25: Apnea



Martha Goodwin

Apnea represents one of the most frequently encountered respiratory problems in the premature infant. It is not known why some infants are affected and others are not, although certain factors have a good predictive value. Apnea in the term infant is not ever a normal finding and must always be investigated. In the preterm infant, apnea that presents in the first 24 hours has historically been perceived as pathologic, whereas that occurring later has most often been attributed to immaturity. The mechanism of action is not fully understood but can be characterized as an immature respiratory system faced with demands it is ill equipped to handle. This chapter will provide a comprehensive review of apnea of the newborn infant, including causes, evaluation, treatment, and long-term home follow-up.


A. Periodic breathing.

1. Definition: recurrent sequences of pauses in respiration lasting 5 to 10 seconds followed by 10 to 15 seconds of rapid respiration.

2. Seen in less than 2% of healthy term infants and in 30% to 95% of healthy preterm infants more than 24 hours of age.

3. Not accompanied by cyanosis or changes in heart rate.

4. Episodes of periodic breathing in the preterm infant decrease significantly by 39 to 41 weeks of postmenstrual age (Miller et al., 2010).

5. Studies do not support a link between periodic breathing and significant apnea or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (Miller et al., 2010).

B. Apnea.

1. Definition: cessation of respiration for at least 20 seconds, or less if complicated by cyanosis, pallor, hypotonia, or bradycardia.

2. Most apnea occurs in the healthy preterm infant without organic disease. Up to 80% of infants weighing less than 1000 g and 25% weighing less than 2500 g at birth will have apnea during their neonatal course (Miller, Fanaroff, and Martin, 2011).


A. Primary apnea.

1. Definition: initial cessation of respiratory movements after a period of rapid respiratory effort as a result of asphyxia during the delivery process.

2. Exposure to stimulation and/or oxygen will usually induce spontaneous respiratory effort.

B. Secondary apnea.

1. Definition: apnea occurring after a period of deep, gasping respirations and fall in blood pressure and heart rate, brought about by prolonged asphyxia during the delivery process. The gasping becomes slower and weaker and then ceases.

2. Infant will not respond to stimulation and will require more vigorous resuscitation.

3. For each minute in secondary apnea before resuscitation, there is a 2-minute delay before gasping is reestablished and another 2 minutes before the onset of regular respirations.

4. It is not usually possible to distinguish primary from secondary apnea at birth (Kattwinkel, 2010).

C. Central apnea.

1. Definition: absence of airflow and respiratory effort.

2. Cause of central apnea in the preterm infant is not fully understood.

3. Contributing factors are thought to include the following:

a. Chest wall afferent neuromuscular signals and chest wall instability.

b. Diaphragmatic fatigue.

c. Immature, paradoxic response of neonate to hypoxia and hypercapnia.

d. Altered levels of local neurotransmitters in the brainstem region of the central nervous system (CNS).

4. Fifteen percent of apnea episodes are central in origin.

5. Closure of upper airway occurs in about half of cases of central apnea (Al-Sufayan et al., 2009).

D. Obstructive apnea.

1. Definition: absence of airflow with continued respiratory effort, associated with blockage of airway at the level of pharynx and/or larynx (Kattwinkel, 2010).

2. Hyperextension or flexion of the neck may induce obstruction of the airway.

3. May be caused by obstruction of airflow at the mouth or nose as a result of anatomic abnormalities such as macroglossia (Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome, congenital hypothyroidism) or micrognathia (Pierre Robin sequence).

4. Up to 30% of apnea episodes are obstructive in origin.

E. Mixed apnea.

1. Definition: a combination of central and obstructive apnea, obstruction usually at the level of the pharynx.

2. Fifty percent to 60% of neonatal apnea episodes are mixed.

F. Idiopathic apnea, or apnea of prematurity.

1. Diagnosis after exclusion of pathologic processes in the premature infant.

2. Not necessarily associated with the presence of periodic breathing.

3. Recurrent apnea seen in preterm infants who show no other abnormalities.

4. Onset within the first week of life, usually at 24 to 48 hours. If not present within the first week of life, will usually not appear unless later illness develops. If mechanically ventilated, apnea may not present until postextubation.

