Pelvic shape and potential problems
Pelvic shape and potential problems The shape of a woman’s pelvis can affect fetal delivery. Her pelvis is described as one of four types. Android pelvis In an android pelvis,…
Pelvic shape and potential problems The shape of a woman’s pelvis can affect fetal delivery. Her pelvis is described as one of four types. Android pelvis In an android pelvis,…
Diagonal conjugate measurement The diagonal conjugate is measured while the woman is in the lithotomy position. Two fingers of the examining hand are placed in the vagina and pressed inward…
Assessing fundal height during pregnancy Measuring the height of the uterus above the symphysis pubis reflects the progress of fetal growth and provides a gross estimate of the duration of…
Pregnancy abbreviation systems Typically, an abbreviation system is used to summarize a woman’s pregnancy information. Although many variations exist, a common abbreviation system consists of five lettersāGTPAL. Gravida = the…
Physiologic adaptations to pregnancy Cardiovascular system Cardiac hypertrophy Displacement of the heart Increased blood volume and heart rate Supine hypotension Increased fibrinogen and hemoglobin levels Decreased hematocrit Gastrointestinal system Gum…
Formidable findings When performing the health history and assessment, the following findings may increase the pregnant woman’s risk for complications. Demographic factors Maternal age younger than 16 or older than…
Taking an obstetric history When taking a pregnant patient’s obstetric history, be sure to ask her about: genital tract anomalies medications used during this pregnancy history of hepatitis, pelvic inflammatory…
Tips for a successful interview Here are some tips for obtaining an accurate and thorough patient history. Location Pregnancy is too private to be discussed in public areas, such as…
Pregnancy signs This table organizes signs of pregnancy into three categories: presumptive, probable, and positive. Sign Time from implantation (in weeks) Other possible causes Presumptive Breast changes (including feelings of…