Terbutaline Sulfate

Terbutaline Sulfate

(ter byoo’ ta leen)


Drug Classes


Beta2-selective adrenergic agonist



Tocolytic drug

Therapeutic Actions

In low doses, acts relatively selectively at beta2-adrenergic receptors to cause bronchodilation and relax the pregnant uterus; at higher doses, beta2 selectivity is lost and the drug acts at beta1 receptors to cause typical sympathomimetic cardiac effects.


  • Prophylaxis and treatment of bronchial asthma and reversible bronchospasm that may occur with bronchitis and emphysema in patients 12 yr and older

  • Unlabeled use: Tocolytic to prevent preterm labor

Available Forms

Tablets—2.5, 5 mg; injection—1 mg/mL


Adults and patients older than 15 yr


5 mg PO tid at 6-hr intervals during waking hours. If side effects are pronounced, reduce to 2.5 mg tid. Do not exceed 15 mg/day.


0.25 mg subcutaneously into lateral deltoid area. If no significant improvement in 15–30 min, give another 0.25-mg dose. Do not exceed 0.5 mg/4 hr. If patient fails to respond to second 0.25-mg dose within 15–30 min, other therapeutic measures should be considered.

Pediatric patients


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Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Terbutaline Sulfate

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