This chapter is linked to the dissemination of findings section of the web program. Unlike the previous chapters in this book, it is not devoted to the theory behind the research in order to provide you with the tools to help you to write a research proposal. Rather, it gives you practical tips to help you with:
- writing your research report;
- writing for publication;
- presenting at a conference.
These are all important aspects of your research study and as you must disseminate your results in order to validate your research, we have included practical advice on how to do this.
You may have thought that your research proposal was complete. However, you would be wrong. You may have included in your research proposal the collection and analysis of your data, but even when you have done that, your study is far from over. It is only completed when you have written your research report and disseminated the findings (you need to mention this in your research proposal) and possibly implemented them (see chapter 11 and the web program).
Once you have written your report, you still have to communicate your findings to your colleagues, peers and others interested in your subject. This chapter gives you some tips on how to write a research report at the end of the study, and then explains how you can go about disseminating your research study, especially its findings and recommendations, to as wide an audience as possible. There are two main ways of doing this:
However, before we look at these, there are some other people who need to be apprised of your findings. These are the people who participated in your research as subjects and without whose participation your research would not have taken place. Do not overlook them. You need to have in place some means of letting them know the results of their endeavours on your behalf. Some of the ways in which this can be done are:
- Letting them see copies of the final research report – perhaps by making it available in the hospital or clinic.
- Giving each of them a copy of the executive summary.
- Meeting them individually to discuss your results and recommendations, and possibly implementation.
- Meeting them in groups to disseminate the results and recommendations.
- Telephoning them.
Finally, do not forget to send them a note of thanks (this should be included in your research proposal, as the research ethics committee in particular will expect this).
The following sections are concerned with the dissemination of your results to colleagues and peers and mainly offer practical advice on what to do and what not to do. We begin with writing the final research report and then look at writing papers for publication.
Writing a research report
The plan of your research report is similar to your proposal, with the exception that your proposal is written in the future tense whilst the report is written in the past tense (Munhall&Chenail 2008).
The other major differences are that the research proposal does not contain sections on results and discussion, as well as recommendations, whilst the research report will need these in order to be complete.
The box is a plan for a quantitative research study.
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Executive summary
- Introduction – including background to the research and aims of the study
- Review of literature
- Research methodology
- Results – introduction
- Results – statistics
- Discussion
- Conclusion and recommendations
- References
Next is an example of the plan of a research proposal for a recent study into palliative care. The plan for the subsequent research report following the completion of the study appears in the third box.
If you work through the linked web program on writing a research proposal, you will see this proposal in full. In this chapter, only the headings are given.
- Title
- Abstract – summary
- Introduction – purpose of the research (Aim)
- Background and literature review
- Outcomes
- Study design – Methodology
- Subjects:
- The health and comfort of the subjects
- Ethical considerations
- Resources
- References
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Executive summary
- Introduction – including background to the research and aims of the study
- Review of literature
- Research methodology
- Results – introduction
- Results – patients
- Results – carers and families
- Results – palliative care team members
- Discussion
- Conclusion and recommendations
- References
This was a phenomenological qualitative research study looking at the perceptions of adults with cancer accessing palliative care services, their families and members of the palliative care teams in the area, regarding the needs of the patients and families, and whether the palliative care services were meeting those needs.
Another significant difference between a research proposal and a research report is their length. For example, for this study, the proposal is three pages long and the research report is 270 pages long, excluding the appendices, which themselves total 60 pages.
Research reports
Concentrating for now on the research reports, you can see from the two examples that the sections within the plans are very similar for both the quantitative and qualitative research studies; the major differences between them lie in the research findings sections, with the quantitative research study being concerned with the presentation and analysis of statistics, whilst the qualitative research study is concerned with the presentation and analysis of the text from interviews and focus groups.
So, let us look at the research reports in more detail.
This is simply a list of the chapters and sections in your report and the page numbers so that a reader can easily locate any chapter or section. For example:
Chapter Three: Research methodology | ||
Subsection | Contents | Page |
3.1 | Introduction | 48 |
3.2 | Qualitative methodology | 50 |
3.3 | Sample | 57 |
And so on. |
This comes at the beginning of your report where you acknowledge the people who have helped with your research – particularly the participants. Others usually acknowledged are colleagues and people who have helped in any way.
