The history of knowledge development in nursing
Nursing history was taught, but never accorded much importance . . . a casual interlude . . . and even more disheartening not valued. Lacking historical record the profession is poorly informed . . . a void in self awareness that affects the stature and growth of nursing as a vital, essential service.
Myra Estrin Levine (1999, p. 214)
To what extent does this quote from Myra Levine reflect your feelings about the study of nursing history? Do you see the history of nursing as something important and more than just a compilation of facts about what has happened in our past? Might the study of history come more alive if the significant events of our past were understood in relation to why and how they occurred rather than just when they happened? What do you know about Florence Nightingale and her work? Have you ever read Notes on Nursing? Would it surprise you to know that Florence Nightingale was widely known and respected for her statistical accomplishments during her lifetime? Levine’s quote suggests that, if nurses do not know their history, they cannot value it; when nurses do not value history, they cannot learn and grow from what it teaches. This chapter reviews the history of nursing’s knowledge development as a way to understand not only where nursing has been but where it might go in the future.
The history of knowledge development in nursing is a vast subject indeed. In this chapter, we touch on some of the key events that are part of nursing’s rich knowledge development heritage. Our purposes are to trace major historical trends that undergird serious inquiry surrounding each of nursing’s patterns of knowing and to spark interest in further study of the subject.
Well before the advent of modern nursing in the United States, which was marked by the beginning of the Nightingale era during the early 1900s, nursing existed in many forms that shared a common core. What the word nursing means and the functions of nurses have shifted to reflect the social order of the time and the demands placed on nurses. Despite shifts in their functions, nurses have played a role in the care of the ill since the beginning of recorded history. Nursing has been fundamentally linked with a nurturing role toward the infirm, ill, and less fortunate. Much of nursing’s history is tied to the history of medicine, which has dominated the accounts of changes in the care of the sick throughout time. Although much of nursing’s unique history has been obscured or lost, there is substantial evidence that supports the value and strength of nursing in the delivery of care and the promotion of health.
Early conceptions of nursing knowledge were grounded in a wholistic view of health and healing. Nurses writing about nursing between the late 1800s and 1950s addressed all aspects of knowing, perhaps without recognizing it. These nurses wrote about the importance of observation and recording facts, the need to bring a sense of virtue to the care of the sick, and the characteristics of a good nurse. Early writings also addressed the art of nursing and called for responsible social action that would better the lot of the sick. With increasing interest in promoting the study of science during the 1950s in the United States, nursing shifted toward a focus on empirics as the primary concern of the discipline. However, even during this period in nursing’s history, threads of philosophic and practical commitment to wholistic practices and to other patterns of knowing persisted. As the 21st century approached, nurses gave serious attention to wholistic approaches in practice and in the methods used for the development of knowledge.
Today’s knowledge development approaches will undoubtedly continue to change with the times as societal values and resources are altered. Despite changes, strong evidence exists to support the claim that nurses have, throughout time, developed and used knowledge to improve practice. This chapter reviews some of the key events in nursing’s knowledge development trajectory from antiquity to the present. It also addresses how societal values and resources operate to create nursing’s history.
From antiquity to nightingale
There is ample evidence that, long before the work of Nightingale, nurses assisted with the routine care of the sick and, in some societies, independently provided healing care (Achterberg, 1991; Donahue, 2011; Ehrenreich & English, 1993). The care provided by these early nurses was influenced by the healing traditions within society. Pagan healers (e.g., shamans), midwives, and other folk healers linked disease to influences that came from within a spirit world. These early healers used rituals, ceremonies, and charms to dispel perceived evil and to invoke good. Plants and herbal remedies also were used for healing. Nurses provided assistance to others who carried out healing traditions, but they were also independent providers of care.
Early Christian traditions often attributed disease to divine wrath, and punishment was meted out in the form of disease states for sinful transgressions. With the advent of early forms of scientific thought that dated from the mid-1500s to the mid-1700s, pagan and early religious views of illness were challenged. The work of scientists and philosophers such as Copernicus, Galileo, Bacon, and Newton began to lay the groundwork for a view of disease as the result of natural rather than spiritual causes. As society’s understanding of the causes of disease changed, approaches such as invoking the spirits with charms and the idea of disease being a punishment for religious transgressions began to subside. It was nurses who were there to provide nurturing and assistive services that were consistent with the view that disease was linked to natural causes. The early religious orders offered a respectable avenue for nuns and monks to provide care to the ill and infirm. In some societies, people who were being punished for civil offenses, people who were homeless and needed shelter, people who were addicted to drugs and alcohol, and women who were prostitutes also provided nursing care. Nurses also included women who bore the primary responsibility for the care of their ill family members.
Nightingale’s legacy
Although nursing as a nurturing, supportive activity always has existed, it was Florence Nightingale who advocated and promoted the need for a uniformly high standard of nursing care that required both education and certain personal characteristics. The recognition of nursing as a professional endeavor distinct from medicine began with Nightingale. Her actions and writings about the subject of nursing and sanitary reforms earned her recognition as the founder of modern nursing (Dossey, 2009). For our purposes, the term modern nursing refers to nursing that came after the work of Nightingale. Nightingale spoke with firm conviction about the nature of nursing as a profession that could provide an avenue for women to make a meaningful contribution to society (Nightingale, 1860/1969). During the mid-1800s, women cared for the sick as daughters, wives, mothers, or maids. These socially prescribed roles influenced Nightingale’s conviction that nursing should be a profession for women, but this cultural tradition was secondary to her philosophy. Her primary concern was the more pervasive plight of Victorian women. Women in her era were poverty stricken and forced to work at menial labor for long hours for little or no pay, or else they were—as was the case with Nightingale—idle ornaments in the households of wealthy husbands or fathers. In either case, there was no avenue for women to use their intellect, passion, and moral activity to benefit society (Nightingale, 1852/1979).
