The learning resource center

The learning resource center

Kay E. Hodson Carlton, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN

The learning resource center (LRC) of today is a central hub of instructional activity for students, faculty, and professionals. Historically, the LRC was an area for psychomotor skills practice and performance. The contemporary LRC serves as a multifunctional teaching and learning center. The role of the LRC is becoming even more important with the increasing use of simulations, emerging media programs, and distance learning. This chapter describes the LRC’s current and expanded functions and research on instructional issues, and introduces management and operational issues for the administration of an LRC.

The learning resource center: functions

Historically, the LRC evolved from psychomotor skills practice laboratories. The laboratories of the 1960s through the 1980s typically had a skills practice area with some inventory of task trainers and static manikins. Many of the practice laboratories were supported with a variety of audiovisual programs, such as slide-audiotape and filmstrip programs demonstrating nursing skills.

The LRC often served as a skills practice area for students in the introductory clinical nursing course at the undergraduate level. The evolution and expansion of LRCs began in the late 1980s with transformations in the methods of teaching and learning and the rapid changes in information and health care technologies. LRCs rapidly evolved from psychomotor skills practice laboratories to centers of learning that used the latest technologies for learning. Learning also expanded from the psychomotor domain to the cognitive and affective domains.

Functions of the LRC, as well as its designation, still vary widely from institution to institution. Learning resource center or learning resources center is frequently used as the broad term for this teaching–learning support facility. Other examples of terms used to designate either the multifunctional facility or the associated clinical practice environment include human patient simulation center, center for teaching and lifelong learning, information and learning technologies, educational resources, office of learning technologies, patient safety simulation laboratory, clinical learning resource center or lab, clinical simulation lab, nursing lab, and nursing skills laboratory (Parr & Sweeney, 2006; Tarnow, 2005).

Regardless of the specific name of the instructional facility, a multitude of teaching and learning activities remain the primary goals of the LRC. The design and the role of the LRC should come from the curricular framework of the program(s). The facility and support services are a major indicator of institutional and program commitment, and resources and the LRC’s quality and performance should be a component of annual program evaluation and curricular review.

The LRC facility is typically conceptualized as an emerging technologies environment where learners use visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile abilities for the acquisition of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills for lifelong and interprofessional collaborative learning. The LRC can be a place for low-stress learning, role modeling, decision making and critical thinking, clinical judgment, independent and group study, and all levels of multimedia instruction and evaluation. Students in fundamental clinical courses, as well as those preparing for advanced practice roles, are served by the LRC. In addition, enhanced functions of most LRCs around the country include all or some of the following:

• Operation of multimedia and computer laboratories and low- and high-fidelity simulation studios with a wide variety of task trainers and emerging technologies

• Technology and network services support for nursing and associated health care inter- professional users of the facility

• Multimedia and emerging technologies instructional design, development, and production

• Faculty development and consultation support for teaching and learning activities

• Coordination of distance learning for nursing and associated programs

• Nursing and associated health care disciplines clinical practice

• Consultation on research, evaluation, and administration of information and learning technologies

• Continuing and lifelong education

• Community and clinical agency resource facility

Teaching and learning in the learning resource center

Psychomotor skill instruction

It is not by chance that psychomotor nursing skill development and medication administration are essential teaching and learning foci of almost all LRC facilities. The Joint Commission (as cited in Koerner, 2003) claimed that inadequate training or orientation was the cause of threats to patient safety in 87% of cases. Medication administration and equipment use errors led the list of safety violations. Thousands of cases of injury or death were occurring annually, and one half of the errors were related to medication administration, with 62% of medication errors involving intravenous (IV) pumps. Subsequent developments have reinforced the critical role of nursing education in the preparation of competent caregivers who can provide safe and quality care.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report for nursing education proposed that newly registered nurses should be competent in five areas of professional nursing practice: patient-centered care, collaboration with interdisciplinary teams, awareness of quality standards, knowledge and use of evidence-based practice, and informatics and technology (Finkelman & Kenner, 2009). In addition, the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) (Cronenwett et al., 2007) project recommended that organizations ensure nurse competence based on standards of care and the use of evidence-based practice (Clark & Holmes, 2007; Finkelman & Kenner, 2009). The IOM has charged faculty in nursing programs with the preparation of competent practitioners in a broad range of skills. Therefore nurse educators have a responsibility to prepare students to function safely in practice.

