therapeutic and adverse responses to alpha blockade

In this section we discuss the beneficial and adverse responses that can result from blockade of alpha-adrenergic receptors. Properties of individual alpha-blocking agents are discussed after that.

Therapeutic applications of alpha blockade

Most of the clinically useful responses to alpha-adrenergic antagonists result from blockade of alpha1 receptors on blood vessels. Blockade of alpha1 receptors in the bladder and prostate can help men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Blockade of alpha1 receptors in the eye and blockade of alpha2 receptors have no recognized therapeutic applications.


A pheochromocytoma is a catecholamine-secreting tumor derived from cells of the sympathetic nervous system. These tumors are usually located in the adrenal medulla. If secretion of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine) is sufficiently great, persistent hypertension can result. The principal cause of hypertension is activation of alpha1 receptors on blood vessels, although activation of beta1 receptors on the heart can also contribute. The preferred treatment is surgical removal of the tumor, but alpha-adrenergic blockers may also be employed.

Alpha-blocking agents have two roles in managing pheochromocytoma. First, in patients with inoperable tumors, alpha blockers are given chronically to suppress hypertension. Second, when surgery is indicated, alpha blockers are administered preoperatively to reduce the risk of acute hypertension during the procedure. (The surgical patient is at risk because manipulation of the tumor can cause massive catecholamine release.)

Adverse effects of alpha blockade

The most significant adverse effects of the alpha-adrenergic antagonists result from blockade of alpha1 receptors. Detrimental effects associated with alpha2 blockade are minor.

Adverse effects of alpha1 blockade

Orthostatic hypotension.

Orthostatic hypotension is the most serious adverse response to alpha-adrenergic blockade. This hypotension can reduce blood flow to the brain, thereby causing dizziness, lightheadedness, and even syncope (fainting).

The cause of hypotension is blockade of alpha receptors on veins, which reduces muscle tone in the venous wall. Because of reduced venous tone, blood tends to pool (accumulate) in veins when the patient assumes an erect posture. As a result, return of blood to the heart is reduced, which decreases cardiac output, which in turn causes blood pressure to fall.

Patients should be informed about symptoms of hypotension (lightheadedness, dizziness) and advised to sit or lie down if these occur. In addition, patients should be informed that orthostatic hypotension can be minimized by avoiding abrupt transitions from a supine or sitting position to an erect posture.

Inhibition of ejaculation.

Since activation of alpha1 receptors is required for ejaculation (see Table 13–3), blockade of these receptors can cause impotence. This form of drug-induced impotence is reversible and resolves when the alpha blocker is withdrawn.

The ability of alpha blockers to inhibit ejaculation can be a major reason for nonadherence to the prescribed regimen. If a patient deems the adverse sexual effects of alpha blockade unacceptable, a change in medication will be required. Because males may be reluctant to discuss such concerns, a tactful interview may be needed to discern if drug-induced impotence is discouraging drug use.

Sodium retention and increased blood volume.

By reducing blood pressure, alpha blockers can promote renal retention of sodium and water, thereby causing blood volume to increase. The steps in this process are as follows: (1) by reducing blood pressure, alpha1 blockers decrease renal blood flow; (2) in response to reduced perfusion, the kidney excretes less sodium and water; and (3) the resultant retention of sodium and water increases blood volume. As a result, blood pressure is elevated, blood flow to the kidney is increased, and, as far as the kidney is concerned, all is well. Unfortunately, when alpha blockers are used to treat hypertension (which they often are), this compensatory elevation in blood pressure can negate beneficial effects. In order to prevent the kidney from “neutralizing” hypotensive actions, alpha-blocking agents are usually combined with a diuretic when used in patients with hypertension.

Adverse effects of alpha2 blockade

The most significant adverse effect associated with alpha2 blockade is potentiation of the reflex tachycardia that can occur in response to blockade of alpha1 receptors. Why does alpha2 blockade intensify reflex tachycardia? Recall that peripheral alpha2 receptors are located presynaptically and that activation of these receptors inhibits norepinephrine release. Hence, if alpha2 receptors are blocked, release of norepinephrine will increase. Since the reflex tachycardia caused by alpha1 blockade is ultimately the result of increased firing of the sympathetic nerves to the heart, and since alpha2 blockade will cause each nerve impulse to release a greater amount of norepinephrine, alpha2 blockade will potentiate reflex tachycardia initiated by blockade of alpha1 receptors. Accordingly, drugs such as phentolamine, which block alpha2 as well as alpha1 receptors, cause greater reflex tachycardia than do drugs that block alpha1 receptors only.

Properties of individual alpha blockers

Eight alpha-adrenergic antagonists are employed clinically. Because the alpha blockers often cause postural hypotension, therapeutic uses are limited.

As indicated in Table 18–1, the alpha-adrenergic blocking agents can be subdivided into two major groups. One group, represented by prazosin, contains drugs that produce selective alpha1 blockade. The second group, represented by phentolamine, consists of nonselective alpha blockers, which block alpha1 and alpha2 receptors.


Adverse effects.

Blockade of alpha1 receptors can cause orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia, inhibition of ejaculation, and nasal congestion. The most serious of these is hypotension. Patients should be educated about the symptoms of hypotension (dizziness, lightheadedness) and advised to sit or lie down if they occur. Also, patients should be informed that orthostatic hypotension can be minimized by moving slowly when changing from a supine or sitting position to an upright position.

About 1% of patients lose consciousness 30 to 60 minutes after receiving their initial prazosin dose. This “first-dose” effect is the result of severe postural hypotension. To minimize the first-dose effect, the initial dose should be small (1 mg or less). Subsequent doses can be gradually increased with little risk of fainting. Patients who are starting treatment should be forewarned about the first-dose effect and advised to avoid driving and other hazardous activities for 12 to 24 hours. Administering the initial dose at bedtime eliminates the risk of a first-dose effect.







Adverse effects.

Like prazosin, phentolamine can produce the typical adverse effects associated with alpha-adrenergic blockade: orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia, nasal congestion, and inhibition of ejaculation. Because it blocks alpha2 receptors, phentolamine produces greater reflex tachycardia than prazosin. If reflex tachycardia is especially severe, heart rate can be reduced with a beta blocker. Since tachycardia can aggravate angina pectoris and myocardial infarction (MI), phentolamine is contraindicated for patients with either disorder.

Overdose can produce profound hypotension. If necessary, blood pressure can be elevated with norepinephrine. Epinephrine should not be used, because the drug can cause blood pressure to drop even further! Why? Because in the presence of alpha1 blockade, the ability of epinephrine to promote vasodilation (via activation of vascular beta2 receptors) may outweigh the ability of epinephrine to cause vasoconstriction (via activation of vascular alpha1 receptors). Further lowering of blood pressure is not a problem with norepinephrine because norepinephrine does not activate beta2 receptors.


Beta-adrenergic antagonists

Therapeutic and adverse responses to beta blockade

In this section we consider the beneficial and adverse responses that can result from blockade of beta-adrenergic receptors. Properties of individual beta blockers are discussed after that.

Therapeutic applications of beta blockade

Practically all of the therapeutic effects of the beta-adrenergic antagonists result from blockade of beta1 receptors in the heart. The major consequences of blocking these receptors are (1) reduced heart rate, (2) reduced force of contraction, and (3) reduced velocity of impulse conduction through the atrioventricular (AV) node. Because of these effects, beta blockers are useful in a variety of cardiovascular disorders.

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Jul 24, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Adrenergic antagonists

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