Nightingale spent the first decade of her adult life tormented by a desire to use her productive capacities in a way that would benefit society. She eventually defied the wishes of her family and broke free of the oppressive social prescriptions for her life. She obtained training as a nurse with the protestant sisters at Kaiserswerth Hospital and subsequently agreed to serve in the Crimean War (Dossey, 2009; Nightingale, 1852/1979; Tooley, 1905; Woodham-Smith, 1983). After her service in the war, Nightingale wrote Notes on Nursing (Nightingale, 1860/1969), in which she set forth the basic premises on which nursing practice should be based and articulated the proper functions of nursing. Although it was written for the lay nurses of the time, Notes on Nursing contains timeless wisdom that is still appropriate for today’s professional nurses. In Nightingale’s view, nursing required the astute observation of the sick and their environment, the recording of these observations, and the development of knowledge about the factors that promote the reparative process (Cohen, 1984; Nightingale, 1860/1969). Nightingale’s framework for nursing emphasized the use of empiric knowledge. She is recognized for using the statistics that she gathered in a way that would further the cause of health care in England and throughout the world (Dossey, 2009).
Because she was firmly committed to the idea that nursing’s responsibilities were distinct from those of medicine, Nightingale maintained that the knowledge developed and used by nursing must be distinct from medical knowledge. Medicine, wrote Nightingale, focused on surgical and pharmacologic “cures,” which relied heavily on empiric science. Nursing, however, was broader. Nursing was meant to assist nature with the healing of the patient. This was to be accomplished by managing the internal and external environments in an assistive way that was consistent with nature’s laws. Nightingale also had a great influence on nursing education; she founded St. Thomas School in London after her return from the Crimea. She insisted that women who were trained nurses control and staff early nursing schools and manage and control nursing practice in homes and hospitals to create a context that was supportive of nursing’s art. Nightingale’s influence on nursing education was felt within schools of nursing in all of the British Commonwealth, the United States, and many other parts of the world. The first Nightingale schools were autonomous in their administration, and nurses held decision-making authority over nursing practice in institutions in which students learned.
Instruction in Nightingale schools emphasized the powers of observation, the necessity of recording observations, and the potential for organizing the nursing knowledge that was gained through such observation and recording. Students also learned proper techniques of nursing. Nightingale’s strong beliefs about the character and values that should be cultivated in nursing were reflected by the admissions standards and educational programs of the early schools (Dennis & Prescott, 1985). Nightingale regarded nursing as a calling and vehemently opposed registration practices of the day as a way to ensure the quality of practitioners. She argued that testing and subsequent registration might ensure a minimal knowledge base but would not guarantee the quality of the moral disposition within the individual nurse. Nightingale advocated that nursing was much more than knowledge of facts and techniques. These were important, but, to her, nursing also required a certain ethical and moral disposition, a certain type of person, and an ability to act artfully. Nightingale also addressed emancipatory knowing and was concerned about the sociopolitical context within which nursing occurred. For example, in Notes on Hospitals as well as in other documents addressed to military administrators, she outlined the need to rectify unsanitary environmental conditions in hospitals to create a proper environment for healing (Nightingale, 1860/1969).
From nightingale to science
The period from the beginning of the 1900s to about 1950 was a time of great change in nursing that still continues to mold and shape knowledge development processes. Three major themes mark this period and reflect societal change patterns in the United States as they pertain to hospitals, the role of women in society, and the nature of nursing education.
Loss of the nightingale ideal
Despite Nightingale’s insistence that nurses rather than hospital administrators or physicians control nursing care, many circumstances came together in opposition to her model for schools of nursing in the United States. The medical care system developed as a capitalist, for-profit business. This system provided the context for rapid technologic development and a complex institutionalized system to support medical interventions. Early during the 1900s, the Nightingale era was ending, and medical care was taking shape as a science. Women were viewed as incapable of practicing medicine and unqualified to be scientists. With industrialization, large populations of people moved to urban areas, and the number of hospitals increased dramatically in these areas.
Physicians and hospital administrators saw women as a source of inexpensive or free nursing labor who could further their economic goals. Many women entered nursing and provided student labor for hospitals in exchange for receiving apprenticeship training to become nurses. Many of these women came from the working class and had limited opportunities for education and meaningful work. After they were trained for nursing in hospital schools, many found themselves without employment as new student recruits filled available staff positions. Nurses were exploited both as students and as experienced workers. They were treated as submissive, obedient, and humble women who were “trained” in correct procedures and techniques. Ideally, they fulfilled their responsibilities to physicians without question. Nurses’ positive desire to help people in need, coupled with their relative lack of educational preparation and social or political power, led to an extended period in history when nursing was practiced primarily under the control and direction of medicine (Evans, Pereira, & Parker, 2009; Group & Roberts, 2001; Lovell, 1980; Malka, 2007).
The entrenchment of apprenticeship learning
Despite strong leaders who followed the Nightingale tradition and who viewed nursing knowledge as unique, nursing knowledge has not always been regarded as distinct from medicine. The control of nursing education and practice was transferred from the profession to hospital administrators and physicians during the early 1900s, when most of the Nightingale-modeled schools in the United States were brought under the control of hospitals (Ashley, 1976). Strong efforts to move nursing to institutions of higher learning were not enough. In a manner that was consistent with the social history of women, nursing was viewed and increasingly treated as a role that supported and supplemented medicine and certainly not as one that required a unique knowledge base (Hughes, 1980, 1990). Although training was acceptable and even necessary, true education for women and nurses was discouraged, discouraging, and limited. Indeed, education was counterproductive for women who, as nurses, were expected to follow orders and serve the needs and interests of physicians when it came to providing care (Melosh, 1982; Reverby, 1987a, 1987b).
Economic independence for women in the United States was not possible until the mid-1900s. Even a woman who earned an income was not able to have a bank account, own property, or conduct financial transactions in her own name. Normal schools were established for the training of teachers and nursing schools were available for training nurses, but, to obtain long-term security, women were required to conform to the role of wife or daughter. Throughout the early part of the 20th century, nursing practice was based on rules, principles, and traditions that were passed along through limited apprenticeship forms of education. Nursing practice also included an ever-increasing array of delegated medical tasks that were acquired as medical knowledge expanded; these tasks were performed by nurses as extensions of physicians. Higher education for nurses was not available. What evolved as nursing knowledge was wisdom that came from years of experience. Nursing was viewed primarily as a nurturing and technical art that required apprenticeship learning and innate personality traits that were congruent with that art (Hughes, 1990). Tradition as a basis for nursing practice was perpetuated by the nature of apprenticeship education (Ashley, 1976). Nursing students were presumed to learn at random through long hours of experience (with limited exposure to lectures or books) and to accept without question the prescriptions of practical techniques. The novice nurse acquired knowledge of what was right and wrong in practice by observing more experienced practitioners and by memorizing facts about the performance of nursing tasks. Nurse recruits also learned what sort of person a nurse should be through the imposition of rigid rules that regulated most aspects of behavior, including sleeping, eating, socializing, and dress, both inside and outside the hospital walls. Rules were strictly enforced with severe penalties for those who strayed outside of the rules’ boundaries.