Changes in the health care environment affect faculty capacity to prepare students adequately. First, as the severity of illness of hospitalized and home health care patients increases, students in clinical practice are confronted with providing more complex nursing care earlier in and throughout their undergraduate program experience. The traditional debate over whether it is ethical to teach students psychomotor skills in the practice setting or in the simulation laboratory is complicated by this increased severity of illness. Second, increased dependence on technology (e.g., medical equipment) requires that students and staff be trained to use a greater variety of equipment. Manufacturers’ updates to equipment dictate the need for frequent retraining. Also, the increasing use of computerized systems for care and medication documentation adds to the complexity of clinical experiences. Third, turnover in staff, use of registry personnel, floating among assigned units, and a shortage of registered nurses (RNs) with extensive clinical experience can decrease the availability of competent preceptors for student nurses. The academic institution’s role in teaching nursing skills has never been more salient than in today’s dynamic health care milieu.

There is a continuing debate in nursing education over how to best teach psychomotor skills to undergraduates (Larew, Lessans, Spunt, Foster, & Covington, 2006; Lenchus, Kalidindi, Sanko, Everett-Thomas, & Birnvach, 2010). Implementation of the nursing process requires competency in a complex set of cognitive, social-emotional, and psychomotor skills. Psychomotor skill acquisition is now understood as a multidimensional learning event, yet evidence-based practice in this area, while increasing, is rudimentary.

The role of the LRC in nursing skill instruction has traditionally been to provide a setting in which students can observe and practice in a simulated environment. As others have indicated, the explosive continual expansion of simulation as an essential component of nursing education is broadening and transforming the traditional role of the LRC (Hyland & Hawkins, 2009; Kardong-Edgren & Oermann, 2009). The goals of instruction are to decrease anxiety and increase knowledge and skill through use of a simulated patient encounter before students have contact with patients in clinical practice. Teaching nursing skills in the transitioning LRC, with its focus on patient safety, interprofessional learning, and research outcomes, encompasses several evolving issues, which are summarized in Box 19-1.

Defining and identifying essential nursing skills

Defining psychomotor skills and identifying the essential skills to be taught in the undergraduate curriculum have been examined by several authors over the last two decades. In the 1990s, Oermann delineated three types of psychomotor skills: fine, manual, and gross. Fine motor skills were used for tasks that required precision. Manual skills were used in tasks requiring manipulation and possible repetition. Gross motor skills involved the large muscle groups and required more movement. Alavi, Loh, and Reilly (1991) categorized skills as fundamental, general therapeutic and diagnostic, and specialized therapeutic and diagnostic (Table 19-1).

Many psychomotor skills are involved in delivering nursing care (Boxer, Fallon, & Samuelson, 2001) and the identification of “essential” skills remains controversial. It is common to consult with staff in the practice setting to determine current skill sets in high demand, yet there is evidence that new graduate nurses are not adequately prepared to function independently without an extensive orientation period (Billings, 2008; Burns & Poster, 2008; Clark & Holmes, 2007; Hofler, 2008; Ironside, 2008; Ridley, 2008, Scott Tilley, 2008; Thomas, Ryan, & Hodson Carlton, 2011).

Implementing instructional strategies and student evaluation

Competency levels

Another consideration in teaching psychomotor skills is competency level (Chase, 2005; Klein, 2006). Evaluation of competency skills can be particularly challenging due to the diversity of nursing education programs and practice standards in the United States (Allen et al., 2008). Educators are expected to prepare student nurses for transition to nursing practice and ensure competency (Billings, 2008; Cronenwett et al., 2007). Competency evaluation builds on a continuum of multifaceted dimensions: thinking in action, clinical decision making, and information retrieval for best practices. Competencies have been defined as the application of a range of skills that includes thinking in action and confidence and clarity in decision making. Some nurse leaders have recommended that a competency evaluation system be developed based on Benner’s (1984) novice to expert model (Allen et al., 2008). Scott Tilley (2008) analyzed competency as a concept. In all domains of practice, competency was defined as the application of skills. Studies have identified competency skills for new graduates; however, further research needs to be conducted (Allen et al., 2008).