Executive summary
This is a summary of your research which, although part of your research, can be detached and given to people who do not want to read the whole report. It usually includes the title of the study, the background to the study, the aim/hypothesis and objectives, a brief note on the methodology and, most importantly, the key findings and recommendations. This is also usually signed by the researcher(s). It can also be printed as a separate document because many of the users will be happy just to have the results, which should be given prominence in the executive summary.
This includes the background to the study (in more detail than is found in the executive summary) and the aims/hypothesis of the study. A review of literature linked to the topic of the study is included, as is the methodology (much of this can be taken from the research proposal – although do remember to change the tenses of the verbs from the future to the past).
Research findings
This is usually a straightforward account and analysis of the findings from the study. It may be in the form of statistics or of whatever data you collected from a qualitative study. The statistical tests and the statistics themselves often follow on one from another, although they may be grouped in related sets. Qualitative data are often presented within the themes that you have identified from the data.
This is the section where you discuss the results and try to make sense of them in the context of your research study. This is the crux of your report because it can include the conclusions from the report, recommendations arising from the data and analysis of data, and implications for practice. Reflections on the study – the way you carried it out, any problems or weaknesses (and strengths) with your research study and suggestions for further research that have arisen also come in this section.
As with any academic work, this is where you include the references you have cited in the text of your report. These references mainly appear in the introduction, review of literature, research methodology and discussion sections, although some may be found in the results section – but these are few, if they occur there at all. Remember to ensure that your references are given accurately and in full, and that none is missing.
This is where you add (append) any important documents related to the research which you do not think are appropriate to include in the main body of the report (e.g. information sheets about the study, interview guides).
You can see that the first few sections can remain almost as they were in your research proposal, except for changes or alterations that needed to take place during the study itself (Munhall&Chenail 2008).
You can see now that the research proposal leads eventually to the research report, so it is very important that your proposal is as full and complete as possible – this will make it easy for you to write your final report. In the same way, if you write your report fully and accurately, and include a very good, comprehensive, but succinct, executive summary, this will help you when you come to disseminate your findings. You will be able to use sections of your report for publication or for presentations without having to change things too much.
This leads on to the next two sections – writing for publication and presenting at conferences.
Writing for publication
Writing for publication is a worthwhile endeavour – indeed, for some healthcare professionals it is essential, as it forms part of their employment contract. However, writing for publication does not come naturally to everyone. To be successful, the twin attributes of practice and perseverance are important.
Before you commence writing, there are a few points to consider. These include the type of writing that you wish to pursue and could be:
- a research paper (also referred to as an article or a manuscript);
- a book;
- a report;
- a short article.
In this section we focus on issues pertaining to writing a research article for a peer- reviewed journal. The discussion is divided into three sections:
- getting started;
- developing a detailed structure of your work;
- issues associated with healthcare professionals and publication.
Getting started
Among the first things to do is to decide on the area in which you are interested and the line you wish to take – what aspect of the topic you want to write about and for whom exactly it is intended.
Albert (2009) suggests developing a broad plan of what you intend to write about, so, using landscape orientation (i.e. the longer measure being used as the width) A4 paper (or larger), draw a large circle in the middle of the sheet. Write the theme of your topic in the centre of the circle. Working outwards from this circle, draw lines to connect four smaller circles, two on each side of the larger circle. In each of the small circles, write:
- Why did we start?
- What did we do?
- What did we find?
- What does it mean?
To answer these questions, use lines and arrows to make connections with items or points in your paper. This is known as ‘mind mapping’ (Buzan 1993). Continue until you believe that you have enough information to formulate major headings for your paper. At this preliminary stage, you may wish to discuss your ideas with colleagues.
During this start-up period, you should set yourself feasible goals and stick to them.
Murray&Moore (2006) advocate viewing the writing of your article as a project which should have specific activities, accompanied by instructions to yourself for each of the activities.
Decide on your audience and journal
You should think carefully about your target audience and choose a suitable peer- reviewed journal that you know is read by them. A peer-reviewed (or refereed) journal is one which subjects all articles that are submitted to it for publication to critical assessment by independent scholars working in the same area as the author before it is even considered for acceptance for publication. A common practice is for an article to be double-blind peer-reviewed. This means that the names of the author and the reviewers are not revealed to each other. The reviewers recommend whether the article should be accepted, revised or rejected based on specific criteria set by the journal. The process is the accepted method for ensuing fairness, high quality information and contribution of new knowledge to the field. However, do be aware that some articles which appear in peer- reviewed journals may not have undergone peer review; these include book reviews, news items and editorials. However, basically anything that you submit will be peer- reviewed.
