Pulse and respiration

Chapter 6. Pulse and respiration


The assessment of pulse and respiration within clinical practice is often referred to as ‘doing the obs’. But this phrase, whilst in common usage, does sound very simple and fails to convey the significance of these basic, yet essential vital signs. The importance of these assessments is sometimes unrecognized and delay in acting upon abnormal results can severely compromise maternal and child health and wellbeing (Lewis 2007). Of the reported maternal deaths due to genital tract sepsis during the triennium 2003–2005, suboptimal care was identified in 70% of the cases, with a number of practitioners either not recognizing or failing to act upon signs and symptoms of infection such as raised pulse and respiratory rate (Lewis 2007).

This chapter will focus upon the assessment of pulse and respiration within midwifery practice, based upon a scenario. The background physiology of heart rate and respiration will be discussed and the physiology in relation to pregnancy will be explored. Using the framework within this book, the procedure will be described and then the ‘jigsaw model’ will be used to consider relevant issues.

Background physiology of the pulse

During each cardiac cycle, as the left ventricle of the heart contracts, a wave of pressure is transmitted through the arterial system causing expansion and recoil of the arteries (Tortora 2005). This can be palpated, with the fingertips, in arteries lying close to the surface of the skin as a wave-like sensation called a pulse (Tortora & Grabowski 2003). The pulse can be palpated as being strongest in the arteries closer to the heart, becoming weaker as it passes through the arterioles and disappearing as it reaches the capillaries (Tortora & Grabowski 2003).

Each pulse corresponds to a beat of the heart and when assessing the pulse, midwives should note the:

■ rate

■ rhythm and

■ amplitude.

In order to understand how the heart responds to these different circumstances, it is necessary to understand the terms heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output.

■ Heart rate is the number of beats of the heart over a period of 1 minute.

■ Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped out of the ventricle by each contraction of the heart.

■ Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped out of the heart in 1 minute.

So, cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate.

At rest, the normal pulse rate for an adolescent and an adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm) (Dougherty & Lister 2006), whilst a newborn baby may have a pulse rate of over 120 beats per minute (Tortora & Grabowski 2003). During exercise, the body requires increased amounts of oxygen and nutrients so the heart must increase the rate at which it beats to increase cardiac output. Even before exercise occurs anticipatory changes may be noted as the limbic system generates anticipatory nerve impulses to the cardiovascular centre in the medulla, causing a rise in pulse rate. Once exercise begins the sensory receptors monitoring movement, blood chemistry and blood pressure send an increased frequency of nerve impulses to the cardiovascular centre and a rapid rise in pulse rate can be observed (Tortora & Grabowski 2003). If the circulating blood volume drops (hypovolaemia), for example during either an ante- or postpartum haemorrhage, the stroke volume declines and the blood pressure falls and in order to maintain cardiac output the heart must increase the rate at which it beats.

A number of chemicals, hormones and cations influence heart rate and the physiology of the cardiac muscle. Hypoxia, acidosis and alkalosis all depress cardiac activity (Tortora & Grabowski 2003) whereas the hormones adrenaline and thyroxine increase heart rate. Several cations are essential for the initiation and maintenance of action potentials in nerve and muscle fibres and an imbalance of ions can quickly compromise cardiac output. Elevated blood levels of sodium and potassium decrease the heart rate whereas elevated levels of calcium increase the heart rate (Tortora & Grabowski 2003, Tortora 2005).

Physical factors which influence the resting heart rate include age, gender, body temperature and physical fitness (Tortora & Grabowski 2003). Adult females have been noted to have a slightly higher resting pulse than adult males (Tortora & Grabowski 2003).

Bradycardia is the term used to describe a resting heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute. A bradycardia may be noted when the body temperature is low, as a result of certain drugs or if the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated. A bradycardia may also be observed in athletes who are physically and cardiovascularly well conditioned. As a result of increased stroke volume due to hypertrophy of the heart, the athlete’s heart rate must be lower to maintain cardiac output.

The pulse rhythm is the sequence of beats (Dougherty & Lister 2006) and in a healthy individual this should be regular. Defects in the conduction system of the heart could cause uncoordinated contraction of the heart which could result in an irregular pulse.