Nurse educators need guidance not only on content and skills that students are lacking, but also on methods for educators to adjust teaching strategies, especially in the areas of patient safety, evidence-based practice, self-confidence, and intradisciplinary communications (Tanner, 2006). Educators across the country are also reevaluating curricula and clinical education to increase the competency skills of students recommended by IOM and, more recently, by the report on QSEN (Cronenwett et al., 2007). Results from a regional study investigating nurse managers’ perceptions of how well new graduate nurses met IOM competencies (Thomas, Ryan, & Hodson Carlton, 2011) supported findings from other studies that education and practice need a closer collaborative model (Allen et al., 2008).

In the LRC, a psychomotor skill performance guide has typically been used by the faculty and staff educator to evaluate competencies before the student performs the skill with a patient at a health care facility. Traditionally, skill performance guides have also been used to increase interrater reliability of evaluators and to communicate expectations to students.

The psychomotor skill performance guide items are generally derived from nursing textbooks, health care agency procedure manuals, and clinical practice guidelines. Methods for assessing continued competency of graduate nurses are varied, often incorporating simulation and virtual reality technology (Landry, Oberleitner, Landry, & Borazjani, 2006). When checklists are generated from various sources, the potential for discrepancy between service and educational settings is introduced. Variability in checklist design can compromise measurement of competency. In addition, the degree of detail of critical behaviors may vary from checklist to checklist. These discrepancies derive from a need to develop generic principle-based skills that students can take to any clinical setting. These skills should be based on evidence-based research.

Integrating learning domains

For the past few decades, many have advocated rethinking effective teaching strategies for psychomotor skills (Larew et al., 2006; Smith, 1992; Tanner, 2006). In the early 1990s, Oermann (1990) suggested that a psychomotor skill initially be broken down and the conceptual aspects be taught separately from the motor processes. However, psychomotor skills are not performed apart from the affective and cognitive components in patient care, and at some point students must have an integrated learning experience that simulates the clinical experience. For example, maintaining sterile technique while changing a dressing is a basic skill that requires demonstration of a minimal level of competence for the safety of the patient. However, the complexity of dressing varies. In addition, being able to communicate effectively to ease a patient’s apprehension during a painful dressing change is an important skill. Changing dressings on a critically ill, ventilator-dependent patient with multiple trauma in an intensive care setting demands further competence. This more comprehensive approach to integration and evaluation of psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains is attainable in a simulated environment.

Psychomotor skills need to be repeatedly practiced to maintain competence. For example, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills among nursing students were found to be maintained with as little as 6 minutes per month practice on a voice advisory manikin (Oermann & Kardong-Edgren, 2010). Lack of practice resulted in a significant loss of CPR skills in as little as 3 months. This research suggests that follow-up demonstration sessions of mandatory skills may benefit students.


Simulations are a common and increasingly critical strategy used in the LRC to link multidimensional learning to practice and performance. Simulations can include the use of high- and low-fidelity simulators as well as a wide variety of task trainers for the practice of psychomotor skills, entire sequences of nursing clinical actions with computerized and virtual reality simulators, the use of emerging technologies, and human simulation with actors. Ziv, Small, and Wolpe’s (2000) categories of simulation-based training provide a good basic framework for the discussion of integration of simulation in nursing skills. They are described here along with updates based on current and continued growth in emerging technologies. The categories include the following:

Simple models or static manikins are relatively low-tech, low-cost simulators used to teach basic cognitive knowledge or hands-on psychomotor skills. Examples of these models, often referred to as task trainers, are the enema administration model, injection and IV arms, and abdominal suture models available from a variety of companies that produce medical and health care models used for educational purposes.

Simulated or standardized patients (SPs), individuals who are trained to play a scripted patient role, are now frequently used for undergraduate and graduate nursing student learning and assessment in history taking, physical examination, and communication skills, and to enhance manikin-based simulations. Anderson, Holmes, LeFlore, Nelson, and Jenkins (2010) describe one such successful use in nursing education. The use of SPs across levels of the curriculum in the undergraduate and graduate programs resulted in improved program quality and faculty and student satisfaction. The role of SPs has also been expanded to serve as family or caregivers with manikin-based simulations. Others have shared additional examples of successful experiences with the use of standardized patients as adjuncts for teaching pelvic examinations (Theroux & Pearce, 2006), for teaching and evaluating students on cultural competency (Rutledge, Garzon, Scott, & Karlowicz, 2004), for a simulated psychiatric clinical encounter (Robinson-Smith, Bradley, & Meakim, 2009), and for objective structured clinical examinations with advanced practice nursing students (Kurz, Mahoney, Martin-Plank, & Lidicker, 2009). Research results validate the teaching effectiveness of standardized patients (Becker, Rose, Berg, Park, & Shatzer, 2006).