Persistence of nursing ideals
Despite social impediments to the development of nursing knowledge, nursing philosophy and ideology remained committed to the idea that nursing requires a knowledge base for practice that is distinct from that of medicine (Abdellah, 1969; Hall, 1964; Henderson, 1964, 1966; Rogers, 1970). This commitment grew from the consistent recognition that, although the goals of nursing and medicine were related, the central goals and functions of nursing required knowledge not provided by medicine or by any other single discipline outside of nursing.
Although social circumstances limited the possibilities for nursing education, early nursing leaders sustained ideals that reflected Nightingale’s model of education and practice. Because most nursing service was provided as free labor by students in hospitals, those who graduated secured jobs as independent practitioners who were engaged by families to assist with the care of the sick in homes and hospitals. Many nurse leaders were active in confronting a wide range of community-based social and health issues of the time, including temperance, freedom for enslaved people, the right of the disenfranchised to vote, and the control of venereal disease. These experiences cultivated and required a broad view of nursing knowledge and a desire to change the future of nursing. These were women for whom technical training was not enough. Despite that training, they saw nursing as independent and vital and as having a firm knowledge base.
As nurses developed community-based practices, their work and writings reflected the multiple patterns of knowing in which their efforts were grounded. There is substantial evidence that graduate nurses during the early part of the 20th century had ethical and moral commitments that contributed substantively to improving health conditions in hospitals, homes, and communities. Not only did they develop health knowledge as they practiced, but they were politically committed to finding ways to distribute this knowledge to the people who needed it (Wheeler, 1985). Consistently throughout the early 20th century, nursing leaders in the United States worked together nationally and internationally in strong connecting networks and called for a social and political ethic that would restore the control of nursing practice to nurses and that would promote the health and welfare of citizens.
Margaret Sanger, Lillian Wald, Lavinia Dock, Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail, Mabel Staupers, and Adah Thoms are among those nurses who were challenged by specific needs in society and set about to change problematic practices that affected health care. They observed the circumstances of people in their work environment, identified health-related needs, and worked with others to meet those needs. They acted to improve health care practices by integrating ethical commitment with scientific knowledge.
For example, Sanger developed knowledge about reproduction and birth control. She fought against great odds to distribute birth control information to women who were desperate to obtain it, and she established a foundation for family planning programs that remains viable today in the form of Planned Parenthood (Sanger, 1971). Wald became concerned about child care and family health in the context of extremely poor conditions of sanitation in the crowded immigrant tenements of New York City. She established the Henry Street Settlement in New York City, which is still operating today. On the basis of concepts of community health nursing and social welfare programs, Wald developed stations from which safe milk was distributed to families with young children, and she also established centers for educating mothers about the care of their families (Silverstein, 1985; Wald, 1971). Dock was an ardent suffragist and pacifist who worked for much of her professional life with Wald at the Henry Street Settlement. She campaigned actively for changes in labor laws that would benefit women and children. Twenty years of her life were devoted to gaining the vote for women in the United States; she reasoned that, if women could vote, the oppressive laws that affected them could be changed (Christy, 1969).
Many influential nurses among minority groups in the United States also took equally significant actions to improve the health and well-being of their people, but they are far less known. Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail was a midwife who traveled throughout North American Indian reservations to assess the health, social, and educational problems of Native Americans, and she then recommend solutions (American Nurses Association, 2009b). She was instrumental in ending the abuses of women (e.g., involuntary sterilization) that were occurring within the Indian Health Care System (Scozzari, 2008). Mabel Staupers worked for improved access to equitable health care services for African American citizens (American Nurses Association, 2009a). Her research into the health care needs of individuals in Harlem led to the founding of the first facility in Harlem for treating tuberculosis in African Americans. Adah Belle Thoms was among the first nursing leaders to recognize public health as a new field of nursing. In 1917, she added a course on the subject to New York’s Lincoln School for Nurses curriculum (American Nurses Association, 2008). She also founded the Blue Circle Nurses, a group of African American nurses who worked with local communities and who provided instruction regarding sanitation, diet, and appropriate clothing. Adah Thoms also organized a campaign to encourage members of the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses to vote after the passage of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote (Thoms, 1929/1985).
Like contemporary scholars, these and other early nursing leaders kept alive the ideals of practice as chronicled by Nightingale, and they used multiple ways of knowing to ground improvements in health care and nursing practice. They were women of strong personal character who lived their ethical convictions that nurses can and should control nursing practice. Their ethical and moral ideals of nursing practice required making observations and organizing the knowledge that came from those observations. Art and emancipatory knowing were central to their practices as they orchestrated complex system changes that required a sense of how to interpret and maneuver through the social and political environments in which they found themselves.
Knowing patterns in the early literature
During the period of time between about 1900 and about 1950, nurses and others were writing about nursing and patient care in the journals of the time. These early journal articles reflected all knowing patterns; however, the patterns were not named until the late 1970s, with the publication of Barbara Carper’s doctoral research (Carper, 1978). An examination of nursing literature published before the 1950s is rich with detail about how nursing embodies, reflects, and requires multiple ways of knowing. The following sections provide some examples of how early writings addressed each pattern of knowing, including the pattern of emancipatory knowing.
Emancipatory knowledge and knowing
The early literature’s attention to emancipatory knowing was reflected primarily by the recognition that inequities exist as well as by descriptions of situations that create inequities and injustice. The early literature also included directives about what nurses must do to change unfair social conditions. Although nurses contributed some of these early writings, other pieces were written by physicians and non-nurse educators and published in nursing journals and books or presented to nursing audiences.
Effie Taylor acknowledged the existence of social inequities in a speech given at the opening session of a national nursing organization meeting. Taylor noted that the “nations of the world are sick mentally and socially and need to be enabled to live better, think better and act better.” (1934, p. 474).
