Relaxation Jeanne Anselmo Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Learn the definitions of relaxation and selfregulation. Compare and contrast different relaxation exercises. List the body-mind-spirit changes that accompany profound relaxation. Clinical Describe…
Humor, Laughter, and Play
Humor, Laughter, and Play Patty Wooten Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Define humor, laughter, and play, and explain how they interrelate. Describe the psychosocial and physiologic benefits of laughter and play….
Exercise and Movement
Exercise and Movement Francie Halderman Christina Jackson Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Differentiate among exercise, fitness, and movement. Discuss the benefits of exercise and movement both in illness and in health….
Self-Reflection Jackie D. Levin Jennifer L. Reich Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Define the concept of self-reflection. Define reflective practice. Discuss theories integral to self-reflection: Newman, Rogers, Barrett, Watson, Dossey, and…
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Eileen M. Stuart-Shor Carol L. Wells-Federman Esther Seibold Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Define cognitive behavioral therapy. Identify the three main principles of cognitive behavioral therapy. Discuss the…
Facilitating Change: Motivational Interviewing and Appreciative Inquiry
Facilitating Change: Motivational Interviewing and Appreciative Inquiry Mary Elaine Southard Linda Bark Darlene R. Hess Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Describe each of the four guiding principles of motivational interviewing (MI)….
Self-Assessments Barbara Montgomery Dossey Susan Luck Bonney Gulino Schaub Lynn Keegan Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Explore the Healthy People 2020 initiative and its application for holistic nurses. Examine the Integrative…
Nurse Coaching
Nurse Coaching Barbara Montgomery Dossey Susan Luck Bonney Gulino Schaub Darlene R. Hess Note: The authors would like to acknowledge Mary Elaine Southard and Linda Bark for their collaborative work…