12: Comfort
DOMAIN 12. COMFORTSense of mental, physical, or social well-being or ease Class 1. Physical comfortSense of well-being or ease and/or freedom from pain Code Diagnosis Page 00214 Impaired comfort 437…
DOMAIN 12. COMFORTSense of mental, physical, or social well-being or ease Class 1. Physical comfortSense of well-being or ease and/or freedom from pain Code Diagnosis Page 00214 Impaired comfort 437…
Domain 11Safety/Protection DOMAIN 11. Safety/ProtectionFreedom from danger, physical injury, or immune system damage; preservation from loss; and protection of safety and security Class 1. InfectionHost responses following pathogenic invasion Code…
Domain 10Life Principles DOMAIN 10. LIFE PRINCIPLESPrinciples underlying conduct, thought, and behavior about acts, customs, or institutions viewed as being true or having intrinsic worth Class 1. ValuesThe identification and ranking…
Domain 9Coping/Stress Tolerance DOMAIN 9. COPING/STRESS TOLERANCEContending with life events/life processes Class 1. Post-trauma responsesReactions occurring after physical or psychological trauma Code Diagnosis Page 00141 Post-trauma syndrome 315 00145 Risk…
Domain 8Sexuality DOMAIN 8. SEXUALITYSexual identity, sexual function, and reproduction Class 1. Sexual identityThe state of being a specific person in regard to sexuality and/or gender Code Diagnosis Page None…
Domain 7Role Relationships DOMAIN 7. ROLE RELATIONSHIPSThe positive and negative connections or associations between people or groups of people and the means by which those connections are demonstrated Class 1….
Domain 6Self-Perception DOMAIN 6. SELF-PERCEPTIONAwareness about the self Class 1. Self-conceptThe perception(s) about the total self Code Diagnosis Page 00185 Readiness for enhanced hope 265 00124 Hopelessness 266 00174 Risk…
Domain 5Perception/Cognition DOMAIN 5. PERCEPTION/COGNITIONThe human information processing system including attention, orientation, sensation, perception, cognition, and communication. Class 1. Attention Mental readiness to notice or observe Code Diagnosis Page 00123…
Domain 4Activity/Rest DOMAIN 4. ACTIVITY/RESTThe production, conservation, expenditure, or balance of energy resources Class 1. Sleep/RestSlumber, repose, ease, relaxation, or inactivity Code Diagnosis Page 00095 Insomnia 209 00096 Sleep deprivation…
Domain 3 Elimination and Exchange DOMAIN 3. ELIMINATION AND EXCHANGESecretion and excretion of waste products from the body Class 1. Urinary function The process of secretion, reabsorption, and excretion of…