The use of computer screen–based clinical case simulators proliferated in the 1980s with the emergence of the personal computer in nursing programs. Screen-based computer simulations continue to be available and are used for a wide variety of nursing clinical specialties. For example, DVDs, digitized video for mobile devices, interactive learning development, web conferencing, screen capture utilities, and other Internet tools are examples of computer screen–based simulators.

Realistic high-tech procedural simulators (RPSs) or task trainers are described by Ziv et al. (2000) as instructional tools that enhance static models with audiovisual, touch–feel interactive cues, and sophisticated computerized software. Cardiology patient simulators, which present auscultatory and pulse findings of numerous cardiovascular conditions; an ultrasound system with a functional control panel, mock transducers, and a realistic patient-manikin; and laparoscopic high-tech surgery task trainers are examples of RPSs. Within the last decade, the explosive growth of technology has ushered in an era of high- and low-fidelity simulators. High- and low-fidelity simulation is discussed in further detail in Chapter 20.

Virtual reality (VR) is an evolving technology that is gaining dramatically in use in higher education (Ahern & Wink, 2010; Schmidt & Stewart, 2009). VR has become a “reality” in the practice setting and in nursing, allied health, and medical education (Simpson, 2003). VR is an emergent technology that holds significant potential for responding in areas where the nursing faculty shortage is critical and for training in underserved regions. Virtual reality is discussed in further detail in Chapter 21.

Another way to add realism to the simulated nursing care experience is to create a multibed simulated hospital unit within an LRC where a combination of simulated learning experiences are developed and implemented. For example, Bantz, Dancer, Hodson-Carlton, and Van Hove (2007) share experiences in the development, implementation, and evaluation of an eight-station clinical simulation day to help students transfer their classroom knowledge of labor and delivery, newborn infant care, and postpartum care into the clinical setting. The initial focus of the simulation work was to develop a virtual clinical laboratory that prepared students to interpret normal findings in obstetrics and newborn care before they were posted to their different clinical placements; they were immersed in patient care scenarios depicting maternity labor and delivery, neonatal care, and infant care. Categories of simulation-based training included in the experience were the use of simple models and manikins, high-fidelity patient simulators, and computer screen–based clinical case simulation in addition to gaming and computerized clinical care documentation.

Advantages of using simulation strategies include the addition of realism and decision making to patient-like situations in the laboratory setting, teaching potential in cognitive and affective realms and psychomotor skill performance, the ability to control multiple extraneous variables present in the actual clinical environment, minimized ethical concerns, and evaluative possibilities. Positive outcomes for students when they use simulations include increased student organization and integration of separate skill modules, faculty identification of students’ level of performance in clinical skills, increased student confidence, a ready vehicle to teach clinical judgment skills and clinical decision making, smoother transition from laboratory to health care setting, improved performance assessment, error management, improved safety culture, and new research possibilities (Arundell & Cioffi, 2005; Bearnson & Wiker, 2005; Bland & Sutton, 2006; Bremner, Aduddell, Bennett, & VanGeest, 2006; Cioffi, Purcal, & Arundell, 2005; Hyland & Hawkins, 2009; Johnsson, Kjellberg, & Lagerstrom, 2006; Long, 2005; Nehring, Lashley, & Ellis, 2002; Parr & Sweeney, 2006).

The most frequently cited disadvantage of simulations is the amount of time required for the design of the simulation. Other disadvantages include the time and staff needed to prepare, assemble, and maintain the supplies, space, and equipment required for the simulation; plans for and continual orientation of new and reassigned faculty to the simulations; and continual updating and revisions required for use of the simulation on a recurring basis. Nehring et al. (2002) point out the additional administrative consideration of maintenance expenses, including the purchase of equipment and compensation of faculty for training and practice. Addition of the role-playing element can also add managerial time, especially if nonstudent volunteers or individuals from outside the institution need to be scheduled and compensated for participation. Visible costs, especially with the more complex simulation tools, are relatively high, whereas cost benefits may be indirect, unsubstantiated, and long term (Seropian, Brown, Samuelson Gavilanes, & Driggers, 2004; Ziv et al., 2000).

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