The strength of a pulse reflects the elasticity of the arterial wall. If a woman is hypovolaemic, the greater the reduction in circulating blood volume, the more weak and thready the pulse will feel. A strong and bounding pulse may be an indication of infection (Trim 2004).

Background physiology of respiration

Respiration is the process of gas exchange within the body; oxygen is supplied to body cells to enable them to carry out their vital functions whilst carbon dioxide is removed. From a clinical perspective, the respiration rate is the number of breaths per minute.

When assessing respirations midwives should note the:

■ rate

■ rhythm and

■ depth.

During respiration three events must occur; pulmonary ventilation, external respiration and internal respiration. Pulmonary ventilation, or breathing, is the movement of air into (inspiration) and out of (expiration) the lungs. The pressure changes within the lungs and thoracic cavity during inspiration and expiration result in the flow of gases to equalize pressure (Tortora & Grabowski 2003, Richardson 2006). Just before inspiration, the air pressure inside the lungs is equal to the pressure in the atmosphere so, for air to move into the lungs, the pressure inside the lungs must become lower than atmospheric pressure. This is achieved by increasing the volume of the lungs. As the lungs are tightly adherent to the diaphragm and thoracic wall, an increase in the volume of the thoracic cavity will result in an increase in the volume of the lungs. The volume of the thoracic cavity increases due to contraction of the dome-shaped diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles. Contraction of the diaphragm makes the diaphragm flatten, increasing the vertical dimension of the thoracic cavity (Tortora and Grabowski 2003, Richardson 2006). This is accompanied with contraction of the muscles lying between the ribs, the external intercostal muscles. This causes the rib cage to rise up and move outwards, increasing the front to back and side to side dimensions of the thoracic cavity (Tortora & Grabowski 2003, Dougherty & Lister 2004, Tortora 2005). The air in the lungs now has a larger area to fill and so the pressure falls and air flows into the lungs until the pressure in the lungs (intrapulmonary pressure) equals the atmospheric pressure.

Control of respiration

The rhythm of normal, quiet breathing is set by the respiratory control centre, located in the medulla oblongata of the brainstem and respiration usually occurs without conscious effort. The inspiratory area of the respiratory control centre contains neurones responsible for inspiration and expiration and it is the nervous impulses generated within this area which control the rhythm of breathing. A respiratory cycle, that is inspiration followed by expiration, is usually five seconds, giving a normal respiratory rate for an adult of approximately 12 breaths per minute.

This basic rhythm would suffice if individuals were to remain at rest, however, in order to meet the changing demands of the body, there are a number of nervous and chemical factors which affect the respiratory centre altering the rate and depth of respiration.

Anticipation of activity, emotion, pain and fear can all cause stimulation of the limbic system which results in excitatory input to the inspiratory area, increasing the rate and depth of breathing (Tortora 2005). This increase is referred to as tachypnoea. An increase in body temperature increases the rate of respiration by about seven breaths per minute for every one degree raise in body temperature as the body tries to regulate its temperature and cool down (Dougherty & Lister 2004) whereas a decrease in body temperature is accompanied by a decrease in respiratory rate, bradypnoea (Tortora & Grabowski 2003, Tortora 2005). Opiate narcotics can also cause a decrease in respiratory rate as the action of the respiratory centre within the medulla oblongata is depressed (Dougherty & Lister 2004) whilst stimulants such as caffeine and amphetamines can cause tachypnoea (Richardson 2003).

The function of the respiratory system is to maintain the correct levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and body fluids to meet the demands of the body. If there are changes to these levels sensory neurones called chemoreceptors are stimulated. If there is even just a slight increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood the chemoreceptors send nervous impulses to the brain which causes the inspiratory area to become more active, increasing the rate of respiration. The body expels more carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide level is lowered back to normal levels and the respiratory rate returns to normal. Similarly, if the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal the chemoreceptors and the neurones in the inspiratory area are not stimulated and the rate of respiration slows down until the level of carbon dioxide in the blood returns to normal (Tortora 2005).

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in MIDWIFERY | Comments Off on Pulse and respiration

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