How injustices are created is embedded in an eloquent quote from Lavinia Dock (1902-1903), who noted the following in an early issue of American Journal of Nursing:
. . . after one has worked for a time healing wounds which should not have been inflicted, tending ailments which should not have developed, sending patients to hospitals who need not have gone if their homes were habitable, and bringing charitable aid to persons who would not have needed it if health had not been ruined by unwholesome conditions, one longs for preventive work . . . something that will make it less easy for so many illnesses to occur, that will bring better conditions of life. (p. 532)
Kinloch, a Scottish physician and Chief of the Department of Health in Scotland, echoes Dock when he notes that “were our efforts unified . . . we need not be concerned with signs and symptoms, but with proper nurture, replacing the need for treatment” (1932, p. 714). Another cause of social injustices was “anxiety over material necessities,” as mentioned in a 1913 physician’s address to graduates of the El Reno Sanitarium. Such anxiety “precludes living the ideal, full, free and independent effective life” (Young, 1913, p. 266). Although this physician was addressing graduating nurses, the precept would likely have applied to others as well.
Marion Faber, a registered nurse, noted that it is “effects of the environment that cause deformation of the personality” (1927, p. 1048), whereas Joseph Mountin, a physician and then an assistant surgeon general of the United States, stated that the “hospital hierarchy tries to provide social service according to the rules of private competitive enterprise” and this “requires a financial sleight of hand to keep the institution going” (1943, p. 34). According to William Kilpatrick, a doctorally prepared educator, these hierarchies resulted in a “factory system that reduces individuals to a non-entity amid the bigness of the organization” (1921-1922, p. 791)
Concerns about increasing levels of education at the time led two doctorally prepared academic educators to suggest that “vested interest will preclude the development of professionalism (in nursing) as hospitals will not be able to adjust to the loss of student work hours” (Bixler & Bixler, 1945, p. 732). Isabel Stewart, a nurse and faculty member at Columbia University, wrote that custom and training are the great authorities and are rigid and static (1921-1922). Stewart further noted that “authority becomes entrenched and does not allow for change in the individual” (1921-1922, p. 908). Allen Gregg, a physician and Director of Medical Sciences at the Rockefeller Foundation, attributed injustices to “envy and malice and hate and violence” (1940, p. 738)
Paul Johnson (1928), a doctorally prepared individual, stated the following in an address to the Massachusetts State League of Nursing Education:
. . . the first and most powerful influence upon human minds is the unconscious operation of social custom . . . the question of what to teach is superfluous . . . what is taught is the product of long experience of moral custom. (p. 1087).
Johnson also suggested that, to address the conditions of social injustice, nurses must do the following:
. . . seek by criticism and appreciation to broaden the bypath . . . to decrease moral provincialism which makes men blind to good beyond their own . . . this [moral provincialism] may be overcome by historical and cultural sympathy with others and understanding and appreciation of values that have appealed to other people. (p. 1087)
Katherine McClure, a nurse professor, noted the need to “improve the environment and conditions of the persons she nurses without remaking them to suit ourselves” (1951, pp. 221-222), whereas nurse Janet Geister wrote that “the real wisdom of human life is compounded out of the experiences of ordinary men” (1937, p. 261). These nurses apparently recognized the importance of acting in relation to the needs of others while understanding that effective change must come from a grassroots position.
Bixler and Bixler (1945) stated that nurses’ social attitudes should reflect the conception that “every citizen is entitled to health care” (p. 733), whereas Taylor (1934) wrote that nurses must have a “broad sense of justice” (p. 475), should “not know color or creed” (p. 473), and “be for the poor as well as the rich” (p. 473). Kilpatrick (1921-1922) further addressed how to undo social injustices by stating that nurses should “seek the development and expression of each in relation to all, and cause others to grow” (p. 795), whereas Stewart (1921-1922) stated that “knowledge, culture, individual development, freedom, health and expertness are used in service of the social group,” emphasizing that “education has a social purpose and nursing is no exception.” (p. 908)
Noted anthropologist Margaret Mead, in an address to a convention of the American Nurses Association, stated that “nursing stands between those who are vulnerable and the community that may forget them, not care for them” (1956, p. 1002). Genevieve Noble, a graduate nursing student, understood that nurses must notice injustice when she stated that the “nurse cannot be indifferent to the welfare and happiness of the undernourished child in the street or the maid working in her corridor” (1940, p. 161). Esther Lucille Brown, a researcher for the Russell Sage Foundation who was the author of reports about nursing, recognized that “nursing must create alliances with problems outside the privileged home and hospital, and should be concerned with those who have chronic disease, are aged and physically handicapped” (Goostray & Brown, 1954, p. 720). Finally, Elizabeth Porter, who was president of the American Nurses Association, summarized many of the social conditions that create social injustices and inequities (i.e., the focus of emancipatory knowing). Porter (1953) noted that “hunger, poverty, injustice and disease are the enemies of peace,” and she also noted the following:
[when] man arrogates to himself blessings that he denies others, these blessings begin to slip through his fingers . . . and . . . a chain around another’s neck means there is a chain about your own . . . and that passivity or acquiescence to the chains of others means you enslave yourself. (p. 948)
For Porter (1953), necessary actions included “supporting humanitarian programs on a worldwide scale” (p. 948), taking responsibility to change the “conditions in which men live and the conditioning of their mind” (p. 948), and “putting the good of the world and community before the selfish interest of individuals or specialized groups” (p. 949).
To summarize, the early nursing literature addresses the importance of emancipatory knowing by recognizing the fact that social injustices existed in addition to the conditions that created them. This literature is replete with directives for nursing actions required to rectify societal injustices and conditions that privilege one group over another. Injustices were not hidden or mystified. Rather—and perhaps concurrent with the expansion of nursing into community-based practices—the necessity to recognize social inequalities and to take strong measures to rectify them was emphasized.