Peer-reviewed journals have Instructions for Authors. These are the house style of how articles should be written and are sometimes found in the journal, but are certainly found on the journal’s webpage. It is important that you familiarise yourself with these instructions and also with the layout of articles which appear in your selected journal and adapt your work accordingly so that it fits in with the journal’s house style, for example:
- Presentation style: do they use ‘Introduction’ or ‘Background’? Are there any limitations on the number of tables, figures or references? What are the font requirements?
- What referencing style do they use? Do they have a particular variation on the style?
- What types of articles are accepted – research-based, evaluation or service development?
- Familiarise yourself with the submission details – e.g. length, turnaround time.
- Your covering letter to the editor(s) should ‘sell’ your article – but note, you do not usually get paid; the prestige of being published is supposed to be sufficient reward. Also make sure that you send your article to one journal at a time – do not mass mail it to all the journals you can think of, because the journals do communicate with each other and will discard any article that has been sent to another journal.
You may also wish to check the journal’s rating. This is particularly important for academic research writers as some journals are more highly rated than others and publications in these journals have relevance for the assessment of research quality in all higher education institutions in the UK. The higher education funding bodies use the quality profiles to determine the grant for research to the institutions ( and
Review the literature
You should provide up-to-date literature about your topic (see chapter 4). You should also be able to articulate how your current work supports/refutes what is already available. Your literature review should contain a critique of the papers under discussion and the contribution your work will make to the debate.
Draft an outline of your work
An early draft of your work helps with the structure of the paper (Albert 2009). Murray (2006: 195) employs Brown’s eight questions strategy to focus writing:
These questions are designed to be used as a tool for outlining the paper and provide a device for checking the coherence of your work.
Comments from colleagues
This is a useful procedure to undertake as constructive critical comments may broaden your outlook of the topic or provide another way of expressing your ideas.
Develop a detailed structure for the paper
The basic structure of research paper is formatted sequentially, as follows:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
This is usually referred to as IMRaD.
An overview (Gray 2004, Parahoo 2006, Houser 2008, Polit&Beck 2008) of each of these is explained below. However, you must bear in mind the journal’s requirements as each journal will differ in the detail of what they expect, particularly their word limit for articles.
The abstract
This is usually written last as it contains an extract from your paper. It provides the reader with a summary of the contents of your paper. Typically an abstract includes:
- an outline of the background and the objective of the paper;
- the principal activity of the study and its scope;
- minimal information about the methodology;
- the most important results emerging from the study;
- a statement of conclusion or recommendation.
The abstract should ‘sell’ your work and entice the reader to read the entire paper. It really is worthwhile spending a lot of time writing a good abstract, because in many instances this is the only part of the paper that gets read! (See also chapter 4.)
Reflect on the literature search you carried out for your own topic – you may only have been able to read the abstract because some abstracts are published in abstract journals or online databases. This highlights the need to provide the essential features of your work in your own abstract.
Some journals ask you to provide keywords which, when accepted, are stored electronically along with titles and abstracts. This is very useful, because you probably remember using keywords, which you typed in the database, for the literature search you undertook for your topic and this was followed by a printout of titles of articles appearing on the computer screen containing those keywords (which are often highlighted). So you can see that it is vital that your keywords reflect what your paper contains so that others can retrieve information from it and subsequently retrieve your paper for reading.
This section should contain:
- the background to the area under discussion;
- a critical discussion of the literature;
- identification of the research problem;
- an explanation of the theoretical/conceptual framework (if appropriate);
- the aims and objectives/hypothesis of study.
Your methods section should include:
- an explanation and justification of the research paradigm that you used;
- the rationale for your sampling approach, a description of the study setting and how you selected the participants;
- a justification of your data collection strategies;
- the identification of the main study variables;
- a description of the intervention that you use (if applicable);
- all ethical considerations related to your research study;
- a discussion of the issues that relate to the validity and reliability of your study (if applicable);
- a discussion of the issues that relate to the trustworthiness and rig our of the study (if applicable);
- a justification of the data analysis techniques that you employed.
This section should include all the relevant points in this list:
- a clear and coherent presentation of all the relevant data;
- a report on response rates (if applicable);
- all numerical data presented in tables, figures and other graphical representation must be clearly and adequately labelled (if applicable);
- all verbal data clearly and simply described and accurately interpreted (if applicable);
- strict anonymity of participants;
- a description of the participants (making sure that you maintain their anonymity);
- interpretation of the results that are consistent with the results.