5. More likely to be obstructive than central in the first 2 days of life.

6. Episodes of apnea cease by term in 95% of infants; may persist longer in infants born at less than 28 weeks of gestational age (Scott et al., 2011).


A. Immature central respiratory center.

1. Decreased afferent traffic occurs as a result of

a. Poor CNS myelinization,

b. Decreased number of synapses, and

c. Decreased dendritic arborization.

2. Decreased amounts of neurotransmitters have been measured in infants with apnea and may play an important role in respiratory control (Kattwinkel, 1977).

3. Fluctuating respiratory center output has been implicated.

B. Chemoreceptors.

1. Located in the medulla (central) and the carotid and aortic bodies (peripheral), chemoreceptors relay information to the respiratory center in the brain regarding pH, PO2, and PCO2 via the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves.

a. Hypoxemia is sensed in the carotid and aortic bodies and results in an increase in alveolar ventilation. Premature infants with apnea do not respond to hypoxemia as effectively as infants who do not have apnea (MacFarlane et al., 2013).

b. Hypercapnia is sensed centrally. The normal response to an increased arterial PCO2 is an increase in minute ventilation. Neonates can increase ventilation by only 3 or 4 times the baseline values, in comparison with the 10- to 20-fold increase that adults can obtain. Premature infants exhibit a blunted response to elevated PCO2, resulting in ongoing hypoventilation and hypercapnia. This diminished response predisposes them to apnea (MacFarlane et al., 2013).

2. Biphasic response of the premature infant to hypoxia.

a. During the first minute of hypoxia, a brief increase in respiratory effort occurs. It is followed in the next 2 to 3 minutes by a decrease in respiratory rate and by periodic breathing, respiratory depression, and apnea. Initial stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors is followed by overriding depression of the respiratory centers as a result of hypoxia (Kattwinkel, 2010).

b. At 7 to 18 days of postnatal age, an infant can maintain the adult response to hypoxia of sustained hyperventilation.

3. Depressed response to hypercapnia. The premature infant exhibits decreased sensitivity to increased levels of carbon dioxide, requiring higher levels of carbon dioxide to stimulate respirations (Gauda et al., 2013).

C. Thermal afferents.

1. Apnea is increased in an environment that may be too warm for the infant.

2. Thermal receptors in the trigeminal area of the face produce an apneic response to stimulation by a cold or hot gas mixture.

D. Mechanoreceptors.

1. Stretch receptors alter the timing of respiration at various lung volumes.

a. Head’s paradoxic reflex: a gasp followed by apnea after abrupt lung inflation.

b. Hering–Breuer reflex.

(1) Vagally mediated, it acts to inhibit inspiration and/or prolong expiration.

(2) Lung inflation initiates inhibitory impulses that terminate inspiration and prolong expiratory time.

(3) Mechanoreceptors are very active in the neonate but rarely seen in the adult.

2. Pharyngeal collapse and airway obstruction are produced by negative pharyngeal pressure generated during inspiration.

3. Intercostal phrenic inhibitory reflex, an inward movement of the rib cage during inspiration, prematurely ends inspiration (Mathew, 2011).

E. Protective reflexes.

1. Stimulation of the posterior portion of the pharynx with suctioning, endotracheal or gavage tube placement, or gastroesophageal reflux can stimulate apnea.

2. Pulmonary irritant receptors can produce an apneic response to direct bronchial stimulation.

3. Laryngeal taste receptors can produce an apneic response to various chemical stimuli (Kattwinkel, 1977).

F. Sleep state.

1. Eighty percent of the neonate’s day is spent in sleep.

2. Respiratory depression occurs predominantly in rapid eye movement (REM) or transitional sleep.

a. May be influenced by central mechanisms at the level of the brainstem.

(1) May be due to a defect in a sleep-related feedback loop or respiratory command.

