3 Vocabulary
Abstain: To voluntarily refrain from something.
Access: A means to obtain entry or a means of approach.
Adhere: To hold fast or stick together.
Adverse: Undesired, possibly harmful.
Affect: Appearance of observable emotions.
Apply: To place, put on, or spread something.
Bilateral: Present on two sides.
Cardiac: Of or relating to the heart.
Cast: Hard protective device applied to protect a broken bone while the bone heals.
Cavity: An opening or an empty area.
Cease: Come to an end or bring to an end.
Compensatory: Offsetting or making up for something.
Complication: An undesired problem that is the result of some other event.
Consistency: Degree of viscosity; how thick or thin a fluid is.
Constrict: To draw together or become smaller.
Contour: Shape or outline of a shape.
Contract: To draw together, to reduce in size.
Contraindication: A reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done.
Deficit: A deficiency or lack of something.
Depth: Downward measurement from a surface.
Device: Tool or piece of equipment.
Diagnosis: Identification of an injury or disease.
Diameter: The distance across the center of an object.
Dilute: To make a liquid less concentrated.
Distended: Enlarged or expanded from pressure.
Dysfunction: Impaired or abnormal functioning.
Elevate: To lift up or place in a higher position.
Endogenous: Produced within the body.
Exacerbate: To make worse or more severe.
Excess: More than what is needed or usual.
Exogenous: Produced outside the body.