Air-Fluidized Therapy Bed use

Jul 21, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Air-Fluidized Therapy Bed use

Air-Fluidized Therapy Bed use Originally designed for managing burns, the air-fluidized therapy bed is now used for patients with various debilities. By allowing harmless contact between the bed’s surface and…

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Airborne Precautions

Jul 21, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Airborne Precautions

Airborne Precautions Airborne precautions, used in addition to standard precautions, prevent the spread of infectious droplet nuclei (small particles that become suspended in the air and disperse over long distances…

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Advance Directives

Jul 21, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Advance Directives

Advance Directives The Patient Self-Determination Act1 requires health care facilities to provide information about the patient’s right to choose and refuse treatment. An advance directive is a legal document used…

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Admixture of Drugs in a Syringe

Jul 21, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Admixture of Drugs in a Syringe

Admixture of Drugs in a Syringe Combining two drugs in one syringe avoids the discomfort of two injections. Usually, drugs can be mixed in a syringe in one of four…

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Jul 21, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Admission

Admission Admission to the nursing unit prepares the patient for his stay in the health care facility. Whether the admission is scheduled or follows emergency treatment, effective admission procedures should…

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Abdominal Paracentesis, Assisting

Jul 21, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Abdominal Paracentesis, Assisting

Abdominal Paracentesis, Assisting As a bedside procedure, abdominal paracentesis involves the aspiration of fluid from the peritoneal space through a needle or trocar and cannula inserted in the abdominal wall….

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