(2) Variability of respiratory rhythmicity is seen in active sleep.

b. May be related to paradoxical respirations in which chest wall movements are out of phase, resulting in rib cage collapse with abdominal expansion during inspiration. This would lead to a decrease in lung volume and functional residual capacity.

c. May be related to decreased skeletal muscle tone of the tongue and pharynx during sleep, which could lead to increased resistance and obstruction in the upper airway (Mathew, 2011; Zhao et al., 2011).


A. Prematurity.

B. Hypoxia.

C. Respiratory disorders.

1. Respiratory distress syndrome.

2. Pneumonia.

3. Aspiration.

4. Acidosis.

5. Airway obstruction.

6. Pneumothorax.

7. Atelectasis.

8. Pulmonary hemorrhage.

9. Postextubation status.

10. Congenital anomalies of the upper airway.

D. Cardiovascular disorders.

1. Hypotension.

2. Arrhythmias.

3. Congestive heart failure.

4. Patent ductus arteriosus.

E. Infection.

1. Sepsis.

2. Pneumonia.

3. Meningitis.

4. Viral infections.

5. Necrotizing enterocolitis.

F. CNS disorders.

1. Congenital malformations.

2. Seizures.

3. Asphyxia.

4. Intracranial hemorrhage.

5. Kernicterus.

6. Tumors.

G. Drugs.

1. Maternal drugs.

a. Narcotics.

b. Analgesics.

c. Anesthesia.

d. β-Blocker antihypertensive agents.

e. Magnesium sulfate.

2. Neonatal drugs.

a. Anticonvulsants: phenobarbital, pentobarbital.

b. Cardiovascular drugs: prostaglandin E1.

c. Narcotics/analgesics.

(1) Fentanyl.

(2) Morphine.

(3) Midazolam hydrochloride.

(4) Lorazepam.

H. Metabolic disorders.

1. Hypocalcemia.

2. Hypoglycemia.

3. Hypomagnesemia.

4. Hyponatremia.

5. Acidosis.

6. Hyperammonemia.

I. Hematopoietic disorders.

1. Polycythemia.

2. Anemia.

J. Reflex stimulation.

1. Posterior pharyngeal stimulation.

2. Gastroesophageal reflux—controversial, recent studies do not support a link. Some studies have shown apnea precedes reflux when the two are linked (Omari, 2009).

K. Environmental factors.

1. Rapid warming.

2. Hypothermia.

3. Hyperthermia.

4. Elevated environmental temperature.

5. Feeding.

6. Stooling.

7. Painful stimuli.


A. History.

1. Perinatal risk factors.

a. Maternal bleeding, drugs, fever, hypertension, prolonged rupture of membranes, polyhydramnios, chorioamnionitis, decreased fetal movements, abnormal fetal presentation.

b. Fetal hypoxia, trauma.

2. Neonatal risk factors.

a. Prematurity.

b. Cardiorespiratory disease.

c. Metabolic abnormalities.

d. Temperature instability.

e. Infection.

f. Environmental causes.

g. CNS disorders.

B. Physical examination. A complete physical and neurologic examination should be performed. Evaluate for congenital malformations, especially those involving the airway. Evaluate for signs of respiratory distress and heart disease. Abnormal behavior, tone, or posturing may be associated with a neurologic focus. An abdominal examination should be performed, which may reveal symptoms related to obstruction, infection, necrotizing enterocolitis, or congestive heart failure.

C. Documentation of apnea episodes. A record of apneic episodes should be maintained as part of the infant’s record. This allows the caregiver to determine a pattern, if any, to the apnea. It may also provide information about precipitating events or specific events associated with the apnea. Information documented should include the following:

1. Duration of apnea episode.

2. Time of apnea episode and any relation to feeding, activity, stooling, sleep, or procedures.

3. Infant’s position: prone or supine, with head of bed elevated or flat.

4. Associated bradycardia/heart rate.

5. Associated color change and/or oxygen desaturation.

6. Type of stimulation required to resolve the episode:

a. None, self-resolved.

b. Gentle tactile stimulation.

c. Vigorous tactile stimulation.

d. Oxygen.

e. Bag-and-mask ventilation.