The discussion section allows you the freedom to interpret the study. It should examine critically:
- key findings of the research in relation to the research questions and the literature discussed in the review and any literature subsequently found to be relevant, analysing similarities and differences between your findings and those in the literature;
- methodological issues, including strengths, limitations and issues relating to rigour.
These will cover:
- the extent to which the research aims and objectives have been addressed;
- the implications, significance and recommendations of the study for professional practice, management or education;
- suggestions for further research.
This section is reserved for those whom you may wish to thank for their support, for example, funding bodies, sponsors, participants in the research or critical readers who guided you during the writing process.
All references must accord to the journal’s house style.
Issues associated with healthcare professionals and publication
There is an increasing expectation that healthcare professionals will disseminate their work and so contribute to improving practice and patient care, as well as forming an increasingly important part of their professional development. Nelms (2004) considers that writing for publication is essential to the advancement of the nursing profession (and other healthcare professionals), whilst Paul (2002) sees that a body of researched and evidence-based knowledge is the key to a developing academic profession.
However, writing for publication is a skill and requires time. Unfortunately, many healthcare professionals may not have these qualities or may not have had any formal training in academic writing (Murray&Moore 2006). Other barriers to writing include:
- lack of confidence in their skills and in their research;
- fear of rejection – by the journal initially, but also by peers, who may be critical of their paper once it is published;
- a lack of understanding about the writing process and procedures;
- too many other commitments.
However, writing and getting a paper published is a rewarding exercise. Service redesign as a result of government policy (Department of Health 2006a, 2006b, 2008) offers opportunities for healthcare professionals to communicate and disseminate new ways of working (Offredy et al. 2008), which may then be used to revise and improve patient care.
Publication has other advantages, such as informing clinical intervention and assisting in the journey to ensure that healthcare theory is applied to practice, so further increasing the research and evidence base of clinical and academic practice (Clarke 2000).
Nonetheless, you should be aware of some of the pitfalls of submitting typescripts which result in rejection (Perneger&Hudelson 2004, Morse 2007), many of which are avoidable. These are summarised in Table 10.1.
It should be noted that the reasons for accepting a typescript do not mirror the reasons for rejecting them. Morse (2007: 1164) sums up acceptance of an article in one word: that they are ‘strong’. She explains that this means that:
- The article is balanced.
- The article uses adequate quotations to illustrate or convince of the rigour of the paper.
Table 10.1 Reasons for rejection of submitted typescripts.
• The paper does not contribute any new thinking to the literature. |
• Inaccurate, incomplete or outdated literature. |
• The research question is not specified. |
• There is an imbalance in the amount of information presented in each of the sections of the paper. |
• The structure of the paper is incoherent (e.g. methods are described in the Results section). |
• Inadequate or insufficient description/discussion of methods, instruments and intervention. |
• Results do not relate to the main research question. |
• The paper does not follow the journal’s instructions to authors. |
• The paper exceeds the journal’s word limit. |
• Key arguments are unsupported by appropriate references. |
• Quotations have not been attributed. |
• The discussion does not answer the research question. |
• The discussion and conclusions speculate beyond what has been shown in the paper. |
• There are missing data (e.g. drop-outs, non-responders), for which there is no account. |
• Ethical violations. |
• The paper is poorly written (e.g. poor English grammar, style and syntax). |
• Plagiarism (i.e. using others’ work and passing it off as your own) is suspected. |
(adapted from Bordage 2001 , Perneger&Hudelson 2004, Morse 2007 ).
- The discussion explains the contribution of the research to the topic area, that is, the researchers/authors are stating their claim to knowledge.
- The article discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the study.
In other words, typescripts are accepted because of their contribution and relevance to the field to which they relate, for the excellence of the writing and for the quality of the study design and analysis (Bordage 2001).
This section has discussed a number of important points you should consider when thinking about writing for publication. It has also demonstrated that some of the common errors resulting in rejection can be avoided if attention is paid to the journal’s specific requirements. The section has concluded by highlighting that the task of writing and getting published is rewarding as well as contributing to the evidence base of practice. However, in terms of your research proposal, it is enough to say, regarding publication, something along the lines of ‘dissemination will be through the writing of papers for peer-reviewed journals within the sphere of the subject matter of the research study’.