The Child with a Fluid and Electrolyte Alteration

The Child with a Fluid and Electrolyte Alteration


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Review of Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances in Children

Characteristics unique to children affect their fluid and electrolyte balance. Infants and young children are more vulnerable than adults to changes in fluid and electrolyte balance. Under normal conditions, the amount of fluid ingested during a day should equal the amount of fluid lost through sensible water loss (e.g., urine output) and insensible water loss (through the respiratory tract and skin). Insensible water loss per unit of body weight is significantly higher in infants and children. The faster respiratory rates of infants and young children also result in higher evaporative water losses. Any condition that prevents normal oral fluid intake (e.g., vomiting) or results in fluid losses (e.g., diarrhea, hyperventilation, burns, hemorrhage) is especially significant because it depletes the body’s store of water and electrolytes much more rapidly in infants and young children than in adults.

Body water is located in two major compartments: within the cell, in the intracellular compartment; and outside the cell, in the extracellular compartment. These two compartments are separated by the cell membrane, across which body fluid is continually exchanged. Extracellular fluid (ECF) is located in several places: in interstitial spaces (surrounding the cells [e.g., lymph fluid]), intravascularly (within the blood vessels or plasma), and transcellularly (e.g., cerebrospinal fluid, pericardial fluid, pleural fluid, synovial fluid, sweat, digestive secretions). A child is more likely to lose ECF than intracellular fluid (ICF). ECF is lost first when fluid loss occurs (e.g., through illness, trauma, fever). The intracellular compartment is more difficult to dehydrate.

In the neonate, approximately 40% of body water is located in the extracellular compartment compared with 20% in the adolescent and adult. In the infant, half of the ECF may be exchanged compared with an adult exchange of one sixth of the ECF in a similar time. Because approximately 50% of this ECF is exchanged daily in an infant, dehydration can occur very suddenly and rapidly if fluid intake is inadequate or fluid losses are excessive. Because of the infant’s higher metabolic rate, the rate of water turnover is rapid. Depletion of ECF, often caused by gastroenteritis, is one of the most common problems among infants and young children. In adults and older children, because a greater proportion of fluid is located in the intracellular compartment, severe fluid depletion does not occur as




Infants and Young Children

Infants and Children

• In comparison with adults, infants and children have a proportionately greater body surface area in relation to body mass, resulting in a greater potential for fluid loss through the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

• Infants and children have a higher proportionate water content (premature infants have 90%, term infants 75% to 80%, preschool children 60% to 65%, and adolescents and adults approximately 55% to 60%), with a larger proportion of fluid in the extracellular space.

• The immune system of infants and children is not as robust as an adult’s immune system, rendering young children more susceptible to infectious diseases, fever, gastroenteritis, and respiratory infections, all of which can result in fluid and electrolyte disturbances and fluid-volume deficit.

• Infants and children are at higher risk because of increased exposure to infections in a daycare or nursery setting.

rapidly. Maturity in body space distribution is usually reached around age 3 years.

Body fluids are basically composed of two elements, water and solutes. Water is the primary constituent, with the infant’s weight being approximately 75% water to the adult’s 55% to 60%. In general, the volume of total body water to total body weight decreases with increasing age. An inverse relationship exists between total body water and total body fat. Compared with adults, neonates, particularly premature infants, have a lower proportion of fat.

Solutes are composed of both electrolytes and nonelectrolytes. Most of the body’s solutes are electrolytes, primarily sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl), calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+). The primary electrolyte of the ECF is sodium; potassium and magnesium are the primary electrolytes in the ICF. The extracellular compartment contains more sodium and chloride during infancy, which increases the vulnerability of infants to electrolyte imbalances. Changes in the concentration of these electrolytes may result in cellular dysfunction and illness. Problems of fluid and electrolyte balance involve both water and electrolytes; thus treatment includes replacement of both, calculated according to serum electrolyte laboratory values.

Alterations in Acid-Base Balance in Children

Alterations in acid-base balance can affect cellular metabolism and enzymatic processes. The body’s ability to regulate this status is crucial. Children can have acid-base imbalance as a result of many pathologic conditions. The pH, or measure of acidity or alkalinity of body fluids, is regulated within a narrow range (normal blood pH is 7.35 to 7.45). Maintenance of serum pH within normal limits is crucial to maintaining cellular function, enzyme activity, and neuromuscular membrane potentials. Chemical buffers, the respiratory system, and the kidneys work together to keep the blood pH within normal range. Acid is constantly produced as a byproduct of metabolism. The body attempts to maintain blood pH within normal limits by reducing the buildup of acid. Chemical and cellular buffer systems minimize the effect of alterations in blood pH by neutralizing excess acids and bases that accumulate in body fluids. Two of the most significant buffers are bicarbonate and proteins. Bicarbonate, the most important buffer for plasma and interstitial fluids, is responsible for most ECF buffering and can exert its effects relatively quickly (within minutes).

When alterations in pH become too much for the buffer systems to handle, compensatory mechanisms in the respiratory and renal systems are activated. The respiratory system works rapidly to compensate for acid-base disturbances. If the blood pH drops below normal (causing acidosis), the respiratory rate and depth will increase, removing carbon dioxide and raising blood pH. Conversely, in the presence of alkalosis, the respiratory rate and depth decrease, thus lowering blood pH.

Kidneys regulate bicarbonate and remove hydrogen ions from the blood. If the blood is too alkaline, the kidneys conserve hydrogen ions, thus lowering blood pH. In the presence of acidosis, the kidneys excrete hydrogen ions and conserve bicarbonate, raising blood pH. Renal compensatory processes work more slowly than respiratory mechanisms—usually within 1 to 2 days. If compensatory mechanisms are ineffective, acid-base imbalances occur. When a dysfunction results in decreased hydrogen ion concentration in the blood, the arterial pH increases (causing alkalosis). When a dysfunction results in an increase in hydrogen ions, the arterial pH decreases (causing acidosis).


Treatment Goals in Acid-Base Imbalance

The treatment of metabolic acid-base disturbance is oriented toward correcting the underlying problem. The treatment of respiratory imbalance is directed toward reestablishing alveolar ventilation.


Hyponatremia (sodium <135 mEq/L) Fever
Increased water intake without electrolytes
Decreased sodium intake
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Burns and wounds
Cystic fibrosis
Renal disease
Vomiting, diarrhea, nasogastric suction
Muscle cramps (especially abdominal)
Hypernatremia (sodium >150 mEq/L) Water loss or deprivation
High sodium intake
Diabetes insipidus
Renal disease
Intense thirst
Agitation, restlessness
Flushed skin
Peripheral and pulmonary edema
Dry, sticky mucous membranes
Nausea and vomiting
Serum sodium 150 mEq/L: disorientation, seizures, hyperirritability when at rest
Hypokalemia (potassium <3.5 mEq/L) Stress
Excessive loss of GI fluids through vomiting, diarrhea, sweat, nasogastric tube
Administration of diuretics (especially furosemide, ethacrynic acid, thiazide diuretics)
IV fluids without added potassium
Administration of corticosteroids
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Muscle weakness, paralysis
Leg cramps
Decreased bowel sounds, nausea
Weak and irregular pulse, tachycardia or bradycardia, cardiac dysrhythmias
Irritability, fatigue
Decreasing blood pressure
Hyperkalemia (potassium >5 mEq/L) Increased intake of potassium (e.g., salt substitutes)
Decreased urine excretion
Kidney failure
Metabolic acidosis
Potassium-sparing diuretics
Dehydration (severe)
Too-rapid IV administration of potassium
Irritability, anxiety, increased restlessness
Twitching, hyperreflexia
Weakness, flaccid paralysis
Nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramps
Bradycardia, irregular pulse
Decreased blood pressure
Cardiac arrest (concern if potassium >8.5 mEq/L)
Apnea, respiratory arrest
Hypocalcemia (calcium <8.5 mg/dL, ionized calcium <4.5 mg/dL) Inadequate intake of calcium
Vitamin D deficiency
Renal insufficiency
Calcium losses (e.g., infection, burns)
Administration of diuretics
Numbness and tingling of fingers, toes, nose, ears, circumoral area
Hyperactive reflexes, seizures
Muscle cramps, tetany
Lethargy and poor feeding in the neonate
Positive Trousseau’s and Chvostek’s signs
Cardiac arrest
Hypercalcemia (calcium >11.0 mg/dL, ionized calcium >5.5 mg/dL) Milk-alkali syndrome (chronic ingestion of calcium carbonate antacids or milk)
Excessive IV or oral calcium administration
Prolonged immobilization
Renal disease
Lethargy, weakness, anorexia
Behavioral changes: confusion, personality change, stupor
Nausea, vomiting, constipation
Bradycardia, cardiac arrest


GI, Gastrointestinal; IV, intravenous; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.


Urine osmolality 24-hr urine collection or random test Altered fluid status 300-900 mOsm/kg
Urine sodium 24-hr urine collection or random urine specimen Altered fluid status, hyponatremia 50-130 mEq/L
Urine specific gravity Random urine specimen Altered fluid status 1.002-1.030
Urea nitrogen Random blood specimen Altered fluid status, renal function 5-18 mg/dL
Serum osmolality Random blood specimen Altered fluid status
Measures solute concentration of blood
275-295 mOsm/kg


None of these studies have any specific nursing considerations, although the nurse may be required to collect and transport the specimen; there is no advance preparation for collection.


Metabolic acidosis Ketoacidosis (DKA, alcohol-induced ketoacidosis)
Increasing metabolic rates from fever, RDS, seizures
Interference with normal metabolism: ketosis, tissue hypoxia
Loss of bicarbonate from diarrhea, ileostomy, or fistula drainage
Acute and chronic renal failure
ECF expansion and decreasing HCO3 concentration
Hyperventilation causes decreased PaCO2 Increasing heart rate, dysrhythmias (fibrillation)
Kussmaul respirations
Cold, clammy skin (mild to moderate acidosis)
Warm, dry skin (severe acidosis)
Level of consciousness changes from weakness, fatigue, and confusion to stupor and coma
Identify and treat the underlying disorder
Provide NaHCO3, K+ replacement, and mechanical ventilation as indicated
Metabolic alkalosis Volume depletion related to various conditions (vomiting, pyloric stenosis, gastric drainage, and diuretics)
Increased alkali intake
Medical conditions (cystic fibrosis)
Hypoventilation causes increased PaCO2 Dysrhythmias (atrioventricular with prolonged QT interval)
Increasing heart rate
Decreased respiratory rate and depth
Change in level of consciousness from apathy and confusion to stupor
Muscular weakness
Treatment depends on underlying cause; mild to moderate alkalosis usually does not require treatment
Use of fluids with NaCl and KCl, along with isotonic saline solution, an H2-receptor antagonist (e.g., cimetidine) to decrease gastric hydrochloric acid, acidifying agents, and potassium-sparing diuretics (e.g., spironolactone [Aldactone], mannitol)
Respiratory acidosis Pulmonary disease (BPD, RDS, asthma, cystic fibrosis, croup)
Airway obstruction
Chest conditions (flail chest, pneumothorax)
Acute and chronic respiratory failure
Neuromuscular abnormalities (Guillain-Barré syndrome, toxins, drugs, paralysis)
CNS depression from sedative overdose, trauma, anesthesia
Release of HCO3 and increased renal reabsorption of HCO3 and acid excretion Increasing heart rate
Dysrhythmias with hypotension
Increasing rate and depth of respirations, forceful use of accessory muscles with retraction and cyanosis
Increasing intracranial pressure
Correction of ventilation problem: use of oxygen, intubation, mechanical ventilation, NaHCO3
Respiratory alkalosis Hyperventilation from CNS stimulation such as emotions, fear, hysteria, pain, salicylate poisoning
Decreased lung compliance and hypoxemia from conditions such as pulmonary edema, HF, pneumonia, asthma, pulmonary emboli
Compensation from metabolic acidosis
Decreased renal reabsorption of HCO3 Dizziness, paresthesias, lightheadedness, diaphoresis
Dysrhythmias (changes in ST-T wave)
Mild to moderate respiratory alkalosis usually does not require specific treatment
For hyperventilation-induced conditions, provide oxygen, rebreathing oxygen masks, breathing into a paper bag, psychological reassurance
Institute mechanical ventilation if condition is severe
Give sedatives or tranquilizers for anxiety-induced condition, acetazolamide to prevent motion sickness


BPD, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia; HF, heart failure; CNS, central nervous system; DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; ECF,extracellular fluid; HCO3, bicarbonate; K+, potassium; KCl, potassium chloride; NaCl, sodium chloride; NaHCO3, sodium bicarbonate; Paco2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome.

Important items to remember when acid-base compensation occurs:


Dehydration, or fluid loss in excess of fluid intake, is one of the most common causes of hospitalization in infants and children because it results from occurrences of severe gastroenteritis, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality (Diggins, 2008). Decreased fluid intake or increased fluid loss may cause dehydration. Dehydration produces both fluid and electrolyte deficiencies. Dehydration is classified as isonatremic, hyponatremic, or hypernatremic (Table 40-1), according to the status of the serum sodium concentration. In isonatremic dehydration, the most common type of dehydration in children, water and electrolytes are lost in approximately the same proportion as they exist in the body, and serum sodium levels remain within the normal range of 138 to 145 mEq/L. In hyponatremic dehydration, the electrolyte loss is greater than the water loss, resulting in a serum sodium concentration of less than 135 mEq/L. In hypernatremic dehydration, the water loss is greater than the electrolyte loss and the serum sodium concentration is more than 150 mEq/L.

TABLE 40-1


Vomiting, diarrhea, insensible fluid loss from respiratory and integumentary systems
Decreased oral intake with increased activity
Renal Losses
Diuretics, hyperglycemia, nephritis, adrenal insufficiency
Extrarenal Losses
Vomiting, diarrhea, third spacing, burns, tube drainage
HF, SIADH, nephrosis; administration of large amounts of electrolyte-free solutions (plain water) during illness or postoperatively
Renal Losses
Osmotic diuretics, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus
Extrarenal Losses
Vomiting, diarrhea
Fever, increased sodium in formula, diet, or tube feeding; administration of hypertonic sodium IV fluids; burns; ineffective breastfeeding
Clinical Manifestations
Mild thirst
Skin turgor poor
Dry skin
Decreased urine output
Dry mucous membranes
Skin temperature cold
Body temperature afebrile or febrile
Increased thirst
Skin turgor very poor
Skin usually clammy
Decreased urine output
Mucous membranes dry to slightly moist
Skin temperature cold
Body temperature afebrile or febrile
Very lethargic, possible seizures
Thirst very increased
Skin turgor fair
Skin texture thickened or “doughy”
Decreased urine output
Mucous membranes parched
Skin temperature cold or hot
Body temperature afebrile or febrile
Lethargic, hyperirritable with stimulation
Laboratory Values
Serum sodium: 138-145 mEq/L Renal Losses
Serum sodium <135 mEq/L
Plasma osmolality decreased
Renal Losses
Serum sodium >150 mEq/L
Urine Sodium usually within normal limits
Specific gravity slightly elevated
Osmolality usually within normal limits
Volume usually within normal limits or slightly decreased
Urine sodium increased
Urine specific gravity decreased
Urine osmolality decreased
Urine volume increased
Urine sodium increased
Urine specific gravity decreased
Urine osmolality decreased
Urine volume increased
  Extrarenal Losses
Serum sodium <135 mEq/L
Urine sodium decreased
Urine specific gravity increased
Urine osmolality increased
Urine volume decreased
Extrarenal Losses
Serum sodium >150 mEq/L
Urine sodium decreased
Urine specific gravity increased
Urine osmolality increased
Urine volume decreased
Serum sodium <135 mEq/L
Urine sodium decreased
Urine specific gravity increased
Urine osmolality increased
Urine volume decreased
Serum sodium >150 mEq/L
Urine sodium decreased
Urine specific gravity increased
Urine osmolality increased
Urine volume decreased


HF, Heart failure; IV, intravenous; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.

Data from Greenbaum, L. (2007). Electrolyte and acid base disorders. In R. Behrman, R. Kliegman, H. Jenson, et al. (Eds.), Nelson textbook of pediatrics (18th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders.

Etiology and Incidence

Dehydration has many varied causes. Common alterations that may lead to dehydration reflect disturbances in the following systems:

Any age-group can be affected, but neonates and infants, as discussed previously, are especially vulnerable to the effects of dehydration. Gastroenteritis with resulting dehydration accounts for 1.5 million deaths worldwide in children and is the second leading cause of death globally in children (Bhutta, 2011).


Classifications of the severity of dehydration vary according to the published source. In general, for infants and young children with isonatremic dehydration, the fluid deficit is described as mild, moderate, or severe dehydration, depending on the percentage of body weight lost (Greenbaum, 2011; Yu, Lougee, & Murno, 2010):

One milliliter of body fluid is approximately equal to 1 g of body weight, so a weight loss or gain of 1 kg (2.2 lb) in 24 hours represents a 1-L fluid loss or gain.

Older children have a lower total body water content and ECF volume than do infants and younger children. Therefore, an equivalent percentage of body weight lost from dehydration represents a more severe fluid depletion in the older child. Isonatremic dehydration in the older child is classified as mild if less than 3% of body weight is lost, moderate if 3% to 6% of body weight is lost, and severe if more than 6% of body weight is lost (Greenbaum, 2011).

The signs and symptoms associated with degree of isonatremic dehydration are listed in Table 40-2. As with impending shock, the most essential manifestations are changes in heart rate; general appearance, behavior, or sensorium; urine output; skin and mucous membrane qualities; and, in infants, fontanels. Sunken eyes and decreased tears are definitive signs of dehydration (Goldman, Friedman, & Parkin, 2008), but lack of tears is not an accurate sign in very young infants, who may not produce tears until approximately 2 to 3 months of age.


Signs of Impending Shock in the Dehydrated Child

Because of the child’s ability to compensate and maintain an adequate cardiac output, changes in heart rate, sensorium, and skin color are earlier indicators of impending shock than is blood pressure.

TABLE 40-2


Weight loss <3% <5%-10% >10%
Vital signs      
Pulse Normal Normal to increased, weak Tachycardic, bradycardic in most severe cases; thready
Respiratory rate Normal Normal to fast Rapid and deep
Blood pressure Normal Normal Markedly decreased as a sign of hypovolemic shock
General appearance Well, alert; drinks normally, might refuse liquids Fatigued, restless, irritable; thirsty and eager to drink Apathetic, lethargic, unconscious; drinks poorly or unable to drink
Mucous membranes Normally moist Dry Parched
Anterior fontanel Normal Sunken Markedly depressed
Eyes Normal, tears present Slightly sunken, tears decreased Markedly sunken, tears absent
Capillary refill <2 sec; extremities feel warm Prolonged; extremities cool Prolonged, minimal; extremities cold; mottled or cyanotic
Skin turgor (see Figure 40-1) Normal Prolonged recoil Tenting
Urine output Mildly decreased Decreased, concentrated urine Minimal

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