D. Laboratory evaluation.

1. Basic evaluation to look for infection, respiratory deterioration, and metabolic problems.

a. Complete blood cell count, with differential cell and platelet counts.

b. Blood gases.

c. Serum glucose, electrolytes, calcium, magnesium.

d. Blood culture, lumbar puncture for evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid, and urine culture.

2. Extensive laboratory evaluation for less common causes of apnea.

a. Toxicology screen.

b. Urine collection for detection of amino acids and organic acids.

c. Serum ammonia.

d. State screen and expanded neonatal screen for metabolic disease.

E. Other.

1. Echocardiogram or electrocardiogram: may detect cardiac abnormality or conduction disorders.

2. Electroencephalogram: may confirm suspected seizures.

3. Chest x-ray: may demonstrate respiratory or cardiac abnormalities.

4. Cranial ultrasound, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging: may demonstrate structural abnormalities or hemorrhages.

5. Barium swallow and pH study: to evaluate pharyngeal structure and function or gastroesophageal reflux.

6. Pneumogram.

a. Measures chest wall movement, heart rate, oxygen saturation, and nasal airflow by thermistor or carbon dioxide probe (4 channel); measures esophageal pH if needed (5 channel if esophageal probe is used).

b. No predictive value for SIDS; recording monitors are as effective at detecting apnea over a prolonged period.


A. Treat underlying cause if determined.

B. Provide needed medical or surgical intervention.

C. Maintain environmental temperature at the low end of the neutral thermal zone.

D. Avoid triggering reflexes:

1. Vigorous catheter suctioning.

2. Hot or cold to the face.

3. Sudden gastric distention.

E. Positioning. Prone positioning is associated with higher oxygen saturation, shorter gastric emptying time, and decreased incidence of regurgitation and aspiration. Historical data suggested prone positioning to decrease apneic episodes. A recent systematic review found no decrease in apnea, bradycardia, or desaturation with body positioning in the prone position (Bredemeyer and Foster, 2012). The only infants for whom prone positioning is recommended are those with upper airway disorders or impaired airway protective mechanisms for whom the risk of death due to gastroesophageal reflux is greater than the risk of SIDS or other sleep-related death (Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 2011).

F. Maintain the neck in a neutral position, not flexed or hyperextended. Use of a neck roll is recommended.

G. Avoid vigorous manual ventilation to prevent intermittent hyperoxia, hypocapnia, and blunting of the CO2 response.

H. Attempt to control apnea by avoiding painful stimuli, loud noises, extremely vigorous tactile stimulation, or potent odors. No evidence supports effectiveness of kinesthetic stimulation in reduction of apnea.

I. Consider providing continuous positive airway pressure.

1. Increases end-expiratory lung volumes and splints the upper airway and weak chest wall, thereby improving compliance and oxygenation and decreasing respiratory muscle work so that diaphragmatic movements are less tiring and more effective.

2. Complicates gavage feedings and may increase risk of aspiration. Increases risk of air leak.

J. Pharmacologic therapy.

1. Methylxanthine (aminophylline, theophylline, caffeine), administered orally or intravenously. Used to treat apnea of prematurity after pathologic causes have been eliminated.

a. Mechanisms of action include the following:

(1) Stimulation of central respiratory chemoreceptors.

(2) Increased ventilatory response to carbon dioxide.

(3) Increased oxygenation.

(4) Increased minute ventilation (theophylline).

(5) Stabilization of oscillations in breathing (theophylline).

(6) Improved diaphragmatic contractility.

(7) Relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle (theophylline).

(8) CNS excitation.

(9) Increased respiratory drive.

(10) Increased respiratory muscle activity.

(11) Increased skeletal muscle activity.

b. Pharmacokinetics.

(1) Half-life of aminophylline and theophylline is approximately 30 hours.

(2) Half-life of caffeine is approximately 100 hours.

(3) Both theophylline and caffeine are rapidly absorbed intravenously. Oral absorption of caffeine is rapid, and oral absorption of theophylline is variable.

