Toward a Theory of Illness: The Illness-Constellation Model

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Toward a Theory of Illness: The Illness-Constellation Model

Janice M. Morse                             33 TOWARD A THEORY OF ILLNESS: THE ILLNESS-CONSTELLATION MODEL1                 Get the habit of analysis—analysis will in time enable synthesis to become your habit of mind. —Frank Lloyd…

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Self-Transcendence and Self-Reformulation: One Concept or Two?

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Self-Transcendence and Self-Reformulation: One Concept or Two?

Patricia L. Eldershaw and Janice M. Morse                   20 SELF-TRANSCENDENCE AND SELF-REFORMULATION: ONE CONCEPT OR TWO?                 I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly: “but…

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Qualitative Strategies for Concept Development

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Qualitative Strategies for Concept Development

Janice M. Morse                             12 QUALITATIVE STRATEGIES FOR CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT                 Concepts shape how we think about the patients, families, and communities with whom we work. They direct our observations and our…

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Qualitative Structured Techniques

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Qualitative Structured Techniques

Janice M. Morse                             15 QUALITATIVE STRUCTURED TECHNIQUES                 Analysis of any kind involves a way of thinking. It refers to the systematic examination of something to determine its parts, the relationship…

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Linking and Ordering Concepts

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Linking and Ordering Concepts

Janice M. Morse                             22 LINKING AND ORDERING CONCEPTS The First Rule of Conceptualization                 It must be possible                 And it should be probable                 And then                 If it can be verified, even…

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Developing Quantitative Theory

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Developing Quantitative Theory

Janice M. Morse                             27 DEVELOPING QUANTITATIVE THEORY                 Theories cannot be verified absolutely and forever; however, they can be falsified—i.e., they can be proven to be wrong—given a certain degree of…

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Research Using Pragmatic Utility

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Research Using Pragmatic Utility

Janice M. Morse                             18 RESEARCH USING PRAGMATIC UTILITY                 Researchers who disagree about facts will often use concepts in different ways, rightly so. After all concepts are not designed to “fit”…

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The Prototypical Method

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on The Prototypical Method

Janice M. Morse                             16 THE PROTOTYPICAL METHOD        Q: How many people of a certain classification does it take to screw in a lightbulb?        A: More than one. Recall the definition…

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Concepts in Context

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Concepts in Context

Janice M. Morse                                 7 CONCEPTS IN CONTEXT                 … the important innovations in social science are conceptual, a way of seeing the social world, and that the most important innovations that…

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Toward Understanding Comfort and Comforting

Mar 15, 2018 by in NURSING Comments Off on Toward Understanding Comfort and Comforting

Janice M. Morse                             36 TOWARD UNDERSTANDING COMFORT AND COMFORTING                 Nurses who work in the hospital, work with patients who have ongoing irreversible, irretrievable suffering. Physical suffering, emotional suffering, mental suffering—anguish…

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