Perspectives on Future Research

Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Perspectives on Future Research

Perspectives on Future Research Ruth Lindquist Yeoungsuk Song Mariah Snyder Nursing’s commitment to the generation of high-quality, cost-effective patient outcomes requires that a sound scientific basis for practice be established….

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Integrating Complementary Therapies Into Nursing Practice

Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Integrating Complementary Therapies Into Nursing Practice

Integrating Complementary Therapies Into Nursing Practice Elizabeth L. Pestka Susanne M. Cutshall Complementary therapies are increasingly being offered across the continuum of health care. Nurses are essential for maximizing use…

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Integrating Complementary Therapies Into Education

Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Integrating Complementary Therapies Into Education

Integrating Complementary Therapies Into Education Carie A. Braun Nursing curricula are constantly evolving to improve patient care quality and keep pace with the ever-changing health care environment. The challenge to…

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Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Introduction

Introduction Consideration of complementary therapies has moved from specific therapies to integrating these procedures into the fabric of practice, education, and research. Nurses have taken the lead in that integration….

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Magnet Therapy

Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Magnet Therapy

Magnet Therapy Corjena K. Cheung Magnets have been used for healing purposes for centuries in many countries such as China, Egypt, Greece, and India. They are mentioned in the oldest…

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Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Reflexology

Reflexology Thora Jenny Gunnarsdottir Reflexology is a complex complementary alternative therapy used globally for symptom management and for increasing well-being. In reflexology, the whole body has been mapped out in…

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Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Acupressure

Acupressure Pamela Weiss-Farnan Touch has been central to the practice of nursing since its inception. This chapter describes a form of touch—and its application in nursing care—known in traditional Chinese…

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Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Reiki

Reiki Debbie Ringdahl Reiki is an energy-healing method that can be used as an integrative therapy for a broad range of acute and chronic health problems. Increasingly, it is gaining…

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Healing Touch

Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Healing Touch

Healing Touch Alexa W. Umbreit All cultures, both ancient and modern, have developed some form of touch therapy as part of people’s desire to heal and care for one another….

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Light Therapy

Jul 14, 2016 by in NURSING Comments Off on Light Therapy

Light Therapy Niloufar Niakosari Hadidi This chapter provides a definition and overview of light therapy, its history, cultural applications, and scientific basis. It further expands on the use of light…

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