Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride

Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride

(tet rah hi draz’ oh leen)


OTC ophthalmic preparation: Altazine Irritation Relief, Altazine, Moisture Relief, Murine Plus, Opti-Clear, Optigene 3, Visine, Visine AC, Visine Advanced Relief, Visine Maximum Redness Relief, Visine Totally Multisymptom Relief


Drug Classes

Alpha agonist

Nasal decongestant

Ophthalmic decongestant

Ophthalmic vasoconstrictor and mydriatic

Therapeutic Actions

Acts directly on alpha receptors to produce vasoconstriction of arterioles in nasal passages, which produces a decongestant response; no effect on beta receptors; dilates pupils; increases flow of aqueous humor, vasoconstricts in eyes.


  • Intranasal: Symptomatic relief of nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosal congestion due to the common cold, hay fever, or other respiratory allergies

  • Ophthalmic: Temporary relief of redness, burning, and irritation due to dryness of the eye or discomfort due to minor irritations or to exposure to wind or sun

Available Forms

Nasal solution—0.05%, 0.1%; nasal spray—0.1%; ophthalmic solution—0.5%




2–4 drops of 0.1% solution in each nostril three to four times/day; or 3–4 sprays in each nostril every 4 hr as needed. Never use more frequently than every 3 hr.


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Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride

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