Understanding investigations

Understanding investigations


Figure 15.1 Understanding investigations

Investigations are carried out to determine the cause of illness and require consent from the child and family. A large number of investigations come under the umbrella of radiology.


Radiology includes plain static X-rays which can be used to look at bone or soft tissue in any area of the body, chest infections or the position of an endotracheal tube in an intensive care unit patient. It is the most common imaging investigation in hospital. Plain X-rays can be obtained in the radiology department or, if the child is too unwell to be transferred, they can be obtained via a portable machine. Fluoroscopy uses pulsed X-rays which create a real time image and is used for procedures such as a barium swallow to examine the gastrointestinal tract, micturating cystourethrogram to examine the bladder and urethra, and intravenous urography to examine the urinary tract. Ultrasound uses sound waves and is very useful in examining areas of soft tissue within the body or structures that contain fluid. It is not as useful at examining structures that contain gas because the ultrasound waves pass straight through the gas so there is poor image quality. Computer tomography (CT)

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