(4) Metabolism of caffeine and theophylline takes place in the liver. This is slower in the neonate than in the adult.

(5) Theophylline is metabolized to caffeine by a metabolic pathway unique to the preterm infant.

(6) Serum concentrations must be checked to avoid toxic levels.

c. Dosage:

(1) Aminophylline.

(a) Route: intravenous (IV).

(b) Loading dose: 5 to 8 mg/kg.

(c) Maintenance dose: 2 to 6 mg/kg/day divided every 8 to 12 hours.

(d) Therapeutic level: 5 to 15 mcg/mL.

(2) Caffeine.

(a) Route: IV or by mouth.

(b) Loading dose: 10 mg/kg, caffeine base; 20 mg/kg, caffeine citrate.

(c) Maintenance dose: 2.5 mg/kg, caffeine base; 5 mg/kg, caffeine citrate; every 24 hours beginning 24 hours after loading dose (Lexi-Comp, 2011).

(d) Avoid use of caffeine benzoate preparation, which can displace bilirubin from albumin-binding sites.

(e) Therapeutic level: 5 to 20 mcg/mL.

(f) Higher doses and therapeutic levels have been studied, with no reported adverse effects, but are not commonly used.

d. Side effects.

(1) Caffeine: tachycardia, cardiac dysrhythmias, increased wakefulness, increased active sleep, gastrointestinal distention, gastrointestinal bleeding, and diuresis with sodium loss.

(2) Theophylline: tachycardia, cardiac dysrhythmias, seizures, jitteriness, feeding intolerance, gastroesophageal reflux, dehydration, hyperglycemia, and hypotension.

e. Caffeine versus theophylline.

(1) Theophylline is a more potent vasodilator.

(2) Theophylline causes a more rapid and sustained tachycardia.

(3) Caffeine diffuses more rapidly in the CNS.

(4) Caffeine is given only once a day.

(5) Caffeine has a wider therapeutic index.

(6) Caffeine may be effective in apnea not responsive to theophylline and vice versa.

(7) Caffeine has a longer half-life, resulting in smaller changes in its plasma concentration.

(8) On the basis of its higher therapeutic ratio, more reliable enteral absorption, and longer half-life, caffeine is recommended over theophylline for treatment of apnea of prematurity (Henderson-Smart and Steer, 2010).

2. Doxapram.

a. Potent respiratory stimulant for apnea refractory to methylxanthine therapy.

b. Mechanism of action thought to be stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors at low doses (0.5 mg/kg/hr) and of the CNS at higher doses.

c. Increases minute ventilation, tidal volume, and mean inspiratory flow and decreases PCO2 (Dani et al., 2006).

d. Pharmacokinetics.

(1) Half-life is approximately 10 hours in the first few days of life and 8 hours at 10 days of age.

(2) Steady-state levels are reached within 24 hours.

e. Dosage.

(1) Route: IV.

(2) Loading dose: 2.5 to 3 mg/kg followed by (3).

(3) Continuous infusion of 1/mg/kg/hr, titrate to lowest effective dose. Maximum 2.5 mg/kg/hr.

(4) Controversy exists over therapeutic and toxic plasma levels. Guidelines include the following:

(a) Therapeutic level: 1.5 to 5 mg/L.

(b) Toxic level: 5 mg/L. Levels greater than 3.5 mg/L may produce side effects.

f. Side effects.

(1) Jitteriness, irritability, vomiting, seizures, abdominal distention, increased gastric residuals, hyperglycemia, and glycosuria.

(2) Hypertension, tachycardia, and increased cardiac output.

(3) Increased work of breathing resulting from respiratory stimulation, consequent increased oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, and increased tidal volume and respiratory rate.

(4) Increased risk of intraventricular hemorrhage if used in the first few days of life.

g. Contraindication: use in newborn infant not routinely recommended because preparation contains benzyl alcohol.

(1) Benzyl alcohol is associated with “gasping syndrome,” characterized by metabolic acidosis, renal failure, liver failure, and cardiovascular collapse.