Ethical knowledge and knowing
Before the 1950s, ethics was primarily represented as virtues possessed by the nurse. Nurses were expected to be moral individuals, who, it follows, do the right thing. Virtue and responsibility were paramount for nurses. Duty and responsibility included protection, truth telling, and imparting specialized knowledge (Conrad, 1947; De Witt, 1901; Warnshius, 1926). An editorial in the American Journal of Nursing noted that “the doctor is responsible for the general conduct of the case, but the nurse is responsible for the honest performance of her own duties” (De Witt, 1901, p. 15). This editorial further noted that “born qualities added to training” were critical for ethical conduct (p. 15). Duty often was expressed in religious admonitions to love, live right, and have faith; it was seen as a sacred obligation, as illustrated by a lay author who wrote that “a good nurse will die before admitting she is even tired [for] loyal service is one of the articles of the profession’s religion” (Drake, 1934, pp. 137-138). Moral fitness for nursing was important, and moral examinations were recommended. Agnes Riddles (1928), a nurse, stated that “women [nurses] should hold their position only after a moral examination as well as a technical one” (p. 29). Riddles listed a variety of moral infractions attributable to nurses of the time, including a lack of consideration for the patient, the neglecting of aseptic precautions, disrespecting human life, and lack of proper experience with assembling needed nursing materials.
Charlotte Aikins (1915), presumably a nurse educator, outlined an entire curriculum for teaching ethics in Trained Nurse and Hospital Review. The curriculum included knowledge of “the customs and laws of the hospital world which she (student) must be admonished to accept meekly” (p. 136) and “personal virtues of importance such as reticence, tact, and discretion in order that she may do no harm” (p. 136). “Health, carriage, voice, manner, habits and general deportment” (p. 136) also were important. During the junior year, ethics would cover “handling of supplies and appliances, avoiding accidents, use of good surgical technique, wise use of recreation and holidays, and the necessity of a good conscience” (p. 137). Another early nurse mentioned the need to keep preconceptions and prejudices to a minimum as a part of ethical conduct (Oettinger, 1939).
Paul Johnson (1928), in an address to a statewide gathering of nurses, asked the following: “What should ethics teach?” (p. 1084). He differentiated ethics and morality. Ethics, according to Johnson, is the “science of right conduct” (p. 1085). Ethics investigates “boldly” what this is by “questioning moral tradition, examining moral facts, and searching out moral values” (p. 1085). Ethics requires “careful investigation, open-minded judgment, the practice of reasonableness and intelligent doubting” (p. 1085). Ethical sensitivity—rather than the rules approach of “laying down exact rules for conduct” (p. 1084) —was important to cultivate. Such an attitude questions the establishment of rules as the basis for biomedical ethics and validates a relational perspective for ethical conduct. Johnson’s early article also challenges virtue ethics, which is a position that relies on a good person to do the right thing by differentiating ethics and morality.
Early authors imparted a variety of goals for ethical knowledge and knowing, including the protection of patients’ privacy and rights, advocacy, and the minimization of patients’ discomfort and inconvenience. Broader goals also were mentioned, such as increasing tolerance and respect by respecting the worth, autonomy, and dignity of individuals; assisting with the development of the individual; strengthening society and the Self; developing economic security; and promoting peace.
In summary, the early periodical literature reflects a view of ethical behavior and comportment as conforming to individual virtues. Religious living, self-sacrifice, and a nearly blind duty to others’ rules and prescriptions evidenced such virtues. The seeds of relational ethics are found in the questions raised regarding the cost to the individual and the profession of blind adherence to rules and prescriptions. Although most of what is considered ethical comes from religious traditions and authoritative trust in others, these writers also discussed questioning traditions and making responsible judgments, studying what one doubts, and analyzing and criticizing basic precepts.
Personal knowledge and knowing
The importance of the person of the nurse is evident in that the prevailing ethics of the time called for a virtuous person. However, qualities of a person beyond virtue also are found in the early literature. Margaret Conrad (1947), writing about the nature of expert nursing care, recognized the necessity for a well-balanced, integrated personality to contribute to the care of others. Allen Gregg (1940), a physician, in an address to three national nurse meetings, asked nurses to “seek honestly and earnestly to find what really matters to us and what beliefs and convictions we hold” (p. 738). Gregg also redefined virtue as “the inner life as well as the outer in consistency of behavior with one’s own thoughts and feelings” (p. 740) and further stated that “motives and conduct must harmonize” (p. 740). Motives must be sound or there is “no virtue in the great sense, no independence, and no self-confidence” (p. 741). The fundamental importance of personal knowledge is acknowledged in that “only when a person is something to herself can she become anything to anybody else” (p. 741). Gregg’s article, which was written during the postwar period, recognized that science could not provide personal knowledge because “the social wisdom of man does not derive from chemistry and physics and mechanical skill. Decency does not visit our common dwelling place without invitation” (p. 739).
Genevieve Noble (1940), writing as a student in “The Spirit of Nursing,” emphasized the need for an inherent inner self-discipline rather than an imposed discipline for adequate nursing care. Katherine Oettinger (1939) gave equal importance to personal knowing and empirics by stating that “the personality of the nurse is quite as important as the distinctive facts she learns” (p. 1224).
Important personal characteristics included an acceptance of the Self that is grounded in self-knowledge and confidence. Personal integrity, honesty, enthusiasm, versatility, courageousness, stability, and emotional diversity were important features of personal knowledge. Such knowledge is created by engagement with life, finding out what really matters, and reflecting on it. Nursing practice requires a depth of personal knowing that acknowledges the validity of feelings, an openness to freely discussing feelings, and an examination of reciprocal emotions in dialogue and relation. A nurse of high personal character displays an inner and outer harmony and commands the respect of his or her Self and of others. As Oettinger (1939) put it, such a nurse is “free from conscript minds giving conscript thoughts” and is “free to change the status quo” (p. 1244). In summary, a whole host of personal attributes that go beyond virtuous behavior, including self-discipline, knowledge of the Self, and an openness to the processes of reflection to create actions with integrity are basic to good nursing care.
Aesthetic knowledge and knowing
A sense that nursing has an artistic component is clearly evident in the early periodical literature. L. F. Simpson (1914), another physician who was speaking to nurses, stated that “real nursing is an art; and a real nurse is an artist” (p. 133). Conrad (1947) stated that the art of nursing included such things as “knowing what the patient wants before she is asked” (p. 162). It arises from “combining instinct, knowledge and experience” (p. 162). According to Conrad, art depends on imagination and resourcefulness and requires “true perspective” (pp. 162-163). Furthermore, art requires practice, and some nurses “never acquire it” (Simpson p. 135). Experience was seen as important to the development of aesthetic knowing. Austin Drake (1934), a layperson, put it in the following way:
Circumstances alter cases . . . the nurse adapts her roles at will according to her patient’s physical state and particular mode . . . if he is able and desires . . . she talks, otherwise she is silent, intent upon her duties . . . the severity of the illness does not determine this. (pp. 136-137)
Art in the more traditional sense was recognized as important to the art/act of nursing. In 1923, Lois Mossman, an assistant professor of education, acknowledged that “science cannot explain what happens when we respond to beauty of form or motion but the response is pleasurable and influences what we are doing” (p. 318). Mossman asked novice nurses to “experience beauty, to see it in the commonplace, to learn of books, poems, pictures, and music that interpret beauty and draw from them to fit the needs of those we serve” (p. 319). According to Mossman, “Life is rhythmical and lights must be set off by the shadows” (p. 319).
Edward Garesche (1927), a Roman Catholic priest, eloquently expressed the elusiveness of assessing our art and the importance of distinguishing it from empirics. He stated: “The service of the learned professions does not bear measuring while it is being rendered” (p. 901).
In summary, the early literature represents aesthetics as a combination of knowledge, experience, intuition, and understanding. Aesthetic knowing was creative and intuitive and consisted of exquisite judgments made without conscious awareness but rather that were sensed intuitively by unexplained insight and hunches. Aesthetic knowledge was gained through appreciation of the arts and by subjective sensitivity to individual differences. Aesthetic knowing was also gained by personal imitation of those who possessed the art. Aesthetic knowing required speculation, imagination, and the superimposition of impressions on facts. The practitioner who had a sincere intentionality and the ability to carry out sophisticated assessment could act artfully. It was through the interpretation of interaction that each succeeding interaction became more meaningful.
Empiric knowledge and knowing
Before the “era of science” in the mid-1950s, there was clear recognition of scientific knowledge as a source of power. A physician who addressed the annual meeting of the Michigan Nurses Association acknowledged that scientific knowledge had increased and asked nurses to acknowledge its power and value for producing knowledge. The physician cautioned against quackery and portrayed science as a source of legitimate criteria for the selection of information provided to patients (Warnshius, 1926). Despite the value of science, this physician also emphasized the importance of a central focus on the welfare of the patient.
Empirics was commonly represented as the knowledge of the underlying principles and techniques associated with nursing. According to Margaret Conrad (1947), a baccalaureate-prepared professor of nursing, this required an understanding of the laws of nature and the principles of physics, chemistry, physiology, and psychology. In other early articles, the procedural and technical aspects of nursing were emphasized, including bed making; food tray handling and feeding; carrying out personal hygienic measures, such as bed baths and oral hygiene; and managing delegated medical procedures, such as drains, catheterizations, enemas, alcohol baths, vital signs, and medication administration (Brigh, 1944; Mountin, 1943).
Muriel Burgess (1941), a nursing student, outlined the “facts of care,” which included diagnosis; social factors, such as heredity, environment, and education; and medical factors, such as history of family, history of the present illness, symptom onset, physical examination, and laboratory and radiography findings. She further noted that the plan should include the progress of the patient and make use of graphs whenever possible. The treatments prescribed and the continuing plan for care were also important.
Genevieve and Roy Bixler (1945), two doctorally prepared educators, addressed the development of empirics and wrote “the elements of science should be defined and organized, gathered from every science contributing to nursing and arranged in the most convenient order for thought” (p. 730). Bixler and Bixler stated that scientific compartmentalizations were artificial, arbitrary, and to be avoided by nursing science. Nursing science existed apart from practice, but its use in the service of professional practice represented a “new synthesis” (p. 731). Science, they asserted, needed to be integrated as an art.
Formal observation was also established as a valued technique and a skill that was critical for the development of nursing empirics. A 1947 editorial in the American Journal of Nursing emphasized the need for nurses to develop keen observation skills because “the lack of descriptions or records of nursing care based on actual experience is appalling” (p. 655). Written observations could form the basis for a complete patient study to provide an interpretive picture of present-day nursing (“Changes in nursing practice,” 1947). In a speech at a student nurse convention, Blanche Pfefferkorn (1933), who was identified only as a registered nurse, stated that empiric knowledge came from questionnaires, detached observation, and field studies. According to Pfefferkorn, a scientific attitude was important. Scientific knowledge included “facts that were organized into a form or structure that were not dynamic and reports of field studies” (p. 260). Regardless of the source, scientific knowledge served as a skeleton and answered questions about “what”; good science represented the “what” of nursing very well. Pfefferkorn noted that the nurse needed to know “how”—not just “what”—and stated that field studies could “enliven fact gathering by providing knowledge of how” (p. 260). Agnes Meade (1936), a nurse who wrote an article entitled “Training the Senses in Clinical Observation,” cautioned about the following pitfall of scientific bias: “A distinguishing feature of scientific observation is that the observer knows what is being sought, and to a certain extent what is likely to be found” (p. 540).
In summary, in the early literature, the nature and importance of science for nursing were clearly reflected. Early authors envisioned ways for empiric knowledge to be created and displayed. Although scientific-empiric knowledge could come from disciplines outside of nursing, there was a recognition of the unique nature of nursing science. Principles, facts gleaned from observation, and procedural guides for action were important forms of empirics that were necessary for completing the routine hygienic care of patients as well as delegated medical tasks. Despite the recognition of the value of empirics, the idea that science alone is an inadequate practice guide appears frequently. A physician addressing a graduating class of diploma nurses told them that “the profession of nursing is an art depending upon science. In nursing the art must always predominate though underlying science is important” (Worcester, 1902, p. 908).
The emergence of nursing as a science
The shift toward a concept of nursing knowledge as predominantly scientific began during the 1950s and took a strong hold during the 1960s. This shift toward knowledge as science produced significant changes in what was considered important in nursing. Nursing gradually shifted from a perspective that emphasized technical competence, duty, and womanly virtue to a perspective that focused more on effective nursing practice (Hardy, 1978). In many ways, the shift toward science was a welcome change. However, this move was made at the sacrifice of the development of ethics for individual and collective practice, the development of a nurse’s character, the artistic and aesthetic dimensions of practice, and critical attention being paid to injustices in health care practices. The development of knowledge in relation to other patterns of knowing, which was so necessary for practice and so evident in nursing’s work historically, was largely neglected until the early 1990s.
The shift toward science as the basis for developing nursing knowledge was influenced by the involvement of nursing in the two world wars that occurred during the early 20th century. The wars created social circumstances that brought about substantial shifts in roles for women and nurses. During the wars, with many men being away from their homes, women were freed from constraints and learned to manage their responsibilities in accord with their own priorities and preferences. Many women entered the skilled or unskilled labor force during the years when men were away in battle. Women who were nurses were needed to support the war effort by providing care for the sick and wounded. The U.S. government instituted war-related programs to make nursing preparation available to women who agreed to serve in the war (Kalisch & Kalisch, 2003; Kelly & Joel, 2001).
Partly because of the greater demand for technically skilled nurses to serve the war effort, by the decade of World War II, women had begun to enter institutions of higher learning in greater numbers. The early nursing leaders’ vision of nursing education within colleges and universities began to be realized. After the end of World War II, many educational programs were established within institutions of higher learning, and graduate programs for nurses began to appear. Academic institutions required faculty to hold advanced degrees and encouraged them to meet the standards of higher education with regard to providing service to the community, teaching, and performing research. Research standards adhered to the more traditional objectivist criteria of scientific-empiric work, which limited the nature of credible scholarship among academic nurses. Nurse-scientist programs were established to enable nurses to earn doctoral degrees in other disciplines with the idea that the research skills that were learned could then be applied in nursing. As academically based nurses gained skills in the methods of science, conceptual frameworks and other types of theoretic writings began to emerge.
In 1950, Nursing Research was established; this was the first nursing research journal. Books about research methodologies and explicit conceptual frameworks, which were often called “theories of nursing,” began to appear. Early research reports often focused on describing what nurses did rather than the clinical problems of patients. They were less sophisticated with regard to method than the reports of today, but these writings changed and began to reflect the qualities of serious empiric scholarship and investigative skill. Various schools of thought emerged regarding the nature of nursing practice and nursing’s knowledge base, and these provided a fresh flow of ideas that could be examined by members of the profession. These writings provided a stimulus for early efforts to develop theory and, eventually, to broaden knowledge-development efforts.
By the 1960s, doctoral programs in nursing were being established. By the end of the 1970s, the number of doctorally prepared nurses in the United States had grown to nearly 2000. Approximately 20 doctoral programs in nursing had been established, and master’s programs were maturing in academic stature and quality. Master’s programs began focusing on preparing advanced practitioners in nursing rather than on preparing educators and administrators, whereas doctoral programs increasingly focused on the development of nursing knowledge. Early doctoral programs were built on the ideal of the academic research degree, which was typically a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). With the development of advanced educational programs, nurses began to formally consider the processes for the development of nursing knowledge.
Nurse scholars began to debate ideas, points of view, and methods in the light of nursing’s traditions (Hardy, 1978; Leininger, 1976). These debates are reflected in the literature of the late 1960s and the early 1970s (Dickoff & James, 1968, 1971; Dickoff, James, & Wiedenbach, 1968; Ellis, 1968; Folta, 1971; Walker, 1971; Wooldridge, 1971). Fundamental differences in viewpoints regarding nursing science provided nurse scholars with the opportunity to learn, to sharpen critical-thinking skills, and to acquire knowledge about the processes and limitations of science.
As an overt and deliberative focus on knowledge development began to take shape in nursing, a prevailing view emerged of nursing as a service that required a strong base in science. Debates reflected various views of science and metatheory and the preferred methods for producing sound nursing knowledge. Despite the lively debates and substantive issues focused on scientific knowledge, the idea that nursing requires the development of a broad knowledge base that includes all patterns of knowing has never been lost. Even when this broad view was not explicitly mentioned in the debates (as was common during the 1970s), the broad conceptualizations labeled as theories implicitly required multiple ways of knowing. The persistent dominance of science can be attributed in part to academic nurses’ need to gain legitimacy in their university communities and to nurses’ need to achieve political and personal legitimacy within medicine and society in general. Regardless of the societal context, the wholistic focus of nursing has endured.
Early trends in the development of nursing science
Throughout the second half of the 20th century, three major trends contributed to evolving directions in the development of nursing knowledge. These trends, as would be expected, centered on the empiric pattern. However, there are threads of continuity that reflect ethics, aesthetics, personal knowing, and emancipatory knowing, as we show in the sections that follow. Two important trends are (1) the use of theories that have been borrowed from other disciplines, and (2) the development of conceptual frameworks that define nursing.
The use of theories borrowed from other disciplines
As the educational preparation of nurses expanded, theories developed in other disciplines were recognized as also being important for nursing. Problems in nursing practice for which there had seemed to be no ready solution began to be viewed as resolvable if theories and approaches to theory development from other disciplines were applied. For example, nurses recognized that young children needed the continuing love and support of their parents and families during hospitalization. The strict rules of hospitals that severely restricted visitation interrupted these primary family ties. As psychologic theories of attachment and separation developed, nurses found an explanation for the problems experienced by hospitalized children and were able to change visitation practices to provide for sustained contact between parents and children.
Although theories from other disciplines have been useful, nurses also have exercised caution rather than arbitrarily applying these theories. In some instances, the theories of other disciplines do not take into consideration significant factors that influence a nursing situation. For example, some theories of learning that are applicable to classroom learning do not adequately reflect the process of learning when an individual is faced with illness, and they do not deal with the ethical issues that a nurse might face when disclosing sensitive information to a patient. Although borrowed theories may be useful, their usefulness cannot be assumed until they are examined from the perspective of nursing in nursing situations (Barnum, 1998; Walker & Avant, 2004). The trend of using theories from related disciplines may have been an outgrowth of predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowship funding for nurses that began in the mid-1950s. This funding nurtured a cadre of nurse scientists who studied research approaches in fields related to but outside of nursing. After these nurses were educated, they would return to nursing and conduct research, thereby contributing to nursing’s knowledge base.
Development of philosophies and conceptual frameworks that define nursing
As nurses began to reconsider the nature of nursing and the purposes for which nursing exists in the light of science, they began to question many ideas that were taken for granted in nursing and the traditional basis on which nursing was practiced. They wrote and published idealized views of nursing and of the type of knowledge, skills, and background needed for practice. As an ideal view of nursing, these frameworks and philosophies did not arise from practice per se but did reflect a reasonably attainable vision of what nursing could be. Writings of the 1960s and 1970s made significant contributions to the development of theoretic thinking in nursing. Many have been used as a basis for curricula and as guides for practice and research.
Many early nursing conceptual frameworks and philosophies include a description of the nursing process. This process, which is similar to both scientific methods of problem solving and research processes, is a framework for viewing nursing as a deliberate, reflective, critical, and self-correcting system. The nursing process replaced the rule- and principle-oriented approaches that were grounded in a medical model in which the nurse functions as a physician’s assistant. The nursing process relied heavily on what could be assessed through observation. Before there was a focus on the nursing process, unexamined rules and principles were used to guide the nurse in routine hygienic care, the performance of treatment procedures, and the administration of medications to treat disease. Because a rule-oriented approach did not encourage reflective problem solving nor was it consistent with education in institutions of higher education, the shift to the nursing process as a way to approach care encouraged nurses to cultivate basic inquiry skills. Nursing diagnosis, which evolved from the nursing process and began to move nursing away from theoretic dependence on a medical model, was one method for organizing the domain of nursing practice. The early literature regarding nursing diagnosis included both practical and theoretic ideas about developing a taxonomy of nursing diagnoses and testing their validity.
Conceptual frameworks for nursing education and practice proliferated during the 1960s and 1970s. The then-current emphasis on systems theories is evident in the work of Callista Roy, Imogene King, Dorothy Johnson, and Betty Neuman. The movement of psychiatric care into community-based settings after the development of new drugs for the management of psychiatric illness contributed to a theoretic focus on the importance of interpersonal communication; this focus is notable in the work of Hildegard Peplau, Joyce Travelbee, and Ida Jean Orlando. The emergence of chronic disease with the control of communicable disease and a focus on wholism is reflected in Myra Levine’s conservation principles framework as well as in Dorothea Orem’s theoretic writings on self-care. Many nurse scientists who benefited from early funding for doctoral education received training in fields such as sociology and anthropology, in which a focus on the development of broad, grand theories was prominent; this influence is notable in the work of Madeleine Leininger. The conceptual frameworks of Martha Rogers, Rosemarie Parse, and Margaret Newman reflect theoretic perspectives linked to developments in modern physics that moved beyond earlier system concepts of equilibrium.
There was considerable debate about whether the writings of leaders such as Callista Roy, Betty Neuman, Imogene King, and Dorothea Orem and others were to be called “models,” “theories,” or “philosophies.” This debate reflected an underlying acknowledgment that empiric knowledge alone was an inadequate metatheory for practice. How to name these theory-like constructions: theories, conceptual models, theoretic frameworks, conceptual frameworks? This remains a debatable subject, and various terminologies can be found in the contemporary theoretic literature. We have chosen to refer to these broad theory-like structures as conceptual frameworks or theoretic frameworks, and their authors we call theorists. Regardless of labels, nursing practice consistent with these (and other) conceptual frameworks was taught in educational institutions, integrated into practice, and used to guide research. The use of conceptual frameworks cultivated a tacit recognition of the significance of multiple patterns of nursing knowledge. As nurses began to integrate these ideas into practice settings, the actual and potential relationships between nursing’s conceptual frameworks and nursing practice became clearer. Practicing nurses found a new sense of purpose and direction that was consistent with the basic values of nursing, and they also achieved a sense of the increasing effectiveness as a result of systematic and thoughtful forms of nursing practice. Transferring these ideals of practice into the health care setting also served to illuminate the difficulties of finding nursing opportunities in the increasingly competitive health care system. Table 2-1 is a historical chronology of nurse theorists’ work during the latter half of the 20th century.
Chronology and Key Emphases of Early Conceptual Frameworks in Nursing: 1952–1989
Year of First Major Publication | Theorist(s) | Key Emphasis |
1952 | Hildegard E. Peplau | The interpersonal process is a maturing force for the personality |
1960 | Faye G. Abdellah, Irene L. Beland, Almeda Martin, and Ruth V. Matheney | The patient’s problems determine the appropriate nursing care |
1961 | Ida Jean Orlando | The interpersonal process alleviates distress |
1964 | Ernestine Wiedenbach | The helping process meets the patient’s needs through the art of individualizing care |
1966 | Lydia E. Hall | Nursing care involves directing the patient toward self-love |
1966 | Virginia Henderson | Empathic understanding and the knowledge of the nurse help patients move toward independence |
1966 | Joyce Travelbee | The meaning found in an illness determines how people respond |
1967 | Myra E. Levine | Wholism is maintained by conserving integrity |
1970 | Martha E. Rogers | The person and the environment are energy fields that evolve negentropically |
1971 | Dorothea E. Orem | Self-care maintains wholeness |
1971 | Imogene M. King | Transactions provide a frame of reference for goal setting |
1976 | Callista Roy | Stimuli disrupt an adaptive system |
1976 | Josephine G. Paterson and Loretta T. Zderad | Nursing is an existential experience of nurturing |
1978 | Madeleine M. Leininger | Caring is universal and varies transculturally |
1979 | Jean Watson | Caring is a moral ideal that involves mind, body, and soul engagement with another |
1979 | Margaret A. Newman | Disease is a clue to preexisting life patterns |
1980 | Dorothy E. Johnson | Subsystems exist in dynamic stability |
1980 | Betty Neuman | Individuals, as wholistic systems, interact with environmental stressors and resist disintegration by maintaining a normal line of defense |
1981 | Rosemarie Rizzo Parse | Indivisible beings and the environment co-create health |
1982 | Nola Pender | Health-promoting behavior is determined by individual characteristics and experiences as modulated by perceptions as well as interpersonal and situational factors |
1989 | Patricia Benner and Judith Wrubel | Caring is central to the essence of nursing; it sets up what matters, thus enabling connection and concern, and it creates the possibility for mutual helpfulness |

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