Chapter 5. Temperature measurement
Temperature measurement is one of the clinical observations, along with blood pressure, pulse and respiration rate, that is part of the activity known as ‘doing the obs’. Together these observations provide valuable information about how well the body is adjusting to the clinical situation. The body as an organism needs to be able to maintain the appropriate temperature in whatever conditions it is situated. The measurement of the internal temperature is an important guide to the body’s reaction to external conditions but also an indicator of the presence of internal problems, such as infection. The midwife needs to know how to measure temperature in the woman and the neonate, and to understand the significance of the observation.
Consider the following scenario in relation to the measurement of temperature and what you need to know to help you interpret the situation.
Julia had a caesarean section 2 days ago and was breastfeeding her baby. She was taking iron tablets for anaemia and analgesia for her wound, which was quite painful. Jessica, the student midwife, recorded Julia’s temperature. It was 37.8°C. ‘Is it normal?’ Julia asked.
You may have thought of the following questions:
■ What is the normal body temperature in adults and in neonates?
■ How is temperature measured?
■ How is temperature recorded?
■ What does it mean if temperature falls outside the normal range?
■ What factors may cause an abnormal reading?
■ How might a caesarean section affect temperature?
■ Does breastfeeding cause maternal temperature fluctuations?
■ Should the student inform the woman if her temperature is abnormal?
■ What else should the student do if she discovers an abnormal temperature? 

Background physiology
Normal body temperature in adults
The normal core temperature in adults is 37°C. The core temperature is that of the brain and abdominal and chest organs (Johnson & Taylor 2006) and should remain constant despite changes in the external environment. Peripheral temperature fluctuates depending on the temperature of the external environment and there may be approximately 1°C difference between core and peripheral temperature (Blows 2001). The body seeks to maintain a core temperature of 37°C as this is optimum for the activity of the enzymes that regulate biochemical changes and physiological functions (Coad 2006).
Maintaining this optimum temperature is therefore a balance between heat production and heat dissipation. Heat is produced during cellular metabolism, particularly in the liver and muscle cells (Blows 2001) and is dissipated via the blood to the peripheries of the body. Temperature receptors in the skin detect changes in temperature and send nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus in the brain. The hypothalamus also detects the temperature of the blood directly, as do sensors in some internal organs, the spinal cord and major blood vessels (Guyton & Hall 2007). The hypothalamus activates changes necessary to maintain the core temperature at 37°C.
When core temperature exceeds 38°C, this is termed pyrexia (Mallik et al. 1998). If the temperature rises above 37°C the sympathetic nervous system is activated and sweating or diaphoresis is induced, enabling the body to cool by a process of evaporation. Dilation of the peripheral skin vessels results in blood being brought closer to the skin surface and heat is lost through radiation. Voluntary acts, like shedding clothes or drinking, are also activated.
Heat loss can be summarized as follows:
■ Radiation – Heat transfer from hot object to cooler environment
■ Evaporation – Escape of water and heat from the surface of a body
■ Convection – Displacement of cooler air by rising hot air
■ Conduction – Heat transfer from hot to cold touching objects.
Physiology in relation to pregnancy
Pregnant women often have warm hands and feet, due to a seven-fold increase in blood flow to the extremities (Coad 2006). The basal metabolic rate is raised, resulting in increased heat generation of up to 35% (Johnson & Taylor 2006) and an increase in maternal temperature of 0.5°C. Following childbirth temperature can be elevated to 38°C for 24 hours and this may be attributed to dehydration (McKinney et al 2000). Maternal temperature may also rise on the second or third days postnatally, when milk production begins and persists for a few days (Johnson & Taylor 2006).
Neonatal temperature regulation
A temperature of up to 37.2°C is acceptable for a baby in a neonatal unit or postnatal ward. A temperature below 36.5°C is considered hypothermic (Baston & Durward 2001). Coad (2006) describes how heat transfer is affected by two gradients: the internal gradient involves heat transfer from the core to the surface of the baby and the external gradient involves heat transfer from the body surface to the environment. Heat is lost rapidly at birth as the external environment is cooler than the uterus. The baby is also wet with amniotic fluid, evaporation of which leads to rapid cooling. Neonates have a high surface area to body weight ratio. The surface area from which they can lose heat is much larger than the body mass that can generate heat. They have less subcutaneous fat than adults, which means that their blood vessels are nearer the skin surface facilitating rapid transfer of heat from the core to the skin surface. The head is particularly prone to heat loss, comprising 25% of the neonate’s surface area (Stables 2005).
The neonate can generate heat in response to a drop in environmental temperature. Brown adipose tissue (BAT), a highly vascular tissue packed with mitochondria, is stimulated to produce heat following the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline from the sympathetic nervous system. This form of thermogenesis is known as ‘non-shivering thermogenesis’ (NST) dependent on sufficient supplies of oxygen and glucose. The neonate’s natural attitude of flexion also helps prevent heat loss (Burroughs & Leifer 2001). Allowing the neonate to become cool is potentially lethal. A cold baby will utilize stores of glucose and increase its oxygen consumption in an attempt to increase its basal metabolic rate (BMR) through the metabolism of BAT. Eventually this process may result in low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) and lack of oxygen to the tissues (hypoxia) leading to a lowering of blood pH (acidosis). The fatty acids released by the metabolism of brown fat can also interfere with the transportation of bilirubin to the liver resulting in hyperbilirubinaemia (McKinney et al 2000). The neonate is less well equipped to lose heat purposefully, peripheral vasodilatation being the main source of heat loss (Coad 2006). Although the neonate has sweat glands they are immature and limited in their capability to increase heat loss by evaporation.
National guidance
The National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services (Department of Health 2004) stipulates the provision of individualized, woman-centred care which entails using appropriate observations for the appropriate situation. Further, there is the requirement for midwives to be able to recognize when a woman needs referral to other practitioners within the multi-professional team.
There is no specific guidance relating to pulse and respiration in the NICE guidelines for antenatal care (NICE 2008). In the NICE intrapartum guideline (NICE 2007) a woman’s temperature should be taken as an observation when labour is suspected and then should be observed 4-hourly throughout labour and again after the birth. The baby’s temperature should be recorded soon after the first hour of birth, after the baby has enjoyed skin to skin contact with his mother.
The postnatal care guideline (NICE 2006:12) states that:
In the absence of any signs and symptoms of infection, routine assessment of temperature is unnecessary.
■ Temperature should be taken and documented if infection is suspected. If the temperature is above 38°C, repeat measurement in 4–6 hours.
■ If the temperature remains above 38°C on the second reading or there are other observable symptoms and measurable signs of sepsis, evaluate further (emergency action).
There are also guidelines for the care of babies:
■ They should have a temperature of 37°C in a normal room environment.
■ The temperature of a baby does not need to be taken, unless there are specific risk factors, for example maternal pyrexia during labour.
■ When a baby is suspected of being unwell, the temperature should be measured using electronic devices that have been properly calibrated and are used appropriately.
■ A temperature of 38°C or more is abnormal and the cause should be evaluated (emergency action). A full assessment, including physical examination, should be undertaken.
Professional guidelines
The midwives rules (NMC 2004b:16) also cover the responsibility of midwives (Rule 6) to recognize deviation from normal in the woman or baby and to refer such cases to an appropriate health professional.
Site for temperature measurement
Choosing the most appropriate site for measurement of temperature must take into account the age, compliance and condition of the client and the instrument to be used.
Oral site
This has been the most common site of choice for clinical practice. However, it is not appropriate for clients who feel nauseous, are at risk of fainting or fitting, in pain or uncooperative. It is therefore unsuitable during labour and for babies and young children. The thermometer should be placed in the sublingual pocket (under the tongue at either side). Readings may be affected by recent hot or cold drinks and 15 minutes should be allowed to elapse if this site is chosen.
With the development of electronic thermometers the use of the ear as a site has become more common. It is a generally acceptable site for all people, however there are mixed results reported from respective research on the accuracy of this method for both adults and children (Purssell 2007).
This is the most appropriate site for taking the neonate’s temperature. The thermometer should be positioned under the axilla, perpendicular to the chest wall and the arm held in place for the required length of time, depending on the manufacturer’s guidelines for the type of thermometer in use. Any procedure involving the baby should avoid undue removal of clothing. The axilla is also the site of choice in clients whose condition renders them unable to tolerate an oral thermometer (see above) or who may inadvertently bite it.
Rectal site
This site for temperature estimation is not recommended for routine practice due to the potential risk of trauma to the rectal mucosa in babies and embarrassment in adults.
There are a range of tools to enable the practitioner to measure temperature. Table 5.1 summarizes the site and method for each tool. The traditional glass and mercury thermometer is no longer in professional use. However, they may still be in use in the home, and practitioners should remind parents of the risks and hazards associated with glass breakage and mercury spillage.
Device | Site | Method | Considerations |
Electronic | Oral, axilla |