(2) Cumulative doses might be toxic for the liver, kidney, or brain.

(3) Insufficient data exist on clinical benefit and long-term effects (Lexi-Comp, 2011; Spitzer, 2012).

K. Assisted ventilation. Used for apnea resistant to other methods of therapy.


A. Effectiveness of home monitoring. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that cardiorespiratory monitoring is effective in preventing death from apnea for certain selected infants but is clearly inappropriate for others, with the primary objective being to serve the best interest of the infant based on the infant’s history (Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 2011).

B. Indications for home monitoring.

1. Premature infant with symptoms of idiopathic apnea of prematurity who is otherwise ready for hospital discharge.

2. A survivor of an apparent life-threatening event defined as apnea, cyanosis, altered muscle tone, choking, or gagging.

3. Sibling death due to SIDS.

4. Tracheostomy, mechanically supported ventilation.

5. A sleep apnea syndrome caused by a neurologic disorder, periodic breathing, upper airway abnormality, or idiopathic syndromes.

6. Other conditions of ill or high-risk infants, as determined on an individual basis.

C. Home monitoring is not indicated in prevention of SIDS in symptom-free, healthy infants.

D. Monitoring technology.

1. Transthoracic impedance combined with electrocardiography is current standard.

a. Electrodes are placed on infant’s chest or inside an adjustable belt worn around the chest.

b. A small electric current passes between the electrodes. The impedance to this current is measured as the chest wall diameter changes. The monitor senses this change and equates it with respiration.

c. Electrocardiograph reads cardiac activity.

d. High and low limits for respirations and heart rate are set by the clinician.

e. Monitor is compact and portable, weighing less than 5 pounds. A battery pack is available for use outside the home.

2. Technical problems include artifacts from signal interference, false alarms caused by shallow breathing, and the monitor’s inability to detect obstructive apnea. Incorrect placement of leads can result in false alarms as well.

3. Advances in technology allow recording of home monitor events for evaluation by the clinician.

a. Recording of events allows monitoring of compliance.

b. True events can be distinguished from false alarms.

c. Fewer rehospitalizations are needed.

d. Recording is as sensitive as a pneumogram for evaluating whether monitoring can be discontinued.

e. Fewer monitor days are needed for infants without events.

E. Follow-up care.

1. Multidisciplinary team includes physician, nurse, social worker, case manager, and equipment company representatives.

2. Family and other caregivers of the infant are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation before hospital discharge. Thorough education in use of the monitor is also provided before discharge.

3. Care includes close telephone contact—within 24 hours after discharge and every week to 2 weeks afterward as needed.

4. Visiting nurse makes home visit within the first week and then as needed.

5. A team member is available 24 hours a day for answering questions and solving problems. Equipment company representative is available as needed for problems and information.

6. Home follow-up does not replace clinic visits.

7. In 80% of infants, apnea of prematurity will cease between 40 and 44 weeks of postmenstrual age; in asymptomatic infants, home monitoring can be stopped at 45 weeks of postmenstrual age (Silvestri, 2009).


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Bredemeyer SL, Foster JP. Body positioning for spontaneously breathing preterm infants with apnea. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. (6):2012 CD004951.

Gauda EB, Shirahatab M, Masona A, et al. Inflammation in the carotid body during development and its contribution to apnea of prematurity. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2013;185:120–131.

Henderson-Smart DJ, Steer PA. Caffeine versus theophylline for apnea in preterm infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. (1):2010 CD000273.

Kattwinkel J. Textbook of neonatal resuscitation. 6th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics and American Heart Association; 2010.

Kattwinkel J. Neonatal apnea: Pathogenesis and therapy. Journal of Pediatrics. 1977;90(3):342–347.

Lexi-Comp. Pediatric & Neonatal Lexi-Drugs Online™. Hudson, OH: Lexi-Comp, Inc; 2011.

MacFarlane PM, Ribeiro AP, Martin RJ. Carotid chemoreceptor development and neonatal apnea. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2013;185:170–176.

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Oct 29, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on 